Chapter 2 - Squabble

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"Mom! Harrison did it again!" Esmeralda's voice called out from the living room. A second later, her younger brother retorted, "I did not ya big whinebag!" Sighing, Gidget lifted her head and gazed lovingly at her two oldest children. The puppies were no doubt complaining about some game they came up with that had somehow turned into a disaster. Getting up from her bed, the fluffy white Pomeranian padded over to the squabbling siblings. Spying paint and brushes, she spoke quietly, "Alright, explain what happened."

"Harrison thought it would be funny to paint my fur blue while I was taking my nap!" Esmeralda cried, turning to show blue splotches on her shoulders. Ears flattened against his head, Harrison defended himself, "You did that to frame me!" Brother and sister were practically at each other's throats now. "Okay, there's only one way to figure this out," Gidget declared, getting their attention. Looking around, she called out softly, "Andromeda! Come here please!"

A moment later, a small white hawk peered around from her hiding place behind the couch. Shaking, she crept over to her mother's side. Licking her forehead reassuringly, Gidget spoke softly, "You saw what happened, correct?" Blinking her sky blue eyes, Andromeda nodded her head.

"Good girl. Now, who is telling the truth?"

Still trembling a little, Andromeda quietly pointed at her older sister Esmeralda. "Ha! Told ya!" Esmeralda crowed victoriously. Scowling, Harrison ignored his oldest sister as he went to clean up the paint and brushes. Sighing with relief, Gidget nuzzled her youngest child lovingly as she whispered, "Thank you sweetie."

Just then, there was a loud crash at the window.

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