Chapter 49 - Bullets

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Hearing the gunshot, Gidget was actually surprised that she hadn't been hit. She knew that the bullet was meant for her but apparently went right past her. Instead, Dr. Ulrich Reed had been shot right in the arm. Glowering at his partner Michael Piston, he shouted with fear and anger in his voice, "You shot me in the arm!"

"Maybe if you weren't squirming around so much, that wouldn't have happened!" Michael practically hissed, adding with a venomous tone in his voice, "Now don't move." At the same time, he was taking his aim. Eyes widening with fear, Ulrich struggled with his seatbelt again. Gidget, meanwhile, got ready to dodge the bullet. A villainous look was carved into Michael's face as he fired. Of course, he missed again.

At least Michael was able to help Ulrich a bit since he had shot the seatbelt. Opening his door, the doctor glared at his partner and friend. "See ya!" he cried before jumping out of the vehicle. Watching as his partner rolled along the pavement, Michael yelled at the top of his lungs, "COWARD!" Noticing that Gidget was still in the truck, he quickly reached over and shut the door before either she or Andromeda could follow Ulrich's example. Firing his gun, the man finally got lucky when he got Gidget in the shoulder.

Yelping, Gidget felt like there was a wildfire in her shoulder. Ears pinned against her head, she snarled at Michael as he prepared to take his next shot. Bunching her muscles together, the fluffy white Pomeranian leaped just as a gunshot rang out. A second later, Gidget fell onto the driver's seat, a bullet wound in her gut. Gasping for breath, she didn't move as Michael grabbed her by the scruff and placed the gun right up against her head.

"To think you and your family could've brought a large sum of cash..." Michael grumbled, getting ready to pull the trigger...

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