Chapter 24 - Exploring

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Pushing her way through some bushes, Gidget found herself staring at an open clearing. The bright sun shone its heavenly light down on the patch of green grass. Smiling to herself, the fluffy dog crept out from the tree line and sat down. She loved the feeling of the sun's light as it warmed her white fur. Tail wagging quietly, she sighed happily.

Just then, she heard a twig snap. Jumping to her feet an in instant, Gidget's blue eyes frantically searched the area as she barked, "Who's there?" No one stepped out. However, there was a slight movement in the bushes nearby. Curious, she padded over to find what looked like a weird looking mouse tail sticking out. "Aww... hey there little guy," she whispered sweetly just as she heard Tiberius come out into the open. Lifting her head, Gidget called out, "Hey, Tiberius! There's a cute little mouse over here!"

"GIDGET, RUN!" Tiberius screeched, his eyes wide with terror. Confused, Gidget turned around to discover that the mouse was actually a rattlesnake. Rattling its tail in agitation, it went to strike...

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