Robot au

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I was looking through old stories and found this au, I really enjoy this au

Felix paced back and forth, deep in their thoughts. Tyler was enticing them to sit down and relax, but they couldn't relax! "I hurt him, Ty! I-I..." Tyler stood up and lead them towards the bed. "It wasn't your fault Feli. You didn't mean to, it was just a dumb accident" Felix buried their head into his chest. "Still doesn't hurt less. It was horrible, I'v never seen someone's head completely open" Tyler winced.

"He is a robot. They're easily breakable. Especially the older models" Felix growled at that, but only hugged Tyler closer. "How's Gage?" Felix asked and peeked at him. Tyler smiled sympathetically at them. "Gage is... managing, but he knows it was an accident. He's making you a drawing, right now!" Felix whined in response. "Now I feel even guilty! He's such a good kid... Johnny raised him so well" Felix felt tears prick their eyes. Tyler patted their head, "there there. It's gonna be ok"

"Max is the best in the business! I think at least" Tyler scratched his head in thought. "He better fucking be! I paid him good money to fix him and if he doesn't bring him back in top shape, I'll strangle him myself!" Felix spoke out and wrung their hands together in a choking stance. Tyler laughed nervously, but smiled nonetheless.


"Sorry for calling you so early, bro" Max stated as he gave Alex a cup of coffee. Alex smiled and took it as he closed a robot's chest cavity. "That's alright! You did everything correctly" Max scratched his head, "Then why wouldn't he turn on??" He asked and Alex pulled back the robot's black hair, revealing a small compartment. He opened it up and pointed at some wires. "You accidentally switched the brain wires. See this red one? It was plugged into the power core, this wire is meant for the movements" Max facepalmed, "Damnit! Y'know, I did the same thing to Jerry one time. I freaked out when he couldn't move his limbs, but he insisted he was fine. Thankfully he managed to fix it himself, but refused to tell me what I did wrong. Isn't that stupid?" Alex laughed and took a sip of his coffee.

"He loves you and doesn't want you to feel bad about your mistakes" Max pouted at him, but smiled, "Yeah, the dummy" Alex responded by rolling his eyes and turning on the robot. The robot blinked his eyes bleary. Alex held up a notepad and smiled disarmingly at the robot. "Hey! I'm Alex, your mechanic. This is Max, also your mechanic." He pointed towards Max, who waved and the robot waved back. "I have a few questions, just to make sure nothing in your head was damaged further. Is that alright?" Alex was always polite towards robots and asking for consent.

The robot nodded happily, "Go ahead" Alex smiled and asked, "What is your name?"

"My name is John" the robot responded.

Alex grabbed his pencil and made a check next to the first question, "Do you remember how you got here?"

John scratched his beard and blinked, thinking. "Kind of, it's pretty hazy. I think I bashed my head in?"

Alex nodded in response and motioned towards Max. Max sat on a stool and scooted closer, "Your head was completely destroyed, we only got the gist of it, but it seems you fell and something collided with your head"

John nodded in response, "I see"

Alex scribbled in the notepad and continued, "Who are your owners?"

"Felix and Tyler"

More scribbling.

"Who's your son?"

"Gage... Camila!"

"How old are you?"

"Uhh.. I should be.. forty"

Alex stopped, "Close, but you're off by two years. You're 42" he scribbled more things into the notepad. "Nothing to worry about. As long as nothing important was lost. You'll feel a bit hazy after a while, but it's normal"

John nodded happily, "Thank you. I can't wait to get back to my family" Alex grinned at him, "You should be ready to go by tomorrow. We'll keep you here for a day longer to see your progress. It has been a while since you've been active, so take it easy." Alex stretched before turning towards Max, "You take him from here" he handed the notepad to Max. "Tell Jerry I said Hi~" he flirted and walked out of the room. Max tsked in jealousy and shouted at him, "You have your own robot, horny pervert!!" John smiled at him and slowly got up, feeling his limbs wobble underneath his weight.

Jerry walked in not a minute sooner when Alex left, "Did you call me?" He asked happily. Max snorted and shook his head, "Not me, my brother wanted me to tell you he said Hi" Jerry gasped, "Alex was here?? Why didn't you call me?"

John watched the interaction, feeling a sort of loneliness. He missed Felix and Tyler.

Max huffed, "What's so great about him?? I'm right here!" He outstretched his hands dramatically to prove his point. Jerry giggled and gave him a hug, "Nothing! I just love watching you get jealous" he slithered his arms all around him, stretching them all around his body. Max cleared his throat, motioning towards John. "We have company, dear" Jerry looked at John and retracted his arms. "Sorry!" He smiled and outstretched a hand towards John, "My name is Jerry!! What's yours?!" He asked excitedly, he always loved meeting new robots.

John accepted the hand and shook it. "My name is John" Jerry smiled and retracted his hand, "It's so nice to meet you! I'm a robot made by Max! Max was working on you for quite a bit. Are you okay?" John nodded, "Yeah! A bit dizzy, but I'm alright"

Max continued watching the robots communicate before looking at his watch, it was way past dinner time. "C'mon you two" he spoke up, getting the robots attention. "It's time to charge you both and then I gotta eat something before I wilt away to nothing" he yawned and left the room, Jerry trailing behind him happily. John followed slowly, his legs wobbling along the way, but managed to keep himself upright.

"Is Jamey still here?" Max asked Jerry. Jerry shook his head, "Faz took him. Said something about researching him" Max rolled his eyes and laughed softly, "That's just an excuse we use to have sex with you guys" Jerry clung onto his arm and gave him a kiss. "I know~" John tilted his head a bit, "You guys are a couple? I thought it was illegal to be with robots" Max whistled at him, "You are an old model. That law got changed a long time ago. Now there's all kinds of robots with humans. Isn't your kid like half human or something?" John scrunched up his face and shook his head, "he's human."

"Oh, well still. Look it up and you'll see the law changed in the 2000's" Max sat them both down on a bench. He grabbed two chargers and plugged them into the back of their necks. John flinched a bit at the manhandle, but relaxed himself and took the opportunity to look up the law. Jerry swung his legs back and forth as the charging began. Max walked in the kitchen, making himself a sandwich, "why did I think John's kid was half robot? That'd be impossible" he muttered to himself, but shrugged. He should probably call Felix and tell him John is coming back tomorrow.


Robot au!!

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