In The End by Black Veil Brides

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Hey guys this is AlexisD2000 and I'm here cause I'm allowed to and because this is interesting. Thank you for letting me here Cutie157! Also the video shown is the piano version of in the end without lyrics.

~Blaze's P.O.V~
I ran from him a t great speeds. I told myself I wasn't afraid to die and I'm not I'm just extremely afraid of him. I ran and turned down many halls and he was still on my trail.

I had my dagger and my gun on my belt and my top was ripped all over from the several blades thrown at me from various angles. I turned my head slightly and saw him getting closer.

I wiped my forehead with the back of my hand and tried running even faster. I then saw one of the guards ahead and brought out my gun and shot him and slid over him and continued to run from him. I then saw a dead end and took a sharp right leading him off and I ran down the hall and saw a window and jumped into the e glass breaking it and rolling on the dirt pathway and heard him growl in anger and jump through a wall.

I panicked and started running and I had a knife thrown at me and it cut my forehead and I fell back and hit the ground hard.

I closed my eyes and stood up painfully and started running again. I had been tackled to the ground and I struggled to get up and gave up panting heavily and bleeding alot.

I rolled over onto my back and saw him drawing nearer to me and my heart picked up its pace. I reminded myself that I wasn't afraid to die and at least I know I'll die with pride.

I heard his deep laugh and I closed my eyes for a minute and opened them and he looked me dead in the eye. He raised his dagger and slammed it down into my chest but not in my heart. I coughed and moaned in pain and he laughed at me and walked away slowly.

I painfully blinked away my tears and told myself my last words.

"I'm not afraid to die..." I told myself before all the pain vanished and I saw a bright white light and my head dropped to the dirt and I died for all the fighting in the world done for my planet......

Omg that was fun to write for those who don't like graphic images that's just too bad cause I don't care. I hope you all enjoyed. Bye!

--- I like it, awesome •.^ BYEE~ Cutie157

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