• Realization

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Over the last couple months, Shouto had been even more intent than ever to locate his eldest brother. He wanted Touya back in his life, if he was still out there- to show him that he had turned out fine, even with all of the abuse. He wanted him to know that he was happy now- that he had a good life, a fiancé that loved him, and a beautiful son.

And most of all: He wanted his brother to be there when he and Katsuki got married.

So, Shouto had started digging. Digging, and digging, and digging. Going through everything that was left of their family photos and memories- talking to old friends, trying to find something. Anything.

However, the further he dug, the further he began to realize something. This path was getting darker, and darker. Almost.. villainous. But Shouto couldn't believe that. There had to be more to it.

Several months later, Shouto had put together a lot. Mentally, and paperwork and photo wise.

Currently, at 10:45pm, April 11th, he was in his office, home alone, staring at his bulletin board. Everything was fitting together in the worst possible way, and Shouto was trying from every angle to try and make it fit another way- any other way. He was in denial of what his own investigation revealed.

"This can't be right." He said to himself quietly, bringing a hand up to cover his mouth.

'I had to have missed something somewhere. There's no way..'

But deep down, he knew. He didn't want to believe it, but he knew.

Touya Todoroki was a villain.

Touya Todoroki was the same villain that stole Katsuki from him at the training camp.

Touya Todoroki was Dabi.

And Shouto didn't know what to do.


With all of this information swarming through his head, he knew he'd begin to go crazy if he didn't do something. He needed to get out- to take a breather. So he did just that. He went on a walk, somehow managing to end up at a bridge near his favorite park.

It was nearing 11:30pm at this point, so it was dark, save for the moon and the stars, and mostly silent out. He breathed in the cold night air deeply, closing his eyes.

After holding it a moment, he let it out, leaning forward against the bridge railing, resting his elbows on the metal and clasping his hands together.

He didn't know what to do.

//Http-HellFire I did a thing- *0*

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