Great, I'm Engaged To A Demon

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"I'll kill you."

"Darling, I'm already dead."

Of course he was, silly me,

He's a demon.

But not just any demon, no, a demon who took my family.

No, they weren't dead, just trapped somewhere. Yet he says they're safe and comfortable, but I don't believe him You can't trust demons.

"Alright then, what can I do?" I asked, crossing my arms and glaring at him.

"Nothing that can hurt me," he replied, grinning his devilish grin, "but there is something you can do that might make me bring back your family." And then I had some hope. It was only a little, but it was hope. "Alright, what do I have to do?"

"Be my bride."

I froze. Did he really just ask me to marry him?

... He did...

"Well?" He asked, tapping his foot impatiently. I wanted my family back, sure, but should I really marry a demon to do so? To be honest, it was the toughest decision of my life. But I had to make up my mind.

"Fine, but you need to bring my family back," I groaned. I didn't want to, but I knew I had to. I had to protect my family.

He smiled and his eyes lit up. He seemed... really happy. With a snap of his fingers, my family was back. The reunion was short however, as I was suddenly picked up by the demon, who began flying. Wait... I didn't even know his name!

"Hey you, what's your name?" I asked, which probably came out harsher than it should have.

"Harlen," he replied, smiling at me. "Yours?"

"Klara," I said. I still didn't like him. Why was he acting so nice to me? He's supposed to be a demon!

"We're gonna have so much fun!" Harlen said excitedly. "There's gonna be games, and dancing, and everybody's gonna be there!"


What have I gotten myself into?

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