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Three wishes, one genie.

What a thrilling concept, an encounter with a magical genie.

"Three wishes you may request. Three opportunities to shape your destiny, think hard and deep. What is it that your heart so deeply desire that I might grant?" he spoke with a gleaming smile, his bluish complexion glowing with glee.

"Three wishes, of any measure?" I asked awestruck and consumed with opportunities of endless wonder.

"Your wish is my command," he nodded once more, confirming my hope with the jingle of bells adorning his silly looking hat.

Selfish thoughts consumed my dark heart as I thought of what only I would want. Power, wealth and beauty, how can I deny those rose amongst the string of possibilities. Once more I blinked, staring at the impossibility floating before me.

That is when I saw the blue of his eyes before me, rivaling this genie's magnificent hue. I bowed my head in surrender, not even my own selfish gain can compare to the longing for him.

"There is this boy you see, he stole my heart unknowingly," I said humbly. I stared up at the genie eagerly awaiting me. "I wish him a worthy love, with eyes as blue as his," I uttered my first wish, unselfishly.

Jingling sounded as the genie nodded. With a wave of his hand, sparkles floated up to the heavens above. "It is done, he will find someone worthy of your vision for him," he spoke as clear as day.

Two wishes remain. My thoughts once again drifted to my self, for I am a mere human at fault. I stared around, there was no one there but the two of us. What a terrifying thing to experience, loneliness.

"This boy you see, he always sits alone," I thought of him once again. "I wish him a friend to ease the loneliness," I made my second wish, the genie complied with a smile appearing on his face.

One last wish, can I think of myself now? How much people would laugh if I told them of this unlikely encounter with a magical genie. What a wonderous feeling it must be to know someone believes in you.

"This boy can be so much more you see, I have seen his persistence," I spoke, this boy now etched onto my heart. "I wish him the courage to pursue his heart's most wanted desires," I made my final wish.

Hypnotizing sparks ascended to the heavens once more as the genie waved his hands for the third and final time. I have forgotten myself, oh will I live to regret this someday? I couldn't help but selfishly wonder.

"Selfless wishes will make for a lighter hart," the genie spoke approvingly.

The following day I wandered around aimlessly till I found solace on an empty park bench. "Forgive me, but do you mind if I join you?" an angelic voice asked. I looked up to the lonely blue eyed boy.

"Not at all," I managed shyly.

"I have been trying to gather the courage to talk to you for the longest time, it's seems I finally managed to. You have the most beautiful blue eyes," he said mesmerized.

The genie's laughter echoed through our life together as our friendship blossomed into romance. And on our wedding day the sound of jingling bells followed me down the ails.

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