His Loyal Servant

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Title: His Loyal Servant
Author: LiviieMarie
Type: Fandom one shot- Harry Potter
Reason: none
Note: Bellatrix/Voldemort is my OTP. My Dark Lord's Daughter series revolves around them having a child lol so it's no surprise that I wrote this. Its a little PG-13, but I know you all can handle it.

"Bellatrix Black!" Druella shrieked up the stairs. "You get down here this instant!"

Bellatrix was laying on her bed, with her head draped over the edge so she was looking at her room upside down. Her black hair trailed on the floor, nearly matching the black tiles. Most of her room was black, except for the occasional splashes of Slytherin green. Sighing, Bellarrix rolled off her bed and fixed her robes, rolling up her sleeves so that her shiny new Dark Mark was visible. Instead of walking down the stairs, Bellatrix slid down the banister, causing her mother to glare.

"In," she growled, pointing to the kitchen with her wand. Bella huffed and followed her mother's instructions.

Inside the kitchen, her father sat at the head of the table, his face buried in the Daily Prophet. Her sisters, Narcissa and Andromeda were both there too, but neither of them looked at her. That meant she was in trouble.

Bellatrix sat in her usual seat and waited for someone to speak. "What's this I've heard about you refusing to marry Rodolphus Lestrange?" her father asked, lowering his paper to glare at her.

"Because I don't even understand why I have to marry him!" Bella snapped. She lowered her gaze when she saw the anger flash across her father's face.

"You have to marry him because we say you have to marry him!" Cygnus yelled. "He is from a respectable pure blood family and he supports the Dark Lord. He is a good match for you. Narcissa has accepted her marriage to Lucius Malfoy when her education is over and she's only 16!" Narcissa quickly busied herself with her plate, a small blush creeping up her pale cheeks.

"But why me?" Bella argued. "Why not Andromeda-"

"That is enough!" her father roared, standing up and smacking his fists on the table, causing it to shake. "You are 18 years old, Bella and I will not have you behaving like a spoiled brat! You will do as you're told. Am I clear?"

"Yes father," she muttered, not meeting his eyes. Painful silence filled the room. The only sound that could be heard was her mother breathing like a bull as she stood over the house elf who was chopping up vegetables for dinner. Bellatrix twisted her robes in her hands under the table, not looking at anyone. "May I be excused?"

Cygnus grunted, showing his approval for her dismissal. Bellatrix bolted up and grabbed her cloak.

"Now wait just one second!" Druella shouted, gripping her wand tightly and advancing on her eldest daughter. "Where do you think you're going, young lady?"

When Bellatrix ignored her, Cygnus got angry again. "Answer your mother, Bellatrix."

"I'm going out," Bellatrix snapped, her hand on the doorknob. "I'm late for my meeting with the Dark Lord."

Looking over her shoulder, she could see her entire family's faces pale. She was the only one in the family to have received her Dark Mark, so Voldemort had offered her private lessons in Dark Magic. It was an opportunity Bellatrix has seized greedily. While her parents supported the Dark Lord, they were not given Dark Marks.

"Can I go now?" She tried to hide the smile on her face, knowing her meeting with Voldemort was causing her parents discomfort. When no one said anything to stop her, Bella left. Narcissa and Andromeda caught her eyes as she left, but Bellatrix couldn't tell what they were trying to wordlessly tell her. She would ask later. The three of them were very close.

Bella walked to the edge of the family's estate, and gripping her wand, apparated to the spot where she usually met up with Voldemort. She landed in the center of the familiar graveyard. Night was falling slowly, causing mist to rise up from the ground and soak her boots and the hem of her robes. It gave the graveyard a creepy look. The large manor the overlooked it was as empty as always. The only difference was a few more windows had been broken.

She wandered around the headstones, waiting. She was sure she had been late, yet Voldemort was not waiting for her. Perhaps he had been running late too. As she waited, she thought about her arranged marriage. She had only met Rodolphus once. He was a tall, brooding man with thick eyebrows and a very prominent chin. Overall, he wasn't bad looking, and her father was right, he was a pure blood and a Death Eater, but he was also nearly 10 years her senior and Bella didn't even like the thought of an arranged marriage to begin with. She kicked a discarded skull angrily.

"Temper, temper, my loyal servant," said a cold voice behind her.

Bellatrix spun around so fast that her boots slipped on the wet grass and she fell to her knees. She remained there, however, bowing her head. "My Lord," she whispered.

