Chapter 23 - Reunion

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"Alright everyone, follow me and Fat Dog here to freedom!" Snowball cried as he led the way towards the unlocked basement doors. A small parade of animals followed them. Max's tail wagged as he nuzzled Chloe lovingly. Sparky was giving his sister Cupcake a warm hug, just then realizing how much he had missed his little yet energetic sister.

"Mommy!" Esmeralda and Harrison yipped happily, rushing to their mother's side. Her tail wagging, Gidget nuzzled her two oldest children lovingly and licked their faces. "Thank goodness you two are alright," she spoke between licks. Padding over, Andromeda brushed up against her older siblings to show her joy in being reunited with them.

"That's everyone. Come on, we need to go," Gabe whispered as he unlocked the last cage and brought out a cat. Max, Chloe and their kids headed towards the door with the other freed animals. Duke and Snowball were already outside. Nudging her own children forward, Gidget just then noticed there was one person missing. "Hey, where's Tiberius?" she asked. Stopping in their tracks, Esmeralda and Harrison slowly turned to face their mother with sad looks on their faces. Worried, Gidget asked again, "Kids, where's your father?"

"They told me that Tiberius had been taken to some place else," Chloe answered for the puppies as she padded over to Gidget. Draping her striped tail across the Pomeranian's shoulders, the gray tabby cat continued sadly, "He hadn't returned." Worry building up inside of her, Gidget spoke firmly, "Chloe, keep an eye on these three. I'm gonna find Tiberius." Gazing down at her children, she nuzzled them and whispered, "Listen to your aunt and behave. Your father and I will be back soon." Taking a deep breath, she set off on her little quest.

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