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long time no see 👋
shipper nhà mình hãy giữ gìn sức khoẻ cẩn thận và cùng chung tay đẩy lùi covid-19 nhaaaaa

⤞ ♥ ⤝

"romance isn't something that magically falls upon some flys over others, it's a chosen choice, your sweet loving choice."

_Tess Guinery

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"you deserve good things and i want to be one of them."

_Ellen Hopkins

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"to the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world."

⤞ ♥ ⤝

"love has no age,
no limit,
and no death."

⤞ ♥ ⤝

vui lòng mang ra ngoài có ghi nguồn.

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