You can't resist us baby

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"We'll be super careful" Angelo says as he held onto Chris's hand. Chris sighed, "you know I hate carnivals, people stare and talk" Lucifer held onto his other hand and guides them towards the ticket booth. Chris felt himself hide behind Lucifer, they just wouldn't take no for an answer besides he wasn't comfortable going out in public so much, though the hat they gave him was nice gesture. Lucifer purchased them all wristbands and clicked them on. "There. Now we can go on any ride as much as we want" Angelo preened happily and gave a kiss of appreciation on Lucifer's cheek. Chris felt his face heat up, he felt out of place, but it's good that it was getting dark. That way he wasn't that noticeable. "Relax" Lucifer's voice cut through his thoughts, "We're gonna have fun here. You needed to get out of the house anyways" Chris huffed, but knew Lucifer was right, after that whole kiss ordeal, he just holed himself up and didn't go out. He couldn't hide forever from Angelo and Lucifer sadly. Chris grunted a bit as he was pulled towards his first carnival game, "This one! This one!" Angelo clapped his hands excitedly and pulled the two men towards a balloon dart game. "Win a stuffed animal for me!" He stated and smiled. "Winner gets a kiss~" He glanced towards Chris cheekily, who turned a bit red before hiding his face in his cap. Lucifer smirked before paying the owner of said carnival game.

The man gave them three darts each and pointed at the balloons, "Mighty tricky ones!! Try to hit at least three balloons" The man leaned against the booth's wall, keeping an eye on them. Lucifer smirked as he threw the first dart and immediately hit a balloon. Chris saw the smug look Lucifer gave him before throwing a dart at a balloon and hitting it dead on. They glanced at each other before they both smiled at each other and started throwing their darts. Lucifer grabbed more cash and threw it at the carnival employee before grabbing his bucket of darts and throwing them all at the balloons. Chris laughed as they went everywhere. Angelo laughing and clapping in the background, while also making comments. "You better get me all of them!" Angelo shouted as they continued competing against each other. Chris laughed as he managed to pop the last balloon, sticking his tongue out at Lucifer, "Suck it" he says as Lucifer pouts and looks at the man, Who was currently pinned to the wall with darts. Lucifer snickered before prying him off and gestured towards Chris. The man nodded shakily before grabbing the stuffed prizes and handing them all to him. Chris smiled proudly as he held them all, well attempted to hold them all. Lucifer and Angelo took half.

A small crowd gathered around them, faces all impressed and some were recording, showing off their reactions to the game. Chris felt nervous... they were watching him, they were watching him... they'll find out, they'll set fire to his house again, not again, he couldn't go through that again. Chris paled and started hyperventilating under his breathe. Everyone was looking. They'll see him for who he is. This was supposed to be fun, now he'll be forced to leave and- he was pulled out of his head when he felt something on his cheek. Angelo pressed his lips against his cheeks, leaving a trail of lipstick behind, "The winner gets a kiss!~" he teased and grabbed a hold of his hand again. Chris felt his face flush again before looking around, the crowd was gone. Weren't there people around them a second ago?

He felt an arm nudge him and looked up at Lucifer, "C'mon, we haven't gone on the rides yet. I don't wanna waste my money on only carnival games y'know" He made the toys disappear and before Chris could complain about his prizes winnings disappearing, he was pulled towards a carnival ride. It was a roller coaster and he was put in the middle between Angelo and Lucifer. Lucifer pulled down the handle bar and held onto it while Angelo bounced in his seat, Chris smiled and held onto the bar. The ride began and flew fast, people screaming of joy, Angelo hollering next to him and Lucifer smiling. Chris laughed as the roller coaster went high up and back down, feeling the adrenaline. Angelo lifted his arms up in the air, Lucifer joining in before Chris proudly shot his hands up. The three of them screaming out in joy as the ride went on.

Suddenly he heard a shutter of the camera and a whispered, "He has antlers..." Chris felt the top of his head, his hat fell off! "My hat" he whispered-yelled, his antlers were visible and now someone had a photo of them. Before he could make a scene, Angelo wrapped an arm around him, "Let's take a photo!!" He took out his phone and put it on camera. Lucifer smooshed into the cameras view and made bunny ears on Chris.

Chris snickered for a moment, he could clearly see em. Forgetting the problem in the moment, he held up a peace sign and smiled softly. Angelo stuck his tongue out, winking before snapping a picture. Angelo showed it to them and it was absolutely horrendous. The photo was slightly blurry due to the ride moving them, Chris's eyes were in mid blink, Lucifer's head was slightly cut off and Angelo's hair was all in his face. "That's fucking awful" Lucifer said and Chris snorted. Angelo pouted and made it his wallpaper, "you're just jealous that this is the only photo of you that isn't perfect" Lucifer blushed slightly. "No way! I have a bunch of pictures that are imperfect!" Chris watched them bicker feeling himself relax, before remembering his hat. "Wait guys! My hat" he stated which drew their attention. "What about your hat?" Lucifer asked and pulled his hat down in front of his eyes.

