Chapter 4 - Playmates

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"Mommy, look who it is!" Cupcake yipped happily as she began bouncing around in circles. Not even waiting for her mother to lift her head from the pillow her head was laying on, the energetic puppy continued, "Auntie Gidget brought over Esmeralda and Harrison for a playdate!" Rolling his eyes at his younger sister, her brother Sparky muttered, "Mom, explain how I'm related to Cupcake again."

"Oh hush, deep down you know that you love her as much as the rest of us," Chloe meowed as she padded over to her son. Giving the orange tabby a lick on the forehead, she gently pushed Sparky towards Cupcake, Esmeralda and Harrison as she added, "Now go play with the others. They're waiting for you."

"You too Andromeda," Gidget urged her youngest daughter. Hiding behind Tiberius, the small hawk shook her head. Sighing softly, her father stepped to the side. Her cover blown, Andromeda quickly dashed towards a chair before the others could get to her. Luckily for her, her older siblings were playing around with their neighbors and friends. Cupcake seemed to be explaining some new game to Esmeralda and Harrison while Sparky yawned during the gray and white puppy's explanation. The orange tabby was quickly the target of a pouncing game that the puppies had instantly came up with. It was as if they were one mind.

"You two be careful! Esmeralda and Harrison are older than you!" Chloe called out to her son and daughter. Arriving at the window and entering the apartment, the gray tabby's husband Max pointed out, "They're only five days younger. They'll be fine Chloe." Trotting over to the cat, the Jack Russell terrier sat down beside her and gently licked her cheek lovingly. Smiling, Chloe rested her head on Max's shoulder as all four parents watched their children.

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