what happened to your family? part 1

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Oscar pov

"Hey, edi!" yelled oscar as he ran down the stairs"I want to ask you something!"
"Yeah?" She said taking a sip of the cold coffee that's been out since last week.
"Goopy" she mumbled, "your actually drinking that nasty stuff, it's been out since last week!" Yelled a disgusted mint from the other room, this wouldn't have been the first time she's eaten something nasty, once her ate a cockroach just  because she was hungry.
"anyways" said oscar "I have a question for you edi... what happened to your family?" He asked knowing what her answer would be, everyone has asked her about her family, addie, tire, karmi, moon, colli, mint and silas, hell, she wouldn't even tell Zi and those two are very close, the only answer that edi would give was "I dont know."

No ones pov

Everyone has their suspicions of what happened to their parents, oscar thinks edi ran away, addie thinks that she killed their parents, tire thinks that edi was a lab experiment due to her ink manipulation and didn't have parents, karmi thought that she was orphaned, silas didn't think much of it, Zi didn'tlike to upset her and mint was just concerned.

Addie pov

"What's going on?" Asked addie walking down the stairs, the first thing that caught her eye was edis blank stair, her  first thought was that probably someone asked her about her family and she was right, edi began mumbling the same two words 'my family?'  "Oscar" sighed addie
"Did you ask her about her family?"

End chapter.

273 words

Hope you liked it!

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