Chapter 26 - Monster

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Feathers bristling, Tiberius's light brown eyes were now a blood red color and glowed with fury. The old hawk kept slamming his body against the bars of his cage, screeching angrily. The crowd of people were definitely awed by his presence, though one lady fainted. Several others had actually gotten up from their seats and hid behind their chairs, absolutely terrified. Trembling with worry as she watched her husband and best friend screech and hiss, Gidget whimpered, "What have they done to him?"

"This is a red tailed hawk yes but, thanks to my partner Dr. Ulrich Reed, this bird is now a ruthless killing machine. We have done some tests and found out that he is also a trained predator," Michael informed the crowd, speaking loud enough so he could be heard over the screeching. Gesturing towards Tiberius, he began explaining, "Intelligent, cunning, accustomed to humans and evolution meets ferocity, relentlessness and ruthlessness." Laughing slightly, he added, "And that's not even the best part! We have discovered that this bird has actually had offspring with a Pomeranian!" Gidget and Chloe glanced at each other with worried faces, knowing they were in deep water now.

"Twenty million!" someone in the crowd shouted. A competitor followed up with, "Thirty million!" The price continued to rise higher and higher to the point of two hundred million. Scowling at the people in the crowd, Gidget whispered, "We need to get him out of here."

"Gidget, you have eyes and so do I. That's clearly not the Tiberius we know. This bird could kill us in a matter of seconds!" Chloe replied back, her entire body puffed up like a marshmallow. Glaring at the tabby cat, Gidget growled, "That bird down there is my husband! I'm getting him out of here! If you're so worried, keep watch!" Whirling around, the fluffy white Pomeranian raced off towards the stairs.

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