Kiss me at the end of the world

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This is my entry for the 'Kiss me at the end of the world' contest hosted by dystopianapocalypse and dangerouslove 

Word count: 499 (according to word)


It seemed the earth was deeply unsatisfied as it churned and twisted beneath its crust. The island violently shook as the beast awoke; a volcano that lay dormant no more. It was sudden and without warning.

Taylin, out wandering about, desperately sought shelter. She ran into the first form of cover she could find—a cottage by the beach.

It was his home, she knew that.

She burst through the door. "Hello?"

Nicholas, the handsome man she secretly admired from afar rushed to her. She had fantasized about him running to her—this was not how she pictured it. 

"Are you alright?" he asked, ushering her in.

The moment was profound. The finality hung heavy in the air and his face was the last she was likely to ever see. Thick clouds of smoke conspired and blocked out the sun. The lack of light allowed shadows to reach from their dark corners; death slowly creeping closer to feast.

He stared at her face, even contorted with fear, she was beautiful. This girl, whom so often wandered down the beach alone, had fascinated him for the longest time. If only he had met her sooner, he would have loved to see her in a hue brighter than doom.

A loud rumble roared. The windows rattled in their frames. The noise—an impending and sinister laughter—startled her. He took her in his arms, he wished he could have told her that it will be alright but they both knew better. Was there a better place on earth—other than in his embrace—to witness the end of their paradise, their small world upon this island? She closed her eyes and pressed her cheek against his chest. Did he know how much more she was willing to give? If only they had more time. Would he still want her charred heart in the afterlife?

Outside, pandemonium was all the rage; shrieks of terror could be heard over the growling and rumbling from the earth. A bloodied, orange glow shone through the windows. They both ran to see what tinted the sky, awestruck and horrified they watched the dark heavens rain fire. Who knew the apocalypse was so majestic?

Nature was rebelling and it was as breathtaking as it was deadly. He felt an urgency that bubbled up from deep within, his heart brimming with emotion. This was the end and he had only her to share it with. It was in that instant that he realized there was no one else he would rather have next to him—he knew that in his final moment his heart would not beat to survive it would beat for her...

She saw it in his eyes; raw and undeniable passion. She reached up and kissed him. Have you ever shared a first kiss so powerful, so cataclysmic, that the whole world around you shook and erupted? It was a happy thought that he took her last breath and not the fire that consumed them.

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