Kicked out

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"Wait! Lucy please-" Angelo pleaded, but was knocked aside as Lucifer threw Jamey and Jerry out. "YOU TWO" Lucifer spoke. "Are banned from ever coming back!! You have disappointed and angered me for the last time!" Jamey rubbed his head as he got up, Jerry followed suit with tears running down his face. "Pathetic" Lucifer slammed the door and they were alone. They stood there for awhile, hearing Angelo's crying coming from his bedroom window before Jerry latched onto his arm, sobbing into it. Jamey flinched a bit at the sudden contact, but slowly petted Jerry as comfort. "Let's go" he muttered and headed towards the poverty town in front of them.

Jamey kept walking, he was disgusted with everything around him. The dirty people, the dirty buildings and the dirty ground he was walking on. He hated every second of it, he looked at Jerry who was slowly starting to calm down. He sighed as he looked around, it looked like a bad part of town, Jerry looked around. People were starting to stare, they were probably looking at their clothes, fancy and woven with silk. Jamey quickly pulled Jerry closer to him and kept walking faster, sooner or later, people started following. He glanced at them and immediately knew, they were carrying weapons. They were planning on killing them and stealing their clothing, the people absolutely knew who they were.

Jerry looked at him with worried eyes and Jamey growled softly. This was gonna get ugly, he quickly pushed Jerry in front, urging him to run. They both started running, the only place they were able to go was through the woods. A couple people immediately stopped once they entered, but quite a majority were still in high pursuit. "It's not our damn fault you're poor!" Jamey shouted back at them and quickly pushed Jerry behind into the bushes. Jerry stayed quiet as he got up and quickly started running. Jamey would need to track him down afterwards, but for now he'd have to get away from this festering mob. He kept running, gaining some distance before seeing that everyone stopped.

He slowed down, but was sure that he was far enough, just in case they tried anything. Suddenly, a pack of wolves emerged from the forest and started growling at the people. Jamey smirked and climbed a tree, he was tempted to watch, but he needed to find his younger brother. He made sure to watch the ground before hopping from tree to tree. "Fucking forest" He muttered after almost slipping on moss and vines. Jamey searched for any kind of black hair or silken white clothing. "JERRY!" He yelled out and looked around. He heard rustling coming from a bush, assuming it was Jerry, he dropped down and headed over. "Jerry it's me, are you oka-" he started before a wolf popped out and jumped him. Jamey grunted as it bit on his arm and drew blood. Jamey curled up a fist with his hand and punched it straight in it's eye. The wolf winced and let go, staggering a bit. Jamey held his arm as he slowly got up.

Just then something hard and sharp, impacted with his head and he fell to the ground, unconscious.


"Jamey" someone whispered. Jamey groaned as he slowly started to open his eyes, but closed them again. "Jamey" they whispered again. Jamey slowly opened his eyes and was immediately greeted with a splitting headache. He felt his head, which was now wrapped in bandages. He felt another hand on his own and he jumped, looking at the intruder. "It's me!" Jerry said as he gave Jamey a big hug. Jamey sighed in relief and pulled away, taking a good look at him. He was all messed up, his hair was all over the place and his dress was basically torn. He had dry blood on his face. "What happened to you?" Jamey asked and Jerry laughed a bit nervously. "I was attacked by animals.. but uh.. they aren't normal" Jamey perked up at that, when he was little, he heard about strange rumors of mysterious people that look like animals in these very woods that they were currently in, but he was small, only a child, So he always assumed it was a myth.

Jamey looked around, finally taking in his surroundings. They were in a big... wooden cage. "You could've broke through these" He looked at Jerry as Jerry crosses his arms. "Excuse me for not wanting you to bleed out. Whoever knocked you unconscious, they almost pierced through your skull!" He looked at him sadly. Jamey felt his head a bit before shaking his head. "Doesn't matter, I'm fixed now, let's break out" He kicked through the bars and they snapped instantly. They both jumped out and heard groaning coming from behind them. They quickly turned, only to find shadows. "I always tell them, don't use sticks, don't use sticks, they break to fucking easily, but do they fucking listen to me? No" A figure emerged from the shadows, Jamey and Jerry were able to see him now. He had a wolf pelt around him and paint over him. Jerry blushed, "Nice hog" He preened and the blue haired wolf man squinted his eyes at him. "Relax Max" a woman emerged, she had pointy ears and more clothing on her, she also had a bow on her back. "Your father will deal with them" She grinned at them, especially Jamey. Jamey squinted his eyes and was struck with realization, "It was you!! You knocked me unconscious!!" He growled, but was held back by another person that suddenly emerged. The woman laughed, "That's what you get for punching my boyfriend you dick!!" She growled at him, the one called, Max, nodded and pointed at his blackened eye. Jerry tried to grab onto Jamey, but was held back by another man. He had a purple cat felt. "You're coming with us to see the king" He told them. The woman smiled, "When you're killed, tell Satan, Trisha sent you"

