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[Part 1: A New Foe]

Previously on Buffy the Vampire Slayer

MP: Hello im MP please introduce yourselves.

Everyone: HELLO



Mikan: Well M-kun we decided that me and seiko are going to share you

Seiko: Yes indeed



MP: Wow.


Jubilees: Who sent you!!!!

Yara: Well actually- *head explodes*

Ruby: AAAHHHH!!!

Jubilees: WOAH!!


2B: I found an old message in my data it's for you.

Phos: What does it say?

2B: It says "How dare you murder them Mother"..

Talos: What do you mean?

Phos: Phaedra is our youngest child, she she...


....: Time for Phrase 3..

And now the introduction

We see both euclase and winter all tied up with a strange rope made an unknown metal hanging by a chain

Euclase: Talk about a predicament..

Winter: HEY LET US OUT!!!

Nothing no response.

Euclase: Can't you use your semblance?

Winter: I can't theses ropes are draining my aura that's not possible for my people to devolp these we used special tech but not these are different.

...: Of course.

Euclase: Huh?

Winter: Show yourself!

Then out of the shadow was a girl but this cause both Winter and Euclase eye's to widen in fear.

Mikan: Pleasure to meet you both.

Winter: Mikan?!

Euclase: What how!!!

Mikan: Oh relax yourselves the master wants to speak to you.


An uproar of laughter can be heard from the shadows but mikan giggles in response.

Mikan: No silly we need to ask you a few simply question..

Winter: And what are they exactly?

Mikan: Where is the one named MP?

Euclase: What you should know!!!

Winter: Why?

Mikan: Just answer the question.

Winter: Who are you really?...

Mikan: Hmm

Euclase: Winter it's mikan why wo- hold on..if anything are you human....

Mikan: Of course I'm human 100%, well if you count all the murders committed by my group then we're inhuman.

Euclase: What..

Winter: Murders!!

Mikan: Well I was tasked to do the healing for them, I.....never committed any sadly. :(

Euclase however was making a plan as they start looking around even though their being watched from the shadows however they look up and see an alarm and a steam hatch.

Mikan: Well might as well pull out the torture devices.

Euclase: How 'bout naw.

Then euclase broke their arm and throw it at the alarm and everthing went dark and alarms went up.

Euclase: QUICK GET UP NOW!!!

Both of them get up and start walking in sync but winter kicks mikan to the face before seeing keys.

Winter: KEYS!!

Winter trys to grab it and barely got it and trys to unlock the metal and it free's them.

Euclase: LET'S GO NOW *grabs their arm piece*

The two began running and see a light path.

Euclase: This might be a way out let's go!!

Both of them start running as fast as they can and they can hear voices in the back but they kept running and then they see what appears to be a sort of swirling portal mixed of grey and black colors.

Euclase: This might be it.

Then suddenly a sheath of winter's weapon was thrown at winter.

Euclase: Huh?

Winter: Where did-

....: Use it

Euclase: Who said that?!

Winter: *pulls out their weapon* Show yourself.

...: Just do it i'm standing in front of you.

Then reveals a person with a grey hoodie. Winter see's this and use theor glyph and charge at the stranger then.

..: Deactivate.

Then winter's glyph vanish and falls to the floor.

Winter: What just happened?!

Euclase: How is that possible?

.....: Time for the reveal.

Then the stranger removes their hoodie to reveal a green hair, and their eyes were green but they a swirl of a grey metal to them.

....: Please to meet euclase and Winter Schnee.

Winter: You know our names?

....: I'm Korn or as sensei would say Kornerupine..

Euclase: *eyebrow raised* What?

Korn: For the time being I brough you here to simply witness this change as you may call it..but where is MP.

Euclase: Not to you-

Then a alloy spear hits euclase chest and breaks them apart.

Winter: EUCLASE!!

Korn: Honesty being a 4 has that perk.

Winter: Why?!

Korn: Because we're the same.

Then a blue shines on korn to reveal a shine on his hair and his left arm an alloy.

Korn: I know what it's like to lose, to know loss is a piece we must make everyday even if your not human of xenos but I'm no human am I not?

Winter: Your a HOUSEKI!!!

Korn: Correct well more like made by a scientist...

Winter: Enough of this what are you going to do when you find MP.

Korn: Extermination..

Winter: What!!

Korn hand glows a light green and euclase starts getting patched together and returning to normal.

Euclase: What just happened.

Korn: I suggest you both go now bye.

He snaps his finger and then they both vanish.

Korn: Time for the hunt, My dear send out our Hounds.

....: No problem Lord Korn.

(Back with MP and the others)

MP: Attention the meeting of the council is now in session.

Tetsuo: What's going on.

MP: There are others now where's Alexi?

Phos: Well....😟

(Meanwhile with Alexi)

(Back with MP and the gang)

MP: That's kinda funny to me.

Rutile: Hello everyone

84 and 33: Hi

Mondo: Sup Doc.

Mikan: Hi rutile.

Chiaki: You look happy as usually this worries me.

Rutile: Hmm?

Hajime: Sorry Rutile.

