Chapter 11 - Sunrise

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"Good morning you two!" Norman's voice woke Gidget up. Opening her eyes, she realized that she had fallen asleep beside Tiberius in his shed. By the looks of things, the old hawk had also just woken up. Standing in the doorway, Norman was wearing the biggest smile ever.

Embarrassed, Gidget and Tiberius quickly got up. Exiting the shed and heading for the fire escape, the fluffy white Pomeranian called over her shoulder, "I'll see you guys later." She left without another word. Once she was sure she was out of sight, Gidget raced down the steps, praying no one else would stop by and ask her what she had been up to that morning. Noticing the weird look that Norman was giving him, Tiberius muttered, "Alright, spit it out!"

"Am I gonna be a big brother anytime soon?" Norman asked, clasping his little paws together. Tiberius facewinged himself as he grumbled, "Why in the world do I even talk to you at times?"

"Or am I gonna be an uncle?" Norman wondered aloud. He got a light whack to the back of the head as a response to that comment.

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