They were both pulled into a strange room and pushed in front of a huge pond. "Are you gonna drown us?" Jerry softly. "What? No" The other guy told them, he had red hair and pale skin, but he did look a bit better dressed then them. He could sense that Jerry was gonna cry. "Please don't cry mistress" Okay, so he thought Jerry was a girl. Jamey deadpanned and was about to say something before bubbles started forming in the water. A large figure emerged from the water, he had a mask around his mouth and scales all over his body. "Why have you brought me two mortals?" His voice was gruff and a little bit raspy. The red haired cleared his throat, "your majesty, we found these two being chased by other mortals and what's worse, the green haired mortal punched your son in the eye when he was in his wolf form" The man narrowed his eyes at Jamey. "What do you think we should do with them?" His Majesty stared at them for awhile before saying, "They hurt my son, I don't recognize their faces and they're mortals"

Jamey and Jerry looked at each other before looking back at him. "Burn them"


Jerry and Jamey were now tied back to back with each other, they were covered in wood. A small man with a bear pelt came forward towards them. "I-I'm really sorry" He says to them and lights up a torch. Now a lot of people were gathered around, halflings and hybrids alike. The bear stepped forward and dropped the torch in the wood and then stepped back as everything lit on fire. Flames surrounded their body and Jamey yawned, Jerry blinked at everyone as they all watched him and his older brother burn. Trish scoffed, "Why aren't they screaming?!" Another redhead, but with a wolf pelt, also said, "And why aren't they slowly being burned alive?" Everyone looked confused and was just amazed at how not a single flame was touching them. "Um.. Believe it or not, but we're not mortals" Jamey commented and Jerry nodded. "Yeah! We're demons!" He giggled and broke free from the restraints. Jamey rubbed his wrists and stepped out of the flames.

Jerry stepped out after him and took a bow. The halflings and Hybrids were shocked, they were stunned. Someone cleared their throat and everyones attention was on the king. "So.. it's you guys." He was sitting on a throne surrounded by water. "I can't believe it... I don't believe it... yet here you are" Jamey raised an eyebrow. "I'm sorry, are we suppose to know you?" The King sighed and rubbed his temples. "Are you the Haylel's?" Jerry perked up. "Totally!" He replied happily. The King groaned, "Fucking Lucifer" he muttered. "Everyone! I would like to introduce the Haylel Brothers. Jamey and Jerry, sons of the devil himself, King Lucifer"

Everyone instantly gasped, all except for Trish of course who was still speechless, and immediately bowed. Jerry looked at everyone, "This was not the impression I wanted to make" Jamey turned to look at The King. "Who are you? I don't understand" The King smiled, or so he thought, and spoke, "I'm C.K, King of this forest, I raised my Hybrid sons here after Lucifer said I could have this place. I met you when you were only four years old" Jamey crossed his arms. "Prove it" C.K thought for awhile before saying, "You had a bowl haircut" he turned to Jerry, "You took ballet lessons" Jerry squeaked and Jamey flushed. Those were both secrets that only their parents knew, well mostly Jerry, Jamey's wasn't that big of a secret. "Father, how come you never told us anything?" Max asked. "And why did you want us to burn them?" The bear one asked. C.K laughed. "I was curious, I didn't know if it was actually them so I waited until they wanted to admit it, Why did it take you so long?" Jamey shrugged and Jerry copied. "Wanted to mess with you guys" C.K groaned. "You are definitely Lucifer's kids. Now! Let me introduce you to my sons" He snapped his fingers and three figures came forward. "Maxmillian Wilde" The blue one said, but they already knew that. "Alexander Wilde" The red haired one said. "Faz wilde!" The youngest brown haired one said.

"Wait how come he gets a shorter name?" Jerry commented. "I'm not sure" Faz replied. C.K cleared his throat, "Now, why are you two here?"


