More Questions Tag

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Tagged by Kaite108_!

Before we start, I tag the same people I tagged in the previous chapter!


So let's go!!

1. Candy or Junk food?

Um... is both an answer?

2. Small or Big?

Honestly depends... I don't know what you mean for this question...

3. Girl or Boy?


4. Wanna be friends?


Just kidding :P

Of Course! I wanna be friends with all of you \(^w^)/  Cake and cookies for all!!

5. How many followers?

33 I believe

6. Fun or Randomness?

Again, can I say both?

7. Working or Lazy?

.... both.....

8. Solution Solver or Problem Maker?

Solution Solver (I hope...)

9. Doughnuts or Ice Cream?

Ice Cream 4 Lyfe

10. Happy or Sad?

Happy :D

11. Rainbows or Sunshine?

Rainbows. My reasoning behind this is because to form a rainbow you need water and sunlight. Water in this case is rain, and I love it when it sprinkles outside. I also love the fresh cold. Not cold cold, but the kind of cold that there is when it just stopped raining. Another way to imagine it is being all sweaty and hot in the night but then just take off the covers and flip your pillow around to get the "cold" side. Refreshing....

Sorry, I rambled...

12. Dogs or Cats?

In all honesty this is a hard one. I like both but I have to go with dogs... 

13. Fluff or smut?

Um... okay I'll be honest here. I didn't know what either of those two meant (well I kinda knew what smut was but shh) so I looked them up. I gotta go with fluff but if there's a "fluff" that is... [shudders]... and I have no clue of it, please just tell me what it really is... I... Idk anymore XD

So then what I'm understanding right now is that I have to write questions for those I tagged so don't answer the questions that I answered.

1. Salty foods or Sweet foods?
2.Original songs or Parody songs?
3. Any favorite Wattpader?
4. Rpg (role playing games) or Fps (first person shooter)? (If any)
5. Hot or Cold?
6. Do you hug something when sleeping?
7. My Chemical Romance or Nah?
8. Disliked food(s)?
9. Slippers or Fluffy Socks?
10. Batman or Superman? (I know, cliche superhero question...)
11. Favorite YouTuber ship?
12. Cookies or Cake? (Yes I'm referencing Jacksepticeye :P)
13. Digital art or Traditional (pencil and paper)?

Man, now I want to answer these questions :P...

Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed. Make sure to keep a heads up for future tags and randomness. Thank you once again and I'll see you all soon. Ciao!!

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