• It's Not Bad

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//Not dating, (reluctant) college roommate oneshot/starter type thing, Quirkless/modern

"... Honestly, why the hell are you getting into so many fights these days?.. you're an A+ student, you're not a douchebag, and you don't talk bad about literally anyone. So who is fighting you?"

"It's not fighting. It's Sparring."

"Maybe some, but all of that is more than just sparring injuries- and I know some of those are older. Who are you letting beat you up?"

Shouto shrugged a bit, placing another bandaid over a small knick. His skin was already littered with bandaids and bandages of sorts.

His roommate stared at him, their arms crossed and a disappointed yet oddly concerned look on their frowning face. "Todoroki."



"No. Body."

"Bull. Shit." They said, leaning against the doorframe. "You're a big boy and you can take care of yourself, but why the fuck are getting into so many fights? This isn't like you, and your dumbass is starting to worry me a little."

Shouto scoffed quietly, flattening out another bandaid before looking up at his roommate. "You sound like my sister. It's not that bad."

They continued staring at him, wearing that same look. "..."

Shouto stared back, not looking like he was gonna talk.

With a sigh, they shook their head. They didn't say anything as they entered the room and walked straight into the bathroom. "Come here."

Shouto followed the instruction, standing up from footlocker at the end of the bed. He did his best to hide his limp as he entered the bathroom.

His roommate had gotten a couple things out- bandages, tape, gauze, disinfectant. They pat the counter and Shouto gave them a deadpan look.

"Get your ass on the counter and let me help you." They ordered, tone final. "If you're not gonna tell me what the fuck is up, then at least let me help patch you up."

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