Chapter 16

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The next morning

The palace was heavily guarded. What was left of the Empires presents on Mandalore was at the palace. They ran out of ties, and vehicles, all they had was turrets, stormtroppers and clan Saxon. As two stormtroppers was patrolling the steps to the palace one of them saw a person in mandalorian armor in the distance. It was Bo-katan. "We have a situation one hostile out side the palace" the trooper said in the com. Then Bo-katan pulled out the darksaber and ignited it and the other clans and the Ghost crew jumped out of nowhere. "Correction multiple hostiles sound the alarm." The stormtropper said and the alarms went off and more troops came out of the palace and the turrets aim at the clans.

"CHARGE FOR MANDALORE!!!" Bo-katan yelled.

"FOR MANDALORE!!!!" Everyone yelled and they charged at the palace.

Blaster bolts and rockets went in every direction nonstop. Ezra and Sabine were finding side by side along with the Ghost crew with them and they all bum rushed the palace doors. "Destroy those turrets!" Bo-katan yelled and rockets headed towards the turrets and destroyed them.

The battle raged on out side the palace doors and continued up the steps. Most stormtroppers were retreating inside but others still fought. When the the entrance was clear, Bo-katan ordered clans Rook and Elder to guard the entrance while the rest went inside. Some more troops along with members of clan Saxon were still trying to put up a fight. "These guys sure are desperate" Sabine stated. "Yeah it's almost sad" Tristan added. "Focus you two here come some more." Ursa said and pointed at more coming. Each and every corner they were met by more imperial troops to fight off.

The next corner they turned they found the same purge troopers that escaped and more stormtroppers. "Been dying to settle a score with these guys" Sabine said stepping forward, "you and me both" Ezra added also stepping forward. The leader step forward and ordered his men to attack, Ezra and Kanan fought the purge troopers with the electric staffs while sabine, Tristan and Ursa fought then leader and the rest.

Even if that Kanan is blind, he could still look through the force and anticipate their attacks while Ezra used his skills with the force to defend himself. Sabine fought the leader and they both had been well trained and seemed evenly match. When Sabine knocked his rifle out of his hands, he grabbed two pistols out of his holsters and fired at Sabine who in return had to backflip her way to escape. "Tristan be careful those guys have tough armor" Sabine warned looking at her brother struggle against one of the big guys with a mini gun. "Ya think Sabine!" Tristan said firing his blasters at the big guy but doing no damage. "I believe it's time we take it up a notch" Bo-katan said and flew in the air firing her rockets at the other big guy making him fall back. Ursa and Tristan did the same thing and the other big guy went down.

Ezra and Kanan managed to take out their targets as well and Sabine was still fighting the leader. When the leader caught Sabine off guard and tripped her down and aimed his blaster at her. "Well looks like this is it for you." He said but before he can pull the trigger he was shot in the chest and he fell down. Sabine turned around to see Ezra with his blaster aimed and smoking. Ezra went over to Sabine and helped her up, "thanks Ez, I owe you one." She said putting her hand on his shoulder and he smiled. "Alright all that's left is the throne room." Bo-katan said, "well what are we waiting for lets finish this." Sabine said and they all ran towards the throne room.

After awhile they were out side the throne room ready to burst in, Bo-katan had ordered most of the others to flank on the other entrance to the throne and wait for her signal. "Alright what's the plan?" Ezra asked, "theses" Sabine said holding smoke grenades in her hand. The door opened slightly and Sabine and the others threw them in. "What's that!" "I can't see!" "Where are they!!" They heard them scream. "NOW!!!" Bo-katan yelled and everyone stormed in and blaster bolts went in every direction. Bo-katan ran straight for Tiber Saxon and they both fought. "How dare you sit where she sat?! You don't have the right!" Bo-katan said while fighting. "Your sister was a weak ruler and deserves what she got!" He fired back. Their fighting raged to the point where Bo-katan got the upper hand and was about to kill him with the darksaber but was blind sided by a Saxon soldier and fell to her knees dropping the darksaber. Saxon picked up the saber and raised it in the air ready to deliver the final blow. "Only the strongest shall rule Mandalore" he said and was about to deliver the final blow when he was shot by Sabine in the chest. Sabine helped Bo-katan up and she said "clearly he was not the strongest person to rule." Bo-katan gave a side smile and turned on her com.
"All clans, the Empire and Saxon rain over Mandalore is no more! Victory is ours!" They heard everyone cheering and yelling, everyone was grateful the war for Mandalore was over, but Sabine had a sad look on her face. Bo-katan noticed this and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry once we get everything together we will your farther."

Three hours later

Bo-katan, Ursa, Tristan, clan Wren Sabine, Ezra and the Ghost crew were all in the throne room around a holo map of Mandalore discussing on how to find Sabines farther. As they were talking Ezra was sensing something through the force and he used his hand to grab his head. "Ezra what's wrong?" Sabine asked. It took a moment for Ezra to reply until he said "he's here....Maul" as soon as he said that a holo image of a mandalorian soldier appeared, "MA'AM HE'S HERE AT THE ENTRANCE HE'S- *chocking* they heard and the door opened revealing the soldier in the air grabbing his neck and Maul behind him.

"Hello my old friends" he said and threw the soldier at them to the ground. Everyone drew their blasters at Maul ready to shoot. "Ah ah ah" he said waving his finger in the air as he stepped out of the way reveling Sabines farther in cuffs. "Farther!" Sabine yelled. "Very well done all of you. To be honest I expected you all to fail but no. Remarkable truly." He said "and a deal is a deal" he added waving his and in the air and Sabine farthers cuffs fell of. "Run along now back to your people" he said and he started to walked. Sabine, Tristan and Ursa walked up to him and hugged him. "Are you okay?" Sabine asked. "I'm better now he answered. Out of know where Maul ignited his lightsaber and threw it at the Wren family.

Before it could hit them it had stop in mid air inches away from them Sabine turned around to see Ezra with his hand up and he threw Mauls lightsaber back at him. "Maul you crossed a line today!" Ezra said angry. "Hmmm so I have. Anyway I came here for my apprentice for one final lesson." Maul said, "and that is?" Ezra asked. "A dual to the death. Face me alone and we shall see who is stronger but if anyone else interferes everyone will die. What do you say Ezra?" Everyone turned to who stepped forward. "I'll do it" he said "Ezra are you sure?" Sabine asked stepping to him. "Yes I can beat him. And this way no one else has to get hurt." He said. Sabine then wrapped her arms around Ezra and whispered "go get him" and broke the hug, he nodded and continued to walked closer to Maul. "Ah Ezra  I've been waiting for this for a long time." Maul said and ignited his lightsaber. "Guess that's one thing we can agree one." Ezra said and ignited his lightsaber. Maul smiled and put his lightsaber up to his face and Ezra did then same thing, they put down  their sabers from their faces ran towards each other and clashed.

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