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So our teacher did some thing for our show don't tell segment of class where we closed are eyes and he asked us what we saw. So I thought I would wright down what I have. So here you go :)


     I walked calmly down the dirt and pebble path. It hurt a little as I was barefoot but nothing to noticeable. I looked to my right to see a flower bush. They were a magenta pink and pretty small in size. I looked at the sky to see it relatively clear. The few clouds visible unmoving in the sky. Sun nowhere in site. The sound of a bumblebee could be heard nearby. The air tasted fresh.

     When I looked to the ground again I saw snow was now covering it. My feet had turned a bit red but I barely noticed the cold. I looked to my right to see pine trees with a little bit of snow on the top. Suddenly a crunch of snow could be heard behind me. My body stiffened in fright, my breath becoming shallow. I started to slowly walk away hoping the thing behind me looses interest.

     Up ahead I saw a small tan house and my body relaxed. I started running to the small house slipping on the snow, just to jump back up and continue running. In a few seconds I was walking up the steps and walking to the porch swing to my right. It was tan looking a bit dirty. The porch was highly decorated with many little details.

     I sat on the porch swing, swinging it a bit. I looked to my left to see a girl rufly around my age. She was blonde her hair barely past her shoulders. She turned to me a smile on her face, her bright blue eyes seeming to shine. She offered me her hand in a greeting. Her finger nails were painted purple and blue looking a bit glittery. A little bit long but not to long. I stood up much to her confusion, and started walking away.

     As soon as I steeped of the stairs, the path became a dirt path with greenery everywhere on it. I turned to see I was now in a jungle. The trees looming over me.

And that's as far as we got. I hope you like it.


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