Kill Baby

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"We need to tell those bastards who we are." Namjoon puts his precious Ruger Blackhawk in the holster around his waist. His eyes dripping venom ready to kill anyone coming in contact with it. 

"I can't believe those Red rose gangsters will bail out on us like this in front of police. They are fucking cowards who are need to be wiped out of the existence instead being pain in-" 

"Yoongi hyung here take this earpiece, I got you a new pair since last time you broke the previous one." Jungkook turn on the ear piece and handed it to Yoongi smiling ear to ear as he was amused seeing Yoongi's reaction because he interrupted him. Yoongi snatched the ear piece from him muttering profanities which is only audible to Jungkook causing him to giggle. 

"We are all sticking up to the plan. Jin hyung had already called them for our fake drug deal on the port. I, Yoongi hyung, Jin hyung and Hoseok will be on the front end trying to close the deal. Taehyung and Jimin will be in disguise and will attack on my call and Jungkook will be monitoring the whole situation and will report in case of any casualities." Namjoon rolled his sleeves up with his eyebrows furrowed. "I am clear right!!" He faced everyone and the series of 'Yes' echoed through the whole room. 

"Then let's go guys and tell them who is the real boss." He smirked.


At the port

"Nice to meet you Mr. Eden. I am glad that you agree to our deal in such a small time." Namjoon shakes his hand with the Red rose gang's leader. His eyes observing every men and gun currently present here.

"The pleasure is all mine Mr. Kim. I am glad that you find us capable enough to enclose the deal with us." The man with blonde hair smirked. 

"So without further ado can you please show us the drug samples."

"Sure. Just give me a moment." Eden indicates his man to bring the samples.

Namjoon signaled Taehyung and Jimin to shoot the men guarding the entrance as well as at the back of the area as he kept Eden busy.

 As soon as he get the signal, Taehyung without making any noise slowly reach towards the entrance and hid behind the wall. "Jungkook is everything clear." He pressed his ear piece to speak keeping his eyes glued at the entrance.

"Shoot Taehyung the coast is clear." Jungkook's voice echoed in his ear piece. Taehyung took his aim and shot all the three men guarding the entrance simultaneously on their head. The only sound that can be heard is their body dropping.

"Entrance is clear Namjoon hyung." Taehyung spoke from his ear piece. 

"Back side is clear too." Jimin put the safety pin of his gun back on as he presses his ear piece to speak.

Namjoon smirked as the man bring back the drug samples. 

"Here take the look. These are the best qualities drug you can ever found in the whole Asia. One sniff and you will be in heaven." Eden handed him the packets.

Namjoon take the packets from him and throw it back to the Hoseok. "We will take all the lots. Pack it." 

"Don't you need to check it?" Eden raised his eyebrows.

"I believe you. Just pack me the drugs we also need to visit other places so no time to waste."

"No worries Mr. Kim." He smiled at the intimidating man in front of him. "Hey you give him every lot present here and be quick." He said to the man behind him who bows and run back to get the drugs packed.

The night air was blowing and the silence engulfed the whole area. Namjoon has his eyes on the man in front of him who was suddenly busy on his phone. "You still remember the day Mr. Eden." Namjoon puts his hand in his pocket and lean on the table beside him.

"What day!?" Eden scrunched his eyebrows in confusion.

"15th November when the police nearly caught on us and at the end moment you denied all of my calls. Does it  Ring some bells?" Namjoon tilt his head while smirking seeing Eden suddenly turned pale.

"A-ah t-that!" He rubbed his sweaty hands. "Actually I was b-busy." He tried to come up with the best excuse. 

"Yeah very busy in the club. Am I right!!" Namjoon clenched his Jaw showing him his menacing smile. 

"Boss. Here the lot is ready." The man from before came with the box full of drugs.

"O-oh h-here take this Mr. Kim." Eden quickly handed him the box skipping up from the previous question. Yoongi came forward and snatch the box from his hand giving him his infamous disgusted look. "These drugs better be good or I will dug up your grave and kill you once again." He whispered in Eden's ear.

"Let's go boys!" Namjoon turned around starts walking away.

"Wait Mr. Kim my payment!!" Eden shouted from behind.

"Oh yes. I totally forgot!!" He signaled Jimin who shot the man behind the Eden. Hoseok quickly went behind him and kick him on the shin causing him to stumble down. Eden tried to fought back but of course he was no match in front of Hoseok who had him tied down in the matter of seconds.


"I am not denying Mr. Eden. No one has live in this fucked up world even for a day after betraying me so you are no exception." he laughed seeing the latter crying.

"No no please take all of my money and let me live." He cried out.

"Well I am gonna take all your money even if you die." He smirked taking out his precious gun from the holster and admiring it. "Taehyung shoot him." Taehyung raised his eyebrows give him 'You have gun in your hand shoot him' look to which Namjoon replied 'I am not using my baby on this weasel' look. Taehyung just shakes his head and pull out his gun aiming at the crying man below.

"No please no-" 


And the body dropped down with the blood slowly puddling around it. "There is no fun when there is not much action. I missed my episode for this. Today they were gonna reveal Baek Hee Song as Do Hyun Soo and now because of you I can't watch it live so next time don't involve me in such missions." Yoongi grumbled.

"Well I like it to do neatly without any chaos." Namjoon answered back winking at the annoyed man. "Lets go guys and Taehyung Jungkook just messaged me that there is more drugs in the back so take them also and come back in the different car." Taehyung just rolls his eyes but still walk back to follow his leader's order as rest of the guys left the area. 

He opened the rusty gate of the cabin and turn on his mobile torch to see something in the dark. As he moves around to search what he was asked for his eyes suddenly caught at the box just beneath the window. He walks by it to collect the drugs but instead of that his eyes moves out of the window and meet at the girl standing on the beach. Her hair flowing with the night wind and her face was illuminated by the moonlight. He tried to look on her face more closely and then suddenly his eyes widen in shock.


I live for the action huhu. Thank you for reading guys. Purple you 💜💜💜💜


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