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Aera was just chilling and bouncing on the fluffy mattress when suddenly the door burst open with a very worried Taehyung facing her. 

"Aera I need you to hide!" 

"What!!" She asked bewildered. Isn't he the one who asked her first to come at his home and now he himself wants her hide. This man is slowly becoming impossible to her.

"Yes." He said with the straight face but his eyes betraying him with the fear dancing on it. 

Both of them stare at each other for solid ten seconds with the birds merrily chirping outside.

"I can't understand you." Aera said breaking the silence, shaking her head in disbelief. 

And again like the light bulb went on his head, he covers his ears in embarrassment as he finally understands that he should elaborate what he was actually trying to say.

"Actually my friends are coming and if they find a girl here, they will roast the hell out of me." Taehyung looked at her with knitted eyebrows plus puppy eyes. The man in front of her is the epitome of duality, like he can be sexy and a cute baby bear at the same time. Aera tries holding back her laugh but seeing Taehyung's face she burst out laughing in front of his face. 

"God Taehyung! I have never expected the man who can fire a shot without even blinking an eye can be this scared." she wipes the lone tear that slips from her eyes because of too much laughing. And on the other hand slowly a small pout was forming on Taehyung's face telling that he was clearly sulking. 

"It's not like that." He murmured bouncing back and forth on his toes. 

"God you are adorable." She said laughing.

Taehyung widen his eyes as soon as those words left Aera's mouth. Cherry red coat slowly covering his ears. Aera herself was shocked, how the hell her thoughts escaped out of her lips. Dumb arse she internally scolded herself. 

"I-" A loud doorbell cuts Taehyung in between. And just like that his persona suddenly changed from shy bear to a panicking monkey. 

"Aera please don't come out in front of them." He literally begged her and left the room in hurry leaving a smirking Aera behind him.

Jungkook's hand was touching the doorbell when Taehyung opened the door.

"Took you a while to open it." With this he entered the apartment shoving Taehyung aside.

"Hello my alien!!" Jimin cheerfully hugged Taehyung while the latter just awkwardly pats his bums in return.

"What the hell are you doing!!" As soon as Taehyung entered the drawing room he find Jungkook sniffing the room with his hands opening his nostrils more.

"I smell something fishy~" 

"I am vegan now and I don't eat fishes." Taehyung folded his hands against his chest silently judging Jungkook. 

"I do not smell fish, I smell something fishy and its a slang." Jungkook stopped whatever he was doing and faced Taehyung raising his eyebrows.

"And what the hell in seven planets you smell fishy~" Taehyung also raised his eyebrows in return.

"I smell some women's perfume."

Taehyung choked on his own saliva. Jimin quickly run and hand him a water bottle to save Taehyung from dying unnecessarily. 

"H-how the hell can you smell perfume." he speaks after gulping down the water recovering from chocking fit.

"By my super strong nose." Jungkook proudly stood with his hands on his waist, "I can smell anything~" 

Before even Taehyung could say anything a loud bang was heard inside one of the rooms. Instinctively all three of the necks craned towards the direction of the sound only exception of Taehyung's face that is slowly converting into an utter horror.

"I knew it! There is someone here!!" Jungkook flared his nose in confidence.

"Come on lets check it." Jimin was the only one who was worried between the three where the other two was silently having an eye war.

"NO!" Taehyung quickly stands in front of them not letting both of them taking even a step forward, "There is no one inside!!"

"How do you know! come on move." Jungkook tried to shove Taehyung aside but he didn't even move.

"I know because my neighbour's cat Candy often jumps to my balcony. So it must surely be her." Taehyung said nodding to himself. 

"You sure!" Jimin puts his hands on Taehyung's shoulder asking for conformation and Taehyung nodded so fast that he swear he had heard a 'tut' sound from his neck muscles.

"But let me just check-"

Jungkook's sentence was cut in between when three of there mobile notified them for a message simultaneously. All of them stops bickering and and first looks at their mobile and then each other. 

"I think this is important that's why Namjoon hyung directly messaged us." Jimin said finally breaking the silence.

"We are not over. I still have some talks related to that cat Candy." Jungkook said picking up his jacket.

"Let's go!!" Jimin grabs Jungkook's collar and drag him out of the Taehyung's apartment. 

As both of his friends left the room Taehyung immediately looks at the direction of the corridor where rooms were located.

"Taehyung you coming!!" Jimin shouted from outside.

"Coming!!" with this he shakes his head slightly and left the apartment.


Namjoon was pacing back and forth in his office with his eyebrows creased and hands behind his back.  

"Everyone is already here Namjoon. What do you want to talk about." Jin speaks up.

Namjoon halt his steps and let out a big sigh ruffling his hair in process. 

"Hyung I think there is a big mistake in asset stocks."

"What!!" Yoongi stands up from his position, "You are telling this after thoroughly checking it right!" 

"Yes hyung! I myself cross-checked it."

"How are they wrong! It will be a big blunder if other share holders will get to know about it" Hoseok said facing Namjoon.

"The records that the custodians of our share partners sent do not match with our record. And I may have ignored it if the margin was less but there is the difference of seven hundred million dollars! And such mistakes is not ignorant." 

"Then what should we do now hyung!" Jungkook asked with his eyebrows scrunched up in deep thinking.

"I am damn sure this is the work of someone that is working under us. Find that fucker and bring him out alive to me." 

Happy Taehyungie day!! This chapter is his birthday special huhu. Thank you for reading guys! Purple you 💜💜

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