"You seem agitated, Bellatrix. What is wrong?" Though his tone was light, Bellatrix could hear the boredom behind his words. She knew he didn't really care for her, but she wasn't bothered by it.

Lord Voldemort was handsome, everyone knew that. His face was a bit too pale and his red eyes unnerved some people, but his swooping black hair, which was sadly stating to thin and fall out, was perfect to Bellatrix. Her heart thumped wildly in her chest as he addressed her.

"It's my parents, my Lord." Bellatrix said, still keeping her head bowed. "They've arranged for me to marry Rodolphus Leatrange, but I don't want to."

Voldemort was now pacing around her. "And why don't you want to marry him?"

Bella opened her mouth to speak, but then stopped. The real reason she didn't want to marry Rodolphus was not because she hardly knew him, it wasn't even because he was so much older than her. It was because she loved someone else, Lord Voldemort, but could she tell him that? He was even older than her than Rodolphus was!

"Bellatrix," he said, starting to loose his patience. "I'm waiting."

"I'm sorry, my Lord," she gasped. She hadn't even realized she had been holding her breath. "I cannot marry him because I do not love him, nor will I ever."

"You love someone else." It was not a question. Bella's eyes snapped up to look at him. How could he know? She had never told another living soul about her feelings for Voldemort, not even her sisters! But yet, as Voldemort looked down at her with knowing red eyes, she knew the game was over.

"Yes," she whispered. "I love someone else."

He stopped pacing and stood directly in front of her where she was still on her knees. The knees of her robes were now soaked from the grass and the mist, but she didn't get up until she was told. "Stand up, Bella," he said in the softest voice she had ever heard. It was still full of malice, but soft, like he was speaking to someone about to die. She rose to her feet, flattening her robes down.

"The need for human companionship has always baffled me. Love is not something I understand. I do, however, understand physical desire." He stepped closer to her and traced one pale finger down her cheek. She shivered. "You are beautiful, Bellatrix, and Rodolphus will be lucky to have you for his wife."

He removed his hand from her face and suddenly Bellatrix felt cold. "Wait!" she called after him as he began to walk away from her. "I don't want Rodolphus! I want you!"

"You are engaged, Bellatrix!" Voldemort snapped, reminding Bellatrix of her father. "Besides, I feel nothing for you!"

Bellatrix ignored the pain his words caused. "I know you don't feel anything for me, but like you said, there's always physical desire. And I'm not engaged yet. It's still all just talk.." She approached him slowly. Her hands shook slightly as she placed them on his shoulders, running them down his back.

Suddenly, he spun around and grabbed her hair, forcing her head back. Fear gripped Bellatrix, making her think she had gone too far, but it was hard to be afraid when her body was pressed so close to his. She was forced to stare at the night sky, but then she felt his breath on her throat a second before he kissed her neck. Her eyes fluttered closed and she shuddered.

"I am your master," Voldemort whispered, his cold lips still on her neck. "Your master and your Lord. You will not deny me."

"Of course not, My Lord," Bellatrix whispered.

His hand was still tangled in her black hair and he yanked on it again, but Bellateix felt no pain. Instead, she moaned softly. His eyes gleamed as he learned what she liked. "You are mine, Bellatrix Black. Rodolphus won't dare to take you from me."

"Yes master," Bella moaned again. "I am yours. Take me."

"You don't give the orders!" he growled and pulled her hair again. Her moan was followed by a short burst of insane sounding laughter.
She thought this was a game!

Despite the fact that he was still pulling on her hair, she managed to tilt her head enough to look at him. "Then what do you command, my Lord?"

Voldemort hissed and pushed her roughly up against one of the larger headstones. He didn't care if he was hurting her, she deserved the pain for thinking they were playing a game, but by the sounds of her moans, he figured he wasn't. He leaned over her, pressing his cold lips hard against hers. He shoved his tongue in her mouth, using it to direct hers exactly how he wanted it to go.

He could feel her heart beat quicken as their bodies pressed together. He felt no change in himself, however. He had told Bella the truth. He felt nothing for her, he could not love. But as he began to tear her robes off, he felt an overwhelming desire to simply take her. She had to be his.

And take her he did. Bellatrix screamed so loudly that he feared the muggle police might show up. He was rough with her, but she never complained once, instead she begged him for more. They forgot all about their lesson, all about Rodolphus Lestrange and his marriage to the woman Voldemort was currently defiling in the most gruesome way. All they thought about was the lust they felt between them.

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