Flour of love

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An awkward silence. 

It has been ten minutes since both of them have arrived home and none one of them had tried to strike the conversation after the acceptance of each others feeling. These little scenerios often happen in starting of the budding relationship of two introverts who have never dated anyone in their entire life. 

Taehyung was fiddling with his fingers trying to find the topic to start the conversation but his mouth keep opening and closing like a fish. Poor man who find it easy it kill but difficult to start the talk. 

"I am sorry if I had made the things awkward between us. As you can see that I am not good at these things." Aera chuckled shaking her head in embarrassment. 

Taehyung smiled finding the situation totally absurd. "I guess we are both new at this." He laughed looking at Aera with so much fondness in his eyes.

"I guess you are right." She looked at Taehyung with the same fondness and her smile reaching her eyes making Taehyung's heart to do flips which he at now this point is used to it. 

"You must be hungry! Let me made you some dinner." Taehyung stands up from his position while folding up his sleeves.

"As if you know how to make it." Aera rolled her eyes also standing up.

"Wait-" Taehyung scrunched his eyebrows in confusion "How did you know that I don't know how to make food?" Taehyung pouted putting both of his hands on his waist. 

Aera stopped in her tracks. She then looked at Taehyung with a baffled expression. 


"Yes you! How!"


"You what!!" Taehyung leaned forward tried to grasp her words.

"I said I just guessed." Aera said clear this time. 

And Taehyung was stunned. He knows that his cooking skills were not best but he didn't know that this could be easily guessable. He looked at Aera warily trying to digest the fact that she could easily guessed his bad cooking.

"COME ON TAE! I AM HUNGRY!!" She holds his hand and take him to the kitchen. And there he went from his normal mode to the puppy mode, totally replacing the incident with Aera's cheerful face and with the fact that she called him 'Tae'. This women is dangerous for him.


"Oh god! Not like this Tae or you will cut your finger off." Aera shakes her head for umpteenth time. The kitchen is now converted into a war place with all the courtesy and help of Taehyung. 

"See! You have to hold the knife like this." She shows him the proper way of holding the knife "And cut like this." She slowly chops the carrot so that Taehyung could learn the way of cutting by looking at it. But if she thinks that Taehyung is looking at the vegetables then she is totally wrong cause Taehyung is a boy with love who is looking at the Juliet of his dreams.

"You are not focusing Tae!!" Aera finally snapped. They are trying to cook for twenty minutes but all they have done is to create the mess.

"Sorry Aera." Taehyung showed his precious box smile "I will make some pancake. Don't worry I am master in making pancakes. Just let me grab the batter from the cabinet." 

As if the time has slowed down when Taehyung opened the cabinet to take out the pancake flour but because of his wet hands he couldn't grasp the container and all the flour went on top of Aera. 

Aera coughed and blinked still processing what the hell had happened and Taehyung had his eyes widen in terror. 

"You know what Taehyung." Aera smiled sweetly at Taehyung and for the very first time Kim Taehyung was afraid of Aera's smile. "I suddenly want to hug you." She giggled. 

"No No Aera! Don't come any closer. It was the mistake." He cried out backing away from the dangerous women in front of him.

"I am not cleaning up before giving you the hug Kim Taehyung."

These words were enough for him to break into the sprint. Aera was not lagging behind as she has already calculated his move.

"Sorry Aera! Please let me go!!" Taehyung was literally on the verge of crying.

"Its just one hug Tae." Aera laughed while chasing Taehyung.

The chase last for only four minutes after which Aera finally get hold of her culprit. She tightly hugged Taehyung staining him with all the flour. By this time both of them were laughing loudly. Aera's head was on Taehyung's chest and his hands were holding her waist tightly.

Aera raised her head to look at Taehyung. "It was so much fun."

"Yeah for you." Taehyung playfully rolled his eyes. 

"But it was you who spilled the flour on me first." Aera booped her nose with Taehyung totally catching him off guard. But after regaining his conscience he rubbed Aera's face with the flour blessing his ears with her sweet laugh. 

Taehyung fondly stares at the women in his arms. This was heaven. His heaven. And he couldn't ask for more. But this moment reminded him of his work, reminded of the real him who plays with the blood. Guess what, this really proves that after all he is a human with a heart. But does he really deserves the happiness and can he protect it? 


Aera's voice pulled him out of his introspection. 

"Yes Aera." He softly removes her hair strands out of her face.

"What are we?" Her question makes him freeze.  He looks at her in the eyes.

"What do you want us to be?" 

"I don't care of the titles but all I want is to be with you Tae." She smiled tightening her hold around his body. 

"Then I am all yours Aera." He puts his head on top of hers savouring the moment. 

Yes he deserves this happiness and he will protect his happiness. 

Author's note:

I am so sorry for uploading this late but I was really busy and now I will try my best to make it up with you guys. Hope you have enjoyed the chapter. Love you a lots ❤❤❤❤

Also I want to know what are your thoughts about this book? 

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