Chris made a sound of confusion and pulled it back up. "But I thought..." he started before Angelo lifted up the handle bar, when did they stop? "C'mon. We better go before the kid behind us starts crying about dropping her phone" Lucifer snickered. "I could've caught it, but I'm fucking satan. Why would I?" Angelo got out, followed by Chris and finally Lucifer. "Dropped phone?" Chris asked and Angelo nodded, "you totally missed it because your eyes were closed, but the dumb idiot tries recording a video or something, then her hand slipped and she dropped her phone. Wouldn't surprise me if what she took was destroyed with the phone" Angelo explained and laughed, "That's why I held onto my phone super tight!" Chris slowly pieced together the scenario, that's not what happened... did it? He remembered his hat falling off and.. then.. was he hallucinating? He shook his head. He should really just enjoy himself, nothing bad has happened and it's only in his imagination.

Lucifer nudged him. "More rides before we eat?" Chris nodded and looked for more rides. Angelo immediately pointed at a boat ride, "that one is new!! Usually only amusement parks have them!!" Chris felt his entire face go red. There was no fucking way he was being dragged into the tunnel of fucking love. "Ooh great idea, Angie" Lucifer agreed because of course he would. Chris shook his head, "no! This was all a ruse wasn't it?! You knew this ride was here!" He crossed his arms, his face still red. Lucifer and Angelo looked at each other before Angelo smiled at him, "Nope! Not at all, but that's a pretty good trap for next time" He grabbed onto his arm and started dragging him towards it. Lucifer following behind. They waited in line, there were a lot of horny teenagers, but nonetheless the trio were able to get on. Lucifer squeezed himself towards the end, Angelo pushes Chris into the middle and sat right next to him. Angelo smiled at them as the employee pulled down the handlebar before pushing the button.

Chris huffed as they started moving in. Lucifer pointed out all the crappy and lame heart decorations and said the water was mossy. Chris hunched back in his seat, groaning in agony, making Angelo elbow him, "ow" Chris said quietly. "We're in the tunnel of love!! Don't you wanna smooch? I'd pay ya to smooch Lucifer" Angelo says and gestures towards Lucifer, who was looking at them both with his head in his hands. "It's true. He will" Lucifer said, nodding. Chris shook his head and hid his face with the cap. Angelo pouted before looking at Lucifer for help, who's response was a simply shrug before getting an idea, "I'll kiss ya baby. You know I will~" Lucifer scoots close, bumping into Chris before grabbing a hold of Angelo's face and connecting each other's lips. Angelo giggled into the kiss and wrapped his arms around him, also bumping into Chris, trying to get closer to Lucifer. Chris lifted his hat to see what's all the commotion before realizing he was trapped in a sandwich. He felt his entire face go red at them kissing, watching as they swirled their tongues around each other. They pulled away, leading a string of saliva out of their mouths, Angelo panted softly, his face gone slightly red and Lucifer, also red and looked very aroused.

Chris sat up between them, feeling upset and uncomfortable and slightly aroused, "Stop it!!" He screamed. "I know what you're trying to do and it's not funny!!" He curled up on himself the best he could, he genuinely thought Lucifer and Angelo just wanted a nice night out. Sure they were gonna try and kiss him, but making out, the constant touching, it was overwhelming for him. Especially since Lucifer and Angelo have so much more passion with them. He felt two hands on him, one running through his braids and the other rubbing circles on his back. He heard Lucifer's voice in his ear, "You seem left out. Do you want us to kiss you?" Chris jolted up and was prepared for a witty comeback before feeling a pair of lips on his nose. "Gotcha" Lucifer smiled making Chris growl at him. Chris hates him so much. He immediately felt another pair of lips on his cheek, Angelo wrapped his arms round him and gave a warm smile. Scratch that, he hated them both. "Oh wait there's something on your face" Lucifer kissed his other cheek, "nevermind. False alarm"

"Lucy-" Chris started

Angelo gasped and pointed at the ceiling. "Check it out!" Chris and Lucifer looked up. Both of them looking confused before Chris felt a pair of lips on his neck. He jolted and slammed his body into Lucifer, grabbing at his neck. "That place is sensitive." Lucifer groaned behind him and answered, "ya don't say"  Chris groaned, he hated them with a passion. Angelo pointed at the ceiling again, "hey the camera!" He said pointing at the camera for pictures. They repositioned themselves, not really sure what to do before the boat reached the camera. Angelo smirked before straightening Chris and kissing his cheek. Before Chris could protest Lucifer copied Angelo on the other cheek and the shutter of the camera rang out.

Angelo happily waved around the photo. "Best 15 bucks" Lucifer rolled his eyes, "More like a waste, hut I'm fucking rich why do I care?" Angelo pecked his lips, "Exactly"  Chris deadpanned at both of them, "Can we please get food? I wanna drown my sorrows in nacho chips" Lucifer wrapped an arm around him and brought him in close, "Well too bad. We're getting Churros" Lucifer grinned menacingly at him. "Because I'm fucking satan"


Chris sighed and rubbed his temples. "That was such a stupid day" he muttered to himself. "I can't believe he made me eat a chur-ro or whatever that sugar stick was" He played with the wristband that was still on his wrist. Chris then drew his gaze towards the pictures Angelo gave him, they'll never shut up about the tunnel of love ride. The rollercoaster was fun, but still a weird experience. Chris glanced at the mountain of stuffed prizes on his bed, the carnival games were also strange...

Chris facepalmed. Lucifer. Of course it was Lucifer, he was protecting him! He groaned and rubbed his face, chuckling. "I hate them, but I love them"

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