Chapter 28 - Waiting

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Pacing around nervously, Gidget asked quietly, "Shouldn't he have woken up by now?" Jaw dropping when he lost yet another game of poker against Myron and five other hamsters, Pops looked over at the fluffy white Pomeranian. Strolling over and stopping in her path, he reassured her, "Don't worry, the antidote is working. Soon the sedative will wear off and he'll wake up, no question about it." He walked away towards his water bowl.

Sighing heavily, Gidget looked over at Tiberius. He seemed much better after receiving the antidote for the snakebite. The hawk also appeared very peaceful while he was sleeping. A faint blush crept over her face as she recalled how he had saved her from the rattlesnake. She also remembered all the times he had helped her, starting off with the day they had first met. Quietly, Gidget padded over to her friend and laid down beside him.

Watching the old hawk sleep, Gidget couldn't help but notice that she had laid down a little too close to Tiberius, her fur brushing up against his feathers. Her tail wagged slightly as she thought about it. Glancing over at his face, she saw the tiny scar on his right eye again. She wondered what had happened for him to earn that. Glancing up to make sure Pops and Myron weren't looking their way, Gidget gave the scar a gentle lick. Hearing a purr from Tiberius, she smiled softly.

Just then, the door opened and Max walked in.

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