Broken hearts

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Taehyung slammed the car door shut as he got into the driving seat. He holds the steering wheel tightly, putting his head back into the headrest as he closes his eyes trying to free his mind from the excessive thoughts. He opens his mobile and tries to find Aera's location, yes he has attached a tracker into her mobile. He had put it for her own safety but he didn't know he would be using it for such a situation. As soon as he identified her location, he pressed his leg on the accelerator racing through the road and passing through the cars.


Aera calmly stares at the lake in front of her as her mind runs with millions of thoughts. It was the same lake that Taehyung showed to her and from that day this place became her favourite. She finds herself at peace whenever she comes here and right now she needs it the most.

But that didn't last long when suddenly she was forced to stand up from her position.

She immediately became alerted, reaching out for her gun but stopped when she came face to face with the very furious looking Taehyung. Her breath hitched seeing him this close to her. It wasn't very long when she left but she could definitely notice some changes in him. Subtle eye bags under his eyes , his bread cheeks were now sunken and his eyes definitely were not looking at her like they used to before. A sudden pang of undefined emotion hits her. Aera mindlessly gulps as she tries to manage eye contact with him.

"Why did you do it?" He holds her shoulders tightly.

"Was that all a joke for you!!"

"Tae I-" Aera tries to speak but Taehyung was way more furious. I guess he knows the truth, She gulped.

"Don't. Interrupt. Me." He let go of her shoulders slightly pushing her back in disgust.

"You really are a good actor Aera sii." Taehyung starts clapping as he slowly walks around shaking his head in disbelief.

Aera kept her head low. She surely was in no place to speak but suddenly she was stuck by a sudden thought. How did he know my location? She furrowed her eyebrows and then her eyes widened in realization. He did not-

"You have put a tracker in my phone." She takes out her phone from her pocket and looks at him in incredulity.

Taehyung lowers his head so that he is looking directly into her eyes, "No one is saint Aera sii." He smirks as he tilts his head.

"You clearly know what I am and whom I worked for and yet you did not expect me to put a tracker in my girlfriend's device." He chuckled standing up straight and putting both of his hands in pocket.

Aera swears under her breath. How can she forget such a small detail? Taehyung clearly was not as much of a fool as she expected him too.

She was suddenly startled as she could feel the breathing near her face. When did he come this close to her?

Their eyes met and Aera could feel her heart thumping....damn this man is handsome, wait what the hell Aera! You can't fall for your subjects.

She closes her eyes to get rid of her thoughts and tries to create some distance between them. But before she could even move an inch back, Taehyung held her waist closing any other distance between them.

Aera in reflex puts both of her hands on his chest feeling the slight thumping of his heartbeat.

And her heart skips a beat as soon as her eyes meet his face. He is beautiful.....

Taehyung raised his eyebrows in amusement as he chuckled, noticing her facial expressions.

"Don't put on these expressions Aera. You cannot fool me twice." And with saying this, he detached his hands from her waist.

She could feel his lingering warm touch which she unknowingly starts missing. Aera did not know why his words were hurting her? She wants him to hate her from the moment she left. Isn't it? So why his words were stinging her.

She knows she has been thinking about Taehyung these days but now as she has seen him with the naked eyes, her longing for him only grew.

"You really know how to play with feelings." He laughed sarcastically.

"Tell me how many more men have you cheated like that?"

"Taehyung, it is not like that."

Why the hell am I trying to explain myself to him. She regrets as soon as these words left her mouth.

"Then what is it?" All the traces of sarcasm were now long gone from his face which was now again replaced by a stoic look.

"Tell me!" he again came closer to her "You want power, money or both."

"You know what Aera! I also work for same but I don't go around messing with others feelings."

Aera tightly shut her eyes. She knows she has been doing all wrong from the starting when she joined that organization. But guess, no one was there to give her a reality check.

"We are humans. No matter how tough we appear from outside-" He stops when old memories rush inside his head "We all are still tender inside. One touch and we will break."

"And that applies to you too Aera sii." 

With saying this he turns his back and Aera could hear his footsteps disappearing as she did not dare to raise her head.

Small tear drops on the ground as soil immediately absorbs it.

Aera immediately brushes her tears from her face. Her throat feels heavy but she ignores it. Whatever Taehyung said was right, she has no right to play with anyone's feelings. She can feel her heart breaking when Taehyung had turned his back at her.

"Why I am feeling like shit." She laughed as again tears started pooling in her eyes.

"WHY THE HELL IT IS HURTING!" She screams holding her chest as she drops herself on the ground.

"Just take this pain away...please." She sobs.

After a few minutes of crying her eyes out, she raised her head to again look at the peaceful lake beside her, with birds happily chirping in surroundings.

"How can I make everything right?" She clearly knows Wooshik's motive behind all this mission and how it could affect Taehyung.

She picks up her mobile and first takes out the tracker device from it.

"Should I be really doing this...."

Namjoon's name was now on the screen as her hands were just above the call icon. 

I hope you enjoyed it. Thank you for reading  ❤❤❤❤

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