Chapter 6 - Close

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Groaning, Gidget blinked her eyes open. Rubbing her head, she discovered that her fall had been broken by something soft. Unfortunately, that something was Tiberius, who was laying on his back underneath her. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" Gidget exclaimed, her ears pinned back in shame. Wheezing, Tiberius rasped quietly, "I think you broke something..."

"Here, I'll get off of you," Gidget reassured her friend, trying to get to her paws. One of her back paws though accidently stepped on Tiberius's tail, causing him to move suddenly with a yelp. Gidget fell back on top of him just as the old hawk lifted his head. Her nose ended up getting pressed up against his beak. The two friends froze, their eyes wide open.

Her fur heating up in embarrassment, Gidget tried to tell herself to move. However, her brain wasn't listening to her. And her heart was pounding in her chest. All the white Pomeranian could do was stare into Tiberius's light brown eyes, who was currently freaking out on the inside. Gulping, Gidget smiled guiltily as she mumbled quietly, "Sorry..."

"It... it's okay..." Tiberius stuttered, his brain completely malfunctioning. His heart was beating so loud he was afraid that Gidget would hear it. His tail, having a mind of its own, had fanned out. The old hawk wasn't sure what was going on with himself but it didn't help with Gidget being on top of him, her paw on his chest.

The pair stayed there like that for two minutes, though it felt like centuries for both. At last, Gidget finally moved away. She watched as Tiberius laid his head down on the floor with a sigh. The Pomeranian was thankful he hadn't said anything about her bloodshot eyes. Glancing down at the old hawk, she noticed the black eye she had given him after he had startled her earlier. Feeling guilty and ashamed at the same time, she looked away. It was also then that Gidget noticed that she was still on her friend's chest.

Before she could get off though, both Gidget and Tiberius jumped slightly when the closet door opened...

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