Ghost au

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Age: 17

Max: *shines the flashlight in his face* They say the house is haunted by the very ghosts that the murderer had killed!

Faz: *pushes him* Stop it! That's not funny!!

Max: Hey! *pushes him back*

John: Guys please calm down! *pushes them apart*

Alex: Ugh, why did I agree to this?

John: Same goes for me. I don't even hang out with you guys.

Max: We needed a fourth person. In all horror movies, there's always four people.

Faz: Not true! In scooby doo there are five! Freddy, shaggy, velma, daphne and scooby doo!

Max: *groans* Scooby doo isn't real!

Faz: I-it's not? *tears up*

Alex: Call a damn fifth person!

Max: *groans*


Mike: *following them inside* Our parents are gonna kill us.

Max: They won't find out. *looking through the window*

Alex: Yes they will.

Faz: Chris is gonna kill us.

John: *tries opening the door*

Faz: Let's just go home!

Jerry: *slowly creaks the door open and fazes through the ground*

John: That's creepy.

Max: Sweet! *goes in*

Mike: I'm calling my lawyer and suing you all if something happens to me.

Alex: *holds Faz's hand* You don't even have a lawyer.

Faz: *whines, getting dragged in* Noooooo.

Max: *looks around* Hello?!

*echoing hello through the house*

Max: *clears his throat* Alright gang! Let's split up and search for clues!

Faz: That's a terrible idea!

John: We're searching for clues?

Mike: *looking around with his flashlight*

Max: What? No! I was imitating fred from scooby- nevermind, just split up. I'll take upstairs, Faz and Alex will take downstairs, Mike and John can either pair up and search everywhere room or can go solo.

Mike: *looks at John* Solo.

John: Same.

Max: *shrugs* Let's go! *runs up the stairs*

Alex: *pulls Faz into a room*

Mike: *goes to what appears to be a kitchen*

John: *goes into the bathroom* Hm.

Felix: *slams the door shut*

John: *yelps and runs to it, trying to open it*

Felix: *giggles*

John: *definitely heard the giggle* Uh... guys?!


Faz: Oh great! A hallway!

Alex: I won't let go of your hand okay?

Faz: o-okay! *holds onto his hand tight*

Alex: *leads down the hallway*

Faz: *looking around shakily*

Alex: *looking around too* Are we suppose to explore or something? Find ghosts?

Faz: Y-yeah ghosts. M-max wants proof of g-ghosts. *jumps at the sound of a slammed door*

Alex: *stops and let's go of Faz's hand, pointing his flashlight at the end of the hallway* ..... probably Max.

Faz: A-alex! Your hand!!

Jamey: *slowly pops up and turns off both their flashlights*

Faz: *screams*

Alex: Faz! Faz! I'm here! *holds his hand* I got you!

Faz: *feels something grab his hand* O-oh, t-thank god! *turns back on his flashlight*

Alex: *does the same*

Brody+Jamey: *smiles at them*

Faz+Alex: *screams and drops their flashlights running into a room*

Jamey: Rude.

Brody: No respect for the dead.


Max: *whistles, walking down the hallway*

Jerry: *pops up from the floor and follows him*

Max: I'm gonna find ya ghosts! *looks around* And I have a full proof camera! *holds up a camera with 3d glasses stuck to the lens*

Jerry: *stifles a snort and watches him, still following*

Max: *keeps walking and stops at a mirror* Well, well, well. Let's see if the camera works. *aims at the mirror and smiles, taking a picture*

Jerry: *kisses his cheek when he takes the photo*

Max: *jumps a bit and feels his cheek* Ice cold.

Jerry: *crosses his arms and looks at the photo*

Max: *also looks at the photo, but jumps when he hears screaming* Alex?! Faz?! *drops the camera and runs down the hall*

Jerry: *catches the camera and cooes at the photo* this is obviously a keeper. *follows after him*


Mike: *hums, looking around the kitchen, jumping when the door slammed* Ugh, probably John. *looks around*

Nat: *hiding behind the fridge, scared*

Mike: I wonder if ghosts eat. *opens the fridge*

Nat: *squeaks, quickly hiding in the cupboards*

Mike: *heard the squeak and looks around* A mouse?

Nat: You think a mouse would make that noise?

Mike: *jumps and frantically looks around, pushing himself up against the wall*

Nat: Uh.. I mean... squeak!

Mike: Show yourself!

Nat: b-but I-I'm scared! W-what if y-you don't l-like me?

Mike: oh uh... I didn't know ghosts had feelings?

Nat: That's such bullshit! We're ghosts from living people! People have emotions! *pops his head out*

Mike: *yelps and shines the flashlight on him*

Nat: Hey! *covers his face* That hurts!

Mike: *removes it* O-oh! Sorry.

Nat: I'm Nat! I don't remember much else. *holds his hand out*

Mike: *shakes it, shuddering at how cold it is* I-I'm Mike baker.

Nat: Nice to meet you M- *jumps at the screaming*

Mike: Oh no! *runs out, stopping at the bathroom door*

John: *slamming on it* Fucking let me out!!

Mike: *unlocks it and swings it open*

John: *falls out* What kind of fucking bathroom has a lock on the outside?!

Felix: This one.

John: *jumps and looks at him*

Mike: introductions later! We gotta go!! *helps John up and leads him towards the hallway*

Felix: This'll be fun, huh Natty?

Nat: *nods* It's been so long!

Jerry: *floats by* I have a camera!

Felix: Wow! Let me see!

Jerry: No way! It already has one photo and it's the best one! *shows it off*

Nat: *looks at it*

Felix: *laughs* You're such a slut!

Jerry: *blushes* Shut up! I think he's cute!

Nat: Aw! That's great!


Idk just something I thought of a while ago

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