Dates (Forest King au)

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Jerry was wandering the forest, he figured put where the Villa stopped and where it first started. Jamey was somewhere, he just didn't know where, probably talking to that cute brown haired bear he saw earlier. Jerry smiled at the thought of Jamey finding someone, he's been very lonely and his past boyfriends weren't that great, but Jerry couldn't forget the time their parents almost forced Jamey into an arranged marriage with a woman. Jerry giggled, those were good times. He slowly frowned, "They were good times" he muttered out loud and slowly started walking back to the cave. He stopped once he saw an unfamiliar patch of red hair. "Hello?" He said softly and the figure turned around. "Oh! Sorry for intruding" He stepped out and Jerry's eyes widen. "Oh! You're Alexander!" Jerry said and stuck his hand out. "We haven't formally met" Alex smiled and shook his hand. "Call me Alex. All my friends do" Jerry smirked. "We just met sir Alexander" Alex gave a small smile.

"Touché" he replied let go of his hand. "What are you doing here?" Jerry asked and Alex rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Well... I just wanted to apologize. I've been rather rude have I? I've just been watching from the sidelines as you interacted with my brothers" Jerry nodded. "But when I saw you stand up for yourself against Trisha, well, I was impressed" He gave a proud smile which sent shivers down Jerry's back. "I-I well, t-thank you! A lot" Jerry stuttered, laughing a bit nervously. "N-no one's ever complimented me before" he cleared his throat. "S-so! Are you uh.. fruity too?" Alex blinked before processing what he was trying to say and full on belly laughed.

"I-I won't get offended if you say gay!" He laughed more which caused Jerry to laugh too. After a good healthy minute of laughing, Alex spoke up. "Well... you see, I used to be straight, but as the years went by. I slowly came to terms, I was bi. I like both Men and Women. Oh and I apologize for calling you a women" Jerry waved him off. "Eh water under the bridge, I was kind of a cry baby huh?" He giggled and Alex smiled. "A beautiful one" he told him and stepped closer. Jerry stopped and felt his cheeks heat up. "H-huh?" Alex lifted up his chin and brought their faces close. "I think you're really beautiful. I love how confident and flirty you are. The way you stride yourself and even how you walk shouts out confidence. It's truly incredible" Jerry could feel that he was basically a tomato at this point. He's never received such... compliments before! "I-I-" he couldn't even form words as he felt his heart flutter.

Alex smiled and backed off. "Sorry. I came on to strongly, huh?" Jerry squeaked out as fast as he could, "N-No!! I-I mean o-of course not! D-do y-you wanna g-go out?" He's never stuttered this much before, he was practically melting at the sight of the man in front of him. "Yes, of course! Let's go out, I do know of a lovely place. If you don't mind, I want to invite a couple of people with us"


"Where are they?" Trisha whined as she looked ahead towards all the people chatting about. Max sighed, "For the last time, I don't know. It's only been 20 minutes" Trisha huffed. "Fine! I'm getting a drink!!" She got up and went to the lovely crafted bar just a few feet away from them. Max rolled his eyes and was thinking about joining her before Alex came strutting in. "Alex!" Max waved towards him. Alex waved back and pulled someone's arm towards him. Jerry smiled widely as he clinged onto him. "Hey Max!!" He shouted and they both rushed over. "Oh hey! Alex was this who you were talking about?" Alex nodded as they took their seats across from him. "Where's Trisha?" Jerry asked as he leaned against Alex. Max pointed towards the bar. "Getting a drink" Alex looked over and then looked back at him, "Well, why don't we order some grub?" Jerry nodded. "I've never really had anything from here. But I'm guessing it's all meat and berries and meat right?" Alex and Max nodded. "Yep! Basically" they both answered. Max deadpanned as Alex stuck his tongue out, causing Jerry to laugh, "Are you guys twins?"

Alex nodded. "Why yes! We used to have the same hair, but then Max dyed it" He pouted towards Max. Max huffed, "I like it. Better suits me" Jerry tilted his head a bit before agreeing, "I can see you with Red hair, but blue hair is so your color. But I bet you would look great with anything on" He grinned as Max became all flustered. Alex laughed a bit and wrapped his arm around Jerry. "You made my brother blush! I haven't been able to do that in years! You really are special" Jerry preened and nuzzled into him. "I sure am!" He happily agreed. Max cleared his throat at the lovey dovey mess in front of him. "So uh... how long as this been going on?"