Rutile: Don't you mean Mrs.Rutile.


Sonia: Hold in Mrs.Rutile?

Rutile: Oh you have no idea what magical things I've experienced. 

MP and Phos: 😐.....

Rutile: Anyways what's going on?

MP: A scan has shown a strange amount of warp distortions in this sector along with some smaller ones we believe these to be the result of Dimension rips in our plane of reality.

Jade: And not to mention something strange like gravity changes near tokyo, scotland, New Jersey but no one gives a sh*t ahout Jersey Shore but still these distortion are going to be a problem.

Rutile: So Something we can do about it?

MP: Miu and Souda are currently working with the Farsight Enclave to make a sort of Red Matter Bomb to patch the damaged rifts.

Zircon: Is that really gonna-

Both Euclase and Winter enter

Winter: GUYS!!

Weiss: Sis?

Antarc: Love what's wrong?

Euclase: We have a major problem!!!

Jade: Look we kinda have a sort of-

Euclase: What is it!!

Jade: Look

Then Euclase walks toward where jade is.

Jade: According to these papers a high amount of warp distortions gave been going around the world and we still don't know the source.

Euclase: Then that would mean-

Then everything went dark again.


...: Don't worry you'll see the light on the other side.

MP then felt something and the lights turn on to reveal two new figures amd they look like-

Zircon: TENKO, IBUKI!!

Ibuki: Sorry but I don't think you aren't prepared.

Phos: Ibuki?!

Tenko: Please to meet you all once more.

Yellow: Hold what is-

Then yellows head came off by a steel wire.

Melon: YELLOW!!

Then tenko was about to strike MP but D4C came out and punched tenko at a wall but she got up.

MP: Their tough??

Then suddenly the door revealing tenko and ibuki holding soda boxes.

Tenko: Tenko has returned with coke!!

Ibuki: *cheerful* Ibuki came with chips for movie night next week!!!

Then everyone turns to see them with shock


MP: Whaaa!!!

Ibuki: Okay what's going- *see's the other ibuki* WHAT THE HEY!!!


Tenko: IS THAT ME?!?!?

Jade: Wait a minute the rips their bringing other version of OURSELVES O THIS REALITY!!!

Weiss: Well that explains it.

Ibuki: Ibuki with black Eye liner?!!!!

Zircon: Seriously your concerned about that!!!!

Then the two then were engaging with everyone.

Papda: Out of the way *kicks evil tenko's face*

But evil tenko caught it and send padpa flying back.

Rutile: PADPA!!!

Bortz: Their strong..

Evil Tenko: Your right I'm abit more different then you can imagine.

Evil ibuki: We're beyond normal human..

Bortz: Yeah f**king annoying then an average person.

Evil Ibuki: As a matter of fact shut up you!!!

Bortz: *flips a middle finger at them*

Evil Tenko: THAT'S IT YOUR SO-

Then evil tenko head was cut clean off their shoulder and fell dead.

Evil Ibuki: What- *their head gets cut off*

Bortz: *gasp* What!

The person who did it was none other then-

Miu: TONYA!!!

2B: Hello mother.

MP: Thank god your here.

2B: I'm not alone.

Then ruby and along with the olympians appear.

Ruby: *holding a baby* What happend!!

Jubliees: What the?!

MP: Ruby is that a baby?!

Ruby: Oh I forgot um this is Ria

Ria: *baby noise*

Seiko: Well that was quick?

Winter: There's no doubt they were sent by their boss.

Bortz: What?

Euclase: The portals that's him doing it....from what I saw, when he snapped his fingers he sent us here.

Talos: That's new.

MP: What's his name?.....

Euclase: Kornerupine, like phos and the others......a gem.

Gems: WHAT!!!

Rutile: That's impossible no gems were born for awhile and how is that possible.

MP: I think he's from a different reality like the land of the lustrous, makes sense doesn't it.

Jade: Yes but why?

Winter: To exterminate MP.

Seiko: What I won't let him hurt my love!!

Miu and Mikan: YES!!

Makoto: Agreed if it's war he wants we'll stop him.

Gundam: Prepare the hounds of war!!


Meanwhile back with korn.

....: Sir um the human's Ibuki and Tenko were both slain, their life signs dropped to zero..

Korn: Hmmm very well guess it's time for the Vanguard to have a party, lunarian inform that Mutant, Salem to deploy those beasts of hers attack and have aechmea quote on quote "Wife" of his to join the attack along with several lunarian forces.

Lunarian: Yes my lord..

Korn: And are they ready?...

Lunarian: Took awhile to brainwash that idiot human but their ready.

Korn: Goodie now for the next part of the plan send in Rantaro as a messenger.

Lunarian: Also their coming in as we speak.

Korn: Excellent and as for my special surprise?

Lunarian: Still in progress but will be done in an hour.

Then a door opens to reveal two of korn's strongest warriors.

Korn: Ah you both are here I was hoping you would come and fun..

Korn: My Faithful Black Knight, Izuru

Korn: And not to mention to challenge a knight in fairy tales.

Then next person reveals themselve

Korn: My Loyal Dragon..Yang









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