Chapter 1

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As some of you know, I haven't updated the original book in so long, I decided, "Why not remake it?" And thus, it's here. Without a further a do. Here we go.

Shino Asada is one of many players that plays fps games. One of which she ranks higher, as a sniper and goes solo. The game she plays? Why it's Gun Gale Online! Throughout her whole life, she enjoys this the most. She doesn't really like the real world. She finds it "disastrous". When she was little, her mother was taking her to the bank for some cash, what was unexpected though was that a robber had held the receptionist at gun point. The receptionist bashed her head against the assailant as the weapon was dropped by Shino's feet, she grabbed the weapon out of flight or fight instincts and pointed it to the Robber. Her hands were shaking and her mother terrified, the robber lunged at her as she pulled the trigger. One shot was all it took for her enemies to drop. Just like that Robber so many years ago. Her life wasn't normal after the whole ordeal, her mother didn't want to be near her and left her. Shino is still afraid of holding firearms in real life but in the game, she feels nothing. Not one speck of emotion.

You would imagine what would happen if she met a teenager that was a beginner at Gun Gale Online to be extremely accurate at it. "Um, Sinon? Is my accuracy really that great? I mean, these starting weapons that you said suck are pretty good." And here she was, getting jealous of a beginner that had better accuracy than her. She could be wrong that he might have had played this game beforehand, but it didn't really make sense. "Well, Deku, they do suck and I don't know how you are making an inaccurate gun accurate. The stats are garbage as far as I can tell." "Do you think I can adjust them?" He inquired. "You might be able to if you got enough currency. And no, I am not giving you any." "Figured as much, good thing I saved up a ton of it!" In his hands were a few diamonds...DIAMONDS?! "What- where the hell did you find those?! They don't belong in Gun Gale baka!" "I got them from a lucky draw by a guy named Kazuto Kirigaya. He said something along the lines of 'I already have too much money, so why not you take it?' and he gave it to me. He was pretty chill to say the least." And now she wants to drop dead. He got lucky because of one Kazuto Kirito Kirigaya. "That idiot, Asuna is going to castrate him for sure. *Sigh* Let me show you where you can buy a new gun and such."

After a few minutes of looking at guns, pistols and surprisingly lightsabers. Deku chose a casual M4 with a tactical scope, a ranger grip mod, extended mags and a costom silencer. He also grabbed a 9millimeter pistol that came with laser sights and flashlight. Admiring what he bought, he also bought a small keychain to commerate the occasion. "Not bad Deku. The M4 is a solid weapon on the battlefield. Having range is one thing, but when you are closer to an enemy, close combat is fierce. I suggest you should buy a shotgun later on." "Dully noted!"

After spending a few more minutes chatting, Shino bid farewell and logged off. Stretching her body, she went to her fridge and grabbed leftovers from what she made yesterday. Thinking about the new rookie Deku was his gamertag. Kind of weird how he chose 'useless' as his name, perhaps something happened to him in the past? Sighing to herself, she put on her sweater and grabbed her room key. She was supposed to be meeting Kirito and the others at the usual location, which was a bar.

Arriving there, she could here a few people talking amongst each other two of them being the most familiar, Kirito and Asuna. "Hey there Shino-san, glad you could make it! We have a new friend that I think you'll like to meet! His name is Midoriya Izuku. He's kind of shy but he's really intelligent. Anyways, he'll be here in a couple of minutes." True to Kirito's word, the bar's doors opened and a green haired teenager eagerly stepped inside. "Oh- um...was this the right place? Uh sorry, I'm looking for a friend of mine named Kirito?" "Ah, Midoriya! You're finally here! What took you so long?" "I was playing a game that you recommended me. It was really fun by the way. Who knew FPS was so good!" "Gun Gale Online right? You said you met a girl with blue hair carrying a large sniper rifle right? How was she?" Shino can feel the redness in her cheeks as her face was turning absolutely red. "She's really cool Kirito! If I ever have the chance to meet her right now, I would be really shocked! Haha!" Kirito flashed a smug grin at her...oh just you wait Kirito, Shino will tell Asuna to castrate you soon enough! "Well, Midoriya my friend, she is right here in this room. Her name is Shino Asada, otherwise known as Sinon in Gun Gale Online!"

Midoriya passed out. Error, Error...trying to reboot Midoriya.exe...response failure...

A quick splash of water and he woke up. "I just had the weirdest dream that I met Sinon in real lif-" He was cut off by Shino herself. "And you did, Deku. Nice to meet you." She held out a hand to pick himself back up and to which he took. "I uh- it's an honor to meet you! I-I would like to say thanks for teaching me how Gun Gale Online works!" He bowed in respect. She giggled and ruffled his hair. "No problem, usually, I would not like attention. But thank you for that. I hope we can become amazing friends alright?" "Yes!"

And boom! I don't know if this was better or worse than the original book or not. Tell me what you think in the comments!

Flying by, FoolishAngel

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