9 Questions (I got tagged)

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So then, I'm going to be honest on what's going on here. I have no clue what this is... I just woke up and looked at my phone and it had a bunch of notifications for new stories to read and that I was tagged in two stories. I read what's going on and I'm just going to roll with it. Oh well, hope you guys enjoy.

I got tagged by TheMarauders25 and whatnotchloe. Thank you for tagging me. So all I got to do is answer these nine questions? Alrighty let do this!!

Q#1: Favorite Song?
This is kinda hard, but at the same time it's not... I like a bunch of music, scratch that, I like all music. Well, except for rap and stuff like that... oh well. I'll just mention a few of my favorites.
*Na Na Na (Na Na Na) by My Chemical Romance
*Radioactive by Imagine Dragons
*We Are Giants by Lindsey Stirling *We're Not Gonna Take It by Twisted Sister
*Paradise by Coldplay
.......and many, many more.

Q#2: Favorite Band?
Well, um... I don't know... I guess to sum it up...
*My Chemical Romance
*Imagine Dragons
*One Republic

Q#3: Favorite Sport?
I'm not the sporty kind of girl, so I honestly have no idea. I will say this, baseball has to be a favorite sport of mine. I remember my dad taking me to one of the state's baseball games and I loved being in the stadium. I kinda wanna learn how to swing a baseball bat and how to pitch, but also, if biking counts as a sport, then I love riding my bike. Just the feel of the wind blowing in your face when you're going as fast as you can. :D yeah

Q#4: Favorite TV Show?
I don't watch much t.v., but when I do, I watch Gravity Falls or the Hispanic version of Family Feud, called 100 Latinos Dijeron(said) (Yeah, I'm Hispanic)

Q#5: Favorite Movie?
I can't say that I have a number one favorite because I love all of them, but if I had to pick, it would either be The Incredibles, the Toy Story franchise, Monster's University, and Finding Nemo. (Yeah,long story short, I FRICKEN LOVE PIXAR. So I'm extremely excited for the new pixar movies coming out soon, such as Finding Dory, The Incredibles 2, Toy Story 4, and yes, even Cars 3, why's everyone giving hate to Cars 3?)

Q#6: Favorite Color?
I love different shades of purple and blue. Fun Fact about Me: I might get blue highlights in my hair, but it's going to be semi-permanent, so the blue will slowly fade away in time, but when it stops fading, it'll be a light color of blue.

Q#7: Favorite Food?
I'm just gonna put it out there. I love food. Whenever there's something I like on the table, I'll pork out. I don't really carrot at all, but I'm also a very picky eater. There's some stuff that for the life of me I just can't and won't eat. Spicy food, umm, spi-NO! Beans, no please. But in reality, pasta and soup has to be my favorite. Any kind, it doesn't matter. I also love sweets... I should probably move on to the next question before I start to get really hungry...

Q#8: Favorite Drink?
Well, believe it or not, I don't drink soda, just sometimes, but that's not the question. I thought I should of just let it out. Anyways, my favorite drink would be hot cocoa. I just love chocolate and warm drinks. So put 1 and 1 together and BOOM!! You've got yourself my favorite drink on both a cold night, and warm morning. (Yeah, I like to drink hit cocoa in the summer too. Don't judge...)

And last, but not least...

Q#9: Favorite Video Game?
I'm a sucker for Minecraft. I know every little detail of it, to how to convert a zombie villager back to it's human-villager self, and all the way to how to make a gold generator in the nether. I also love Nintendo, but I also like digging deep into the secrets of games, and that's where Five Nights at Fredy's comes in. I like to think outside the box when it comes to theorizing, so I watch a lot of Game Theory. My favorite theories have to be the secrets behind the story of Fnaf, oh and how Link in Majora's Mask is actually dead, and then there's the theory where Mario is a mentally ill man that abuses animals and what not, but then how Rosalina is connected to Princess Peach and- oh, sorry, I got too caught up in my own thoughts. Heh, it happens...

So then, those are nine questions about me. So what has to happen next is that I have to tag 15 people to answer these questions next. So, um, there's a problem with that... I'm not following many people here on Wattpad, since I'm still a newbie compared to everyone else, so I don't have much people to tag... so what I'm going to do is tag the people who I am following, not including the people who tagged me, which is few, so if there's ANY PROBLEM with that AT ALL, tell me, and I can maybe arrange some stuff to change my actions.

So the people I'm tagging are as follows..

I'm pretty sure some of you already did this question tagging, but I just tagged you guys since I can't tag anyone else. Oh well...

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed. Make sure to keep a heads up for future parts and randomness. Thank you once again and I'll see you all soon. Ciao!!

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