Short story 4

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Writing prompt: See above

Idea comes from: pinterest

Min word goal: 500 woorden

sprint time: 30 minutes

I jogged through the park and my music blasted in my ears. This was my favorite time of year. Cold but dry and jogging in the morning gave me an amazing feeling.

"Oke and now?" I stopped dead in my tracks and ripped the headphoned of my head.

"What kind of bullshit is this?" There was no one around and my heart started beating faster.

"Could you stop that. You are making it much harder than it should be." My hands started sweating en I ran away as fast as I could.

"Stop with the facking running. Sit and calm down. You are getting on my last nerves." I stiffened and dropped my phone and headphones. The battery from my phone sprung out and the music stopped.

"Finally I thought that horrible sound would never stop. I don't know what is wrong with you but that should not be called music." My knees got weak and I sunk to the ground.

"Show yourself asswhole!" I screamed.

"That will be impossible."

"Where are you. And why don't you just leave me alone." My voice trembled and it took al I had not to start crying.

"Technically I am inside you. And I can't leave you alone because you are my first target." I shuddered and my heart misses a beat.

"What is going to happen to me?"

"I wouldn't know. To be fair this is not exactly happening as the books said it would." This makes no sense. I am going crazy there is no way this is true.

"Can't you just choose an other target and leave me alone?"

"No you're not going crazy. And even if I could just choose another target I am stuck here until I find out what went wrong." How... but... what?

"Oké explain."

"I am a demon... surprise. My first assignment was to possess you and when I notify them than I have you under my control I get my orders. But I haven't. And on your other question, I can hear your thoughts so if you're smart you stop talking aloud. Unless you want people to think you should be in a mental hospital ofcourse." I put my hands in my face. My dad was right. Demons exist and now I'm stuck with one. I should have taken those stupid pills.

"They probably wouldn't have worked anyway. I have an idea. How about I tell them I did it, and you will do my task for me?" I rolled my eyes and lay down on the ground.

'And why would I do that?'

"If you help me I help you. It doesn't matter what. You can call it a deal. Only instead of giving me your soul you help me complete my task." My soul. Really this sounds like a horrible idea, but it's not like I have much of a choice.

"Good. I am going to assume it is a deal. Think about what you want me to do for you. I will be right back." I got a headache and moand. Slowly I stood up and took my stuff. I walked to the closest bench and sat down. What had I done to deserve this. I'm not a goody two shoes but im not bad by any means. More like in the middle. My phone rang the second I turned it on.

"Violet here," I said.

"Hey Vio. I have some bad news." I recognised my best friends Lola's voice.

"What is wrong?" Lola wasn't someone who would call for nothing. Especially not when I would see her a few hours later.

"I just saw Paul and he is kissing some girl." Tears started to prik behind my eyes. Tomorrow we would have been together for 2 years and he is cheating?

"I had to warn you. What do you want me to do?" she asked.

"Nothing... I... I need some time... see you later Lola." I disconnected before she could say anything more and realised the headache was gone.

"Sooo... do you want to know my task or? I could give you some time to think about the fact that you boyfriend is a dick." The moment I heard the demon I knew what I wanted.

'I know what I want. Tell me what I have to do first.'

"It is easy. The only thing you have to do is get in a room alone with you french teachers fiance. If you do that I can claim his soul for my boss." I sighed.

'I don't know what you call easy but that is not it. I don't know who he is or what he looks like. But I guess we can find something out.' Not that I had any idea how to do this. But hey I'm sure they had a good reason to choose me.

"Yea... about that. Did you know you and her have the same name? I was in the class when I heard her call you and assumed you were the target... whoops? But on the bright side. I now know why I can't take full control of your body." It was a mistake. It was a fucking mistake. I screamed in my head and felt him move.

"Look I understand you are upset. But you are getting a free deal. And I can help with maybe 90% of the trouble that happens even if it has nothing to do with my task. It will be to make up for my small mistake." I looked to the sky and grunted. Ofcourse I get the one demon in the world who doesn't make sure to have the right target.

'Fine. But you will help me take revenge on Paul. My future ex-boyfriend Paul.'

"It's a deal." I felt warmth spread through my body. My aching muscles relaxed and I felt amazing.

"One of the many perks of being possessed by me." Maybe this wouldn't be as bad as I thought.

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