CHAPTER 7: Building Up

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Maki's POV
This is really embarassing. I want to hide in a deep hole. Shit. They're still staring on us.
"O-oowwwww" Nico scream with a crack voice. She still has her sore throat.
"N-nico chan?! Are you okay?!" im worried. She raised her right hand on her temple. Idot. She forgot she's injured.
"Y-yeah my right hand hurts" she whined while blushing.
"baka! Of course it still hurts you just had surgery yesterday, the doctor it'll fully recover after 1-2 months." i explained.
"ohhhhhhhhhhhh..." the others said with an "o" shape on their mouth. I gasped, i forgot their here. I cant helped myself blushing again.
"someone's too caring huh?" teased Nozomi with a smirk.
When she said i get blushed even harder.
"W-what are you talking about Nozomi?!" i exclaimed looking away.
"oh well hehehe, we bought something for you Nico chan.." said Kotori.
"here Nico chan! we bought onigiri and ramen for you nya~" said Rin placing the food on the table and so was Hanayo.
"flowers for you Niccochii" Nozomi handed Nico a boquet of pink lily flowers. Nico cant still use her right hand so she used her left arm to handle the boquet.
"t-thank -you guys." said Nico.
"uhm am i the one who noticed Nico's voice?" said Umi
"oh yeah! What happend to your voice Nico chan?" asked Honoka while muching bread. Yep that's are leader.
"Well, she had a high fever yesterday, she's almost in the brick of danger because the doctor cant make her fever down. When they finally decrease Nico chan's fever she woke up having a sore throat." i explained to them while twirling my hair sitting on the chair beside Nico's bed crossed legs.
"the fever caused you that huh?" said Eli.
"by the way guys, we need to take our leave already or else we'll be late for school." remind by Umi.
"oh..ok.. T-thanks for everything guys." said Nico.
"its nothing Niccochi.. Get well soon.. Maki chan are you coming for school today?"
"hmm.. Maybe not right now Nozomi."
" ohhh.. Then take care Niccochi for us..." said Nozomi and wink on me. I looked at Nico also blushing like me then looked back at Nozomi whose giggling.
"y-yeah sure" i said to her.
"alright then we'll take our leave" she said as she wave her hand then leave. Me and Nico chan left in the room.
"S-so l-lets eat breakfast Maki chan" she said.
"are you feeling b-better now? Do you still have a fever?" asked her then i leaned towards her and touch my forehead against hers. She's still hot.
"you still have fever" after that i noticed that are faces are too close i blushed and quickly leaned backwards.
"i-i t-think so, lets eat im kinda hungry." she said while also blushing.
"o-okay then...what do you want eat?"
"s-soup i guess... My throat still hurts"
"how about Rin's ramen?"
Then i grabbed a bowl of ramen on the table. I placed it on a tray and put it on her lap.
"here Nico chan. Eat up." i noticed she has a disappointment face on her.
"what's the matter Nico chan?"
"ettou...y-you see i cant eat without using my right hand" she said looking away still pouting.
"c-can you feed me?"
"Uehhhh?!" i blushed again. This time she looked at me with her pleasing eyes. I sigh in defeat.
"fine then"
"banzai!"she smiled
i placed the tray on the bed grab the a spoon of soup then blew it.
"say ah..."
"ahh" then i put the spoon on her mouth.
"Maki chan?"
"you should eat too... Lets share.." oh no... I blushed again..
"y-eah sure"
Then i put a spoon on my mouth. Then i did to her. Vice versa. W-wait?! I just realized that were Using the same spoon.
'that means.... Indirect kiss?!' Maki and Nico thought.

Nico's POV
While Maki chan's feeding me. I felt my heart racing. Beating faster. After we both finished the bowl of ramen.
"here Nico chan take this" she handed me a medicine and a glass of water for me to drink.
"t-thanks..." i grabbed it and drank it.
Then i handed it over to her and placed it on the table.
"now you rest.." she said and helped me lay my back on the bed again.
"are you going to... Uhmm. Leave Maki chan?" i asked her. I dont want to be alone here all by myself.
"i will... To change clothes.. But i guess i can contact my personal maid to bring me some change of clothes." she said. Thank goodness she wont leave me here alone. I feel dizzy maybe because of the medicine.
"M-maki chan?" i signalled her to lean forward.
"what is it Nico chan?" i pulled her arm to gst closed to me even more then i kissed her on the cheek.
"Thank you for taking care of me and being her with me. I owe you one. So if when i released here you can ask me anything to do for you." i smiled at her and i saw her face red as tomato.
"i-it's nothing. Its my fault you being here anyway." she said a flushed red across her face and crossing her arms.
Looking away.
"you should rest now" she added.
"come here in the bed with just like lastnight then" i smiled at her and heard she sighed. Then she went near me and tucked her self beside me. I placed my left hand at hers and leaned my head into her shoulder. She's warm and smells good. I saw her blushed in my sudden action.My hearts beating faster and i can feel she do too.
'what is this feeling?' Maki and Nico's thought.

??? POV
Nico dosed off on Maki's shoulders. Maki noticed it then removed Nico's bangs on hed face.
'she's cute when she's sleeping' Maki thought to her self.
Then she kissed Nico's forehead. And whispered
"get well soon Nico chan". She grabbed her phone from the table and contact her personal maid for a change of clothes for her to bring in the hospital. Then placed it back. She felt like singing. She sang Aishiteru Banzai. While Nico's sleeping peacefully on her shoulders. She didnt noticed she herself dozed off too leaning on Nico's head.

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