The Gamble

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I was the greatest gambler of my hometown never lost to one game and hope I never will.

Now, I was suddenly at the big kids table with all these great gamblers as well. It was thought to be a regular kind of gamble, but now I can't afford to lose. Not today. This was to be the gamble of my life. There was no doors to escape, not a single light out of this room, just a table with these poor innocent folk.

Except one of them. I knowing of them brought us here for a specific reason. All the more not to spill. One of her motives was to take out the greatest competitors to give her a chance to be the best gambler in the world.

If only I knew it was her, Carise, I'm sorry for what I did and the other years ago, but this grudge of insanity, ugly greed, and obsession has to go. If only I told her sooner, I would be out of this mess. It's too late now, I tried to reason with her these past few hours, but alas, the cold feet is all I deserve. In fact, it made things worse by one of the gamblers spilling their first blood never to heal. 5 left.

"You know why we're really here. What did we do?"

"Huh? Were you that drunk? Well, long story short, we made so much gambles and we humiliated her in front her family when she lost to our little "gamble"."

"What was the prize?"


"What do you mean everything?"

".......I think you've heard enough. Lets just continue the game."

As we joked around a bit, one the gambler's lost their minds until they snapped and figured out they had just picked the worstest card in his deck. A suicide was committed knowing it was envitable. 4 left.

"What did we do with everything?"

"We personalized it. Carise loathed every bit. We were drunk, we didn't know better."

"Why out of all the gamblers are you the only one to remember?"

"Because I drink responsibly and not get hangovers?"

"No one likes a smart alec."

"No one likes a drunkie."

"Now, now, no fighting!"

"I'm watching you."

"Feeling the heat?"

"Not at all."

"Good. Very good."

It was silent and I felt that they were teaming against me. I could feel silence of anger hidden through their eyes. I just couldn't give them the details because she would hear it and then-BOOM! She would become a loose cannon.

I had no choice. I wrote the details of what we did that night and they seemed to be trembling. Hopefully, she doesn't notice. My negotiation has worked with them so, we started talking a little more.
To be continued because I'm too lazy for this....
I hope u enjoyed that part and hope for more of this chapter gets 15 reads! Pls give love all around because everyone needs it (even the haters). Bye jasadorians!

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