• (Fantasy AU) You shouldn't have.. (Alternate ending; ft. Bakugou)

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So in this one, Katsuki ended up protecting Shouto the same way. Everything was the same; the beginning, middle, end. The tears and love confessions because they both thought Katsuki was gonna die, BUT Kiri came back quicker than expected and ended up being able to get him back to Shouto's castle in time for a healer (*cough* Recovery Girl-)  to, well, heal him.

Katsuki ended up bed ridden for two days, with basically his whole upper body wrapped in bandages. Both of them ended up with random bandages and wraps on their smaller wounds.

The injured King Bakugou slept through the first day, and had ended up staying in Shouto's room.

The day Kirishima had gotten both of them back, Shouto's healer had gone to work. She had put all sorts of liquids and herbal things and things Shouto wasn't even sure what they were, all over every wound. When he'd started asking so many questions, and worrying about Katsuki's blood loss, and if he'd be okay, and if he'd ever actually wake, she had kicked him out of the room. Her exact words being,

"Young Lord, I know this boy is special to you, but you're not helping by worrying and getting in my way."

Shouto understood, though was irked.

She then had added before she shut the door, "And for goodness sake, go clean yourself up."

The first day, Shouto had been the one to carefully carry the injured, sleeping teenage boy of a King to his room. He had insisted that Katsuki stay in his room, so he could be there when the other woke.

Since he had given the other male his bed, the dual haired boy had decided to sleep on the chaise lounge. Which he had scooted a little closer to his bed. Just in case the blonde woke up earlier than predicted.

Yes. He was aware he was acting somewhat silly.

The worried Prince hardly ever left the room. He had his servants- he hated calling them that. They were people just like him.- bring him his food and such, and he had a restroom connected to his room, so he had no need to leave for that.
Day two
Shouto's healer had told him that Katsuki would wake up today. The Prince had thanked her, then got a short stool and sat by Katsuki's side of the bed. He had woken up, and sat on that very stool starting at 6am.

7am: Nothing. Shouto held Katsuki's hand, intertwining their fingers as he waited.

8am: Katsuki had stirred briefly, though not enough to count as awake.

8:30am: Shouto had fallen asleep. He had crossed his arms on the bed and laid his head on them. He still had Katsuki's hand loosely in his.

9am: Shouto was still asleep. Katsuki's eyes could be seen moving under his eyelids, before he slowly opened them. He blinked a couple times, looking around in confusion. This wasn't the guest room he had been staying in...

He sat up a little, biting his lip harshly to keep himself from whimpering. Right. He had previously had a dozen arrows stuck in his back.

The boy was about to rub his eyes with both hands, when he realized one of them had a heavy weight on it. He looked to said hand, and was surprised to see one Shouto Todoroki asleep, holding his hand, and laying atop it.

"The Hell are you doin' here?" Katsuki said softly enough that it wouldn't wake the sleeping boy. He looked around once more, rubbing his eyes with his free hand. "The Hell am I doin' here?" Once again, he knew this wasn't his room-



Looking around more closely, Katsuki noticed small details. Details that reminded him an awful lot of..

He was in Shouto's room. In Shouto's bed. Wearing Shouto's clothes.

"Wow, it was easier to get into your bed than I thought it'd be," He snorted softly to himself, amused by his own joke.

9:20am: Once again, Shouto was still asleep, though now it might be because Katsuki had freed his hand, then started running it gently through Shouto's soft locks of red and white hair.

Katsuki had also started reading the book of poetry that had been sitting on Shouto's nightstand. Katsuki wasn't one for poetry, but if Shouto liked it, he could try it, right?

9:45am: Shouto finally woke up, blinking in confusion when he felt a hand stroking his hair. Had he fallen asleep in his sister's room? She would do that to help relax Shouto on particularly bad days.

He rubbed his eyes, sitting up. The hand dropped from his hair and he turned to see-

"Katsuki!" Shouto exclaimed.

"Hey, halfie." Katsuki smiled, closing the book and setting it on the empty side of the bed. "How long have I- Shit! Why are you-?"

Tears had started to run down Shouto's cheeks as he clasped Katsuki's hand tightly in his once more, before placing the other male's calloused hand on his cheek, immediately placing a kiss to his palm.

"You're okay." He was smiling through the tears. "You're.. okay." He placed several more kisses to the other male's palm before just closing his eyes and leaning into his touch.

Katsuki was the slightest bit confused as to why this level of emotion was a thing, though he soon remembered their confessions.

They both thought he was going to die, and he couldn't leave it unsaid.

After Katsuki came back to his senses, he smiled a bit. "Hey. Quit bein' a crybaby." He teased lightly. "Pull yourself together."

Shouto let out a small, shaky laugh. He placed one more kiss to the palm of Katsuki's hand before he let it drop so he could wipe the tears from his face with his sleeves.

Katsuki waited for the other boy to get himself under control before he started asking questions.

"How long was I out?"

"All," Shouto cleared his throat, then sat up a little straighter. "All of yesterday, and most of this morning."

"And.. have you been here this whole time?"


Katsuki's eyes widened slightly. "Your dumbass has been here this whole time?!"

"I mean, I left to bathe and use the restroom, but.." He looked away, blushing lightly in embarrassment. "Y-Yeah.."

"Wow." Katsuki rolled his eyes. "Creep."

Shouto looked back, then scowled slightly. "I wasn't sure you'd wake up." His tone was snippy.

They stared at each other, eyes narrowed.

Then Katsuki gave his tiniest version of a smile, and Shouto gave one back.

Slowly, the blonde raised his hand up to place it on Shouto's cheek again, rubbing his thumb across the other boy's cheekbone.

Shouto held his hand over the other's, leaning into his touch.

The stayed like that for a moment, before the dual haired boy broke the comfortable silence.



"Don't you ever, ever fucking do that again."

Katsuki snorted. "Tch, what, protect you? Your Kingdom? Do my job?"

"No." Shouto said softly, staring at Katsuki with those piercing, heterochromatic eyes. "Don't tell me you love me, and then scare me to death by coming within an inch of death yourself. I was scared that that would be our first and last confession of love."

"... You shouldn't have." Katsuki said after a moment.

"Shouldn't have what?" Shouto was slightly confused by that reply.

"You shouldn't have been scared.. Even in death, I would still love you. And you'd have known it." He caressed Shouto's cheek gently. "In the breeze blowing through the trees.. that gust of wind that would make you lose your place in your book because I'm a little shit," Shouto giggled softly, and Katsuki smile wryly, before he got serious again. "I would have still been by your side, even though you couldn't see me. And.. lilies are my favorite flowers. I would have always managed to find a lily to place on your nightstand when you needed to be reminded that I'm here."

Shouto's eyes got glassy again, and Katsuki smiled softly.

"Now get up here and kiss me, you fool of a Prince."

You shouldn't have...

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