Tag Back!! (tag)

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Heh, anyways, hey, hello, how's everyone doing...


I hope so!

(Why I started it like that, I will never know... buuuut...)

Anyways, MysticalCreature101 tagged me in this friend tag back (tag).

Basically what you have to do is tag 15 people who are your friends on Wattpad and whoever you tagged has to do the same that you did, and if they mention you in their chapter then they truly are your friends!

Did that make sense? Probably not... (but for no reason I'm feeling giddy today, so YAY for explanations that make no sense! Yay!!)


Anyways... the 15 people I tag are....



(wait wat?)


I know, I know...

It clearly stated that I had to tag 15 people but, I couldn't just chose 15 out of all these Rossome people! I just can't!

I, as a person, am not one to chose sides. I don't say, "I go for the (insert sport team here)" or "I go for the (insert enemy team here)"

I just don't.

Whenever someone gives me a choice to make, (depending on my time) I take my time (again, depending if I have it) looking at my options, but I don't look at them too much to create too many loopholes for me (That's what happened in politics)...

Again, did that make sense? I'm sure it didn't but in conclusion, I can't follow the simple rule given in this tag.

It's against my nature...

So in the end, I "tag" everyone because I definitely have made some amazing friends on here and there were different branches found as I went through in the last months.

-I got back into drawing
-I started writing
-I started reading more
-I found more fandoms
-I made new friends
-I met people with the same interest (and I look up to them, even if I don't know them irl)

So I'm glad to call all of you friends...

...and I hope I can get called that too...

Thanks guys, Ciao!!

Note to self: Don't vote too much all at once on Wattpad...

I learned that the hard way...

Now I can't vote on any stories for a period of time now.... and it's been a full day now...

Hopefully stuff will go back to normal tomorrow....

Heh, see ya guys later!


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