"This morning" they both answered. Before Max could comment, a waitress came by with food. "Here's food!"she said and dropped it off. Jerry looked at the meat confused, "but we didn't order yet" The waitress smiled, "ya didn't have too! Everyone can get whatever they want! We just serve whoever's new!" She gave them a thumbs up and left. Jerry looked at the food in amazement. "Wow! So much free will in this place, back at home, I would've gotten thrown in the basement if I got caught eating after meals" He took a huge bite out of the cooked meat and start eating it happily. Max on the other hand looked around. "Where's Trisha? I swear if she ditched me again-" Alex stopped him. "I didn't want to tell you this, but she snuck out with one of the waiters" Max growled as his pupils grew dark and got up. "Excuse me" He muttered and stomped to the back room.

Jerry watched him leave and turned towards Alex. "Does... this happen a lot?" Alex sighed as he somberly nodded. "Sadly yes. I... just don't understand why he sticks with Trisha. I think he's afraid. Afraid that he won't find anyone else, afraid to grow up alone" Jerry swallowed. This was getting heavy. Alex cleared his throat and got up, "This is getting a bit to heavy. Why don't we dance and let things fix for themselves?" Jerry grinned a little. "Ok! But I must warn you, I'm an excellent dancer~" He took Alex's hand and dragged him onto the dance floor. "How cute! The lights are fireflies!" He paused for a moment, "it's not hurting them is it?" Once Alex shook his head he wrapped his arms around him and started dancing.

Max stomped back and sat at the table again. He didn't find Trisha, but he asked around and she did leave with a waiter. This was the final straw, he was breaking up with her, he always said he would, but this is it. He looked up to watch Jerry and Alex dance. Jerry was an interesting person, with such a slender body and how well he fits into his grass skirt, you'd think he'd actually be a woman. He watched as Jerry stepped closer towards Alex, he couldn't help, but feel a little jealous. His brother could get any women or any men to sleep with him. But something about him sleeping with Jerry irks him. He was straight, by all means, but something about Jerry made his heart flutter in his chest. Max sighed, being a young adult was still confusing for him. He would always deny it, but maybe he was- like his brother always told him- bi.

Max shook his head. 'Calm yourself Max. Don't go pining after guys just because you're gonna break up with Trisha. Although.. he does dance really well, His slender legs are so- ahh!! Stop it!! Go away gay thoughts!' He slammed his head against the table, drawing a few glances, but they all returned to whatever they were doing. They found it quite normal for the twin. Once the song ended Jerry went to the table laughing. "Wow! I can't believe you guys created your own music!! Who created it?" Max looked up at Jerry and Alex pointed at Max. "Well, Max kinda did" Jerry beamed towards Max, "I didn't know you made Music!" Max cleared his throat, feeling his heart flutter again.

"N-no! I mean, I helped make it, but I didn't create it. The musical genius belongs to Alex. He sang the song before passing it along to more people" Alex tsked. "Nobody remembers that. Everyone remembers that you created the lyrics though!" He grinned. Before Max could argue further Jerry squealed. "You guys are awesome!! I had such a fun time!! We should be bffs!" Alex fake pouted. "I was gonna ask you to be my boyfriend" Jerry blushed a bit before smiling at him, "I think you're incredible, but I just don't like you in that way. This was a fun date though! Top notch!" Alex smiled softly and ruffles up his hair. "How honest" He side-glanced Max and Max instantly clicked everything in his head. He wasn't on a date with Jerry, he was trying to set up a date for Max with Jerry!

Max glared at Alex, "You dirty-" Alex checked his imaginary watch, "Well would you look at the time? I think it's time for my afternoon tasks. I should help out. Jerry, Max." He ran out as Max shouted, "YOU DON'T HAVE TASKS!" and he was gone. Jerry laughed and covered his mouth after seeing the annoyed look on Max's face. Jerry giggled into his hand and smiles at him. "Well this was nice, I guess I'll see you... whenever?" Jerry waved and started to leave when Max caught his arm. "Hey uh.. actually I- um- I-I'll walk you home!" He pulled Jerry along as he started walking back to his house. "Thank you! Such a gentleman" he grinned. Max laughed a bit, blushing lightly. "Hey" Jerry said and Max looked at him. "I'm sorry.. you're girlfriend left you behind. And we kinda left you behind to dance. You deserved comfort and well, I apologize. I know I shouldn't mettle in other people's business, but.. when did it get so.. bad between you guys?" Max sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, pondering for a bit. "Well... it all started when I was a teen..."


Jamey yawned as he looked at himself with his new clothes, they certainly were... revealing? What is it with halflings and no clothes? "It's fucking cold" he muttered to himself. He peeked outside at the sky, since they didn't really have technology or clocks. The sun was setting and he was starting to wonder where Jerry went. He knew he would be with Alex, he just didn't know for how long. "I thought she was the one" he heard and Jamey turned. He saw Jerry and Max walking side by side, holding hands, he might add. "But.. I've just been lying to myself" Jamey went back inside, that was something private, he did not want to be a part of. He laid on his cot and  and looked up at the ceiling, "I wonder how Lucifer and Angelo are doing" He muttered to himself.

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