"That is unforgivable!!" C.K slammed his hands on a wooden make-shift table. "How dare he throw out his only two sons and make Angelo cry?!" Jerry shrugged. "That's dad for ya!" He smiled cheekily. Jamey shrugged. "Our old man has gone crazy, he needed the money anyways. Not having us around was his only chance at that" C.K was shocked at how relaxed they were. "Now tell us more about this place" Jamey asked. "I thought it was a myth! But actually seeing everything.. well... it's sparked my interest" C.K smiled. "Well.. why don't my boys take you on tours?" Jerry smiled. "That'd be great! Can I have the one with the big ho- Ow!!" Jamey slapped him before he could finish his sentence. "Pelt. He wants the blue haired one" C.K nodded. "My son Max and you?" He turned towards Jamey and Jamey shrugged. "Whoever, doesn't really matter" C.K thought for a bit. "Well... I might as well give you Faz. Alex doesn't really like.. outsiders. The same as Max, but he's willing to talk to them" Jamey shrugs. "Like I said, doesn't matter"

After the arrangements, Max shook Jerry's hand. "I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot. And my girlfriend would like to apologize to you" Jerry winced a bit at the word girlfriend, but tried not to let it show before turning to Trish. "Hiya!" He said cheerfully and extended his hand. Trish looked at it before slowly pushing it back towards him. "Where's the other one? I should apologize to him too" she smirked softly like she had something in mind. Jerry pointed to where Faz and Jamey were going. "Don't wait up for me babe" Trish winked at Max and walked off. Max watched her go before turning to Jerry. "I know what you're thinking, but she-" Jerry was watching a butterfly. "Hm?" He asked and turned towards him. "Oh her? I don't mind. Where are we going first?" He asked, Max looked at him and started walking. "Let's look at the insects hm?" Jerry nodded happily, following along. "Y'know um.. I was actually really flattered that you commented on my.. y'know" Jerry looked at him. "Ha! Really?"

Max nodded sheepishly. "I know I haven't had a good compliment like that in awhile" Jerry smiled a bit softer this time. "Y'know, I also think you have nice muscles" Max blushed a bit. "Really?" Jerry nodded. "Very big and macho!" Max smiled. "Heh"

Meanwhile, Faz was trying to give Jamey a tour of the houses before Trish came and interrupted them. "Hey guys!!" She said cheerily. "I came to help you guys with the tour" She attempted to latch onto Jamey, but was quickly side-stepped as Jamey was now standing behind Faz. "We're fine, thank you" Faz jumped when he heard Jamey's voice behind him, but was astonished at how fast he was able to travel. Trish gave a fake pout and kept following them as Faz lead him away. Jamey trued to listen to Faz about the wonders of their forest palace, but Trish was making it difficult. He was dodging all her attempts to make some sort of contact with him. She tried grabbing his arm, she tried wrapping her arms around his torso and she even tried stroking his hair. Thankfully Jamey was a master at the art of dodging.

"And this is where we cook fish and other delicacies. But mostly fish" Faz smiled and grabbed a fish, holding it up to Jamey. "Would you like to try some? It's quite delicious" Trish immediately butted in before Jamey could reply. "Faz you idiot! He's a demon! He wouldn't want raw fish! He would want a fancy feast full of multiple options!" She turned flirty towards him. "Don't you baby?~" Jamey made no effort to show emotion. "Yeah sure, why don't you get me some?" Trish preened and quickly went away. Faz looked at Jamey. "Sorry" He mumbled and Jamey's eyes softened. "I'll try it, but I better hurry before she comes back" Faz perked up as he took the fish and took a large bite out of it. Now that Jamey's thinking about it, it has been awhile since he last ate something. The fish wasn't bad, but it needs more seasoning. "It's good" Jamey smiled a little. Faz preened. "Shall we continue?" He asked and Jamey nodded as they both left the kitchen area. Trish came back with a small dish that had Caviar in it. "Jamey?" She asked looking around.

"And then I chopped his head clean off!" Max proudly swung his axe around. They were currently in his make-shift hut, he had a cute room. Jerry clapped his hands, "wow! So amazing!!" Max puffed out his chest before putting the axe away. "Sorry if my room is a little messy." He started to pick up discarded clothing. "I don't mind" Jerry busied himself by looking at photos on his wall, well more like paintings. Max stopped and muttered, "These aren't mine" to himself, holding what looks to be pelt underwear. He sighed to himself and threw them out. "Fucking Trish" he mumbled before breaking out of his thoughts when Jerry spoke up, "these photos are super cute! Did you paint them?!" He looked over at Jerry. He was beaming, is he really a demon? "Ah no, uh Felix did, he likes to paint things" Max told him. Jerry nodded and went back over to him, "What next?" He asked and Max rubbed the back of his head. "Do you... wanna meet my brother?" Jerry nodded. "Sure!"


I didn't mean for this to be THIS LONG


Trish is a whore, but so is Jerry.

Jamey likes Faz and Trish doesn't know he's gay

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