Shuichi in Phasmophobia

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Yes, I know I need to write actual oneshots... but I'm super bogged down with school and these are quick and easy to make and they're fun!


I literally just got a research project assigned in history class today, but at least I get to talk about jazz-? {Yalikejazz?}

I wanna cuddle Shuichi instead tho '-'

Uhh anyways...


-Shuichi likes to go in the building so he can see the evidence firsthand {his detecc boi instincts be leaking in we see you Succi boi}

-The first things he likes to bring into the building are the thermometer and spirit box {third inventory slot used by his flashlight} since he thinks those are the best equipment for locating the ghost

-If someone else takes either of them his top alternates are the UV flashlight and/or EMF reader. If those are taken, then he just grabs whatever he can to be useful

-Loves to use smudge sticks and on smaller maps where it's easier to use them he also likes to use the crucifix

-Plays it really safe and makes everyone take sanity pills

-Makes everyone wear head mounted cameras and has someone stay in the van at all times to monitor things and be on the lookout for ghost orbs {person in the van rotates when someone's sanity gets too low}

-During hunts he prefers to hide in a closet or locker {or in a room far from the ghost's room}. Can outrun ghosts on bigger maps but on smaller maps he usually dies if he doesn't hide fast enough since he's bad at outrunning or looping on small maps

-Since he likes to hide a lot, Shuichi's least favorite ghost to encounter is a Wraith due to it being able to see through doors and its ability to walk through walls

-Shuichi considers the Wraith, Demon, and Revenant to be the most dangerous ghosts in the game {Wraith for the reasons above, Demon because it hunts so often, and Revenant for being the only ghost faster than the player, excluding the Jinn under certain conditions}

-Shuichi considers salt, infrared sensors, the parabolic microphone, glowsticks, and candles to be the most useless equipment {he recognizes that they're all helpful in their own ways but it's the LEAST helpful to him- doesn't mean he thinks they're not helpful at all}

-Shuichi considers the Shade, Spirit, and Yurei to be the least dangerous ghosts {the Shade for being so shy, the Spirit for being so generic and being the only ghost without a strength, and the Yurei because even though it quickly drains sanity it can be easily countered with sanity pills and otherwise it's not much of a bigger threat}

-Shuichi hates trying to stay longer after figuring out the ghost to get optional objectives done because it scares him a lot that the ghost will hunt more frequently {especially if all the sanity pills are gone}

-Shuichi also hates having to take pictures of the ghost or go out of his way to attempt to use the spirit box {he's not scared to use the spirit box when trying to find the ghost, but if he has to stand in the dark by himself with the spirit box he's ready to have a panic attack}

-Shuichi doesn't like using the Ouija board because of the possible 40{ish}% sanity drop if the ghost rejects a question

-Shuichi thinks it's kind of cheating to prop up the evidence so it can be seen from the cameras in the van {ex. placing the book in front of the camera to watch for writing, placing the EMF in front of the camera and leaving it on, etc.} and refuses to do it. If others collect evidence this way he dislikes it but won't force them not to

-Shuichi has a bad habit of releasing his finger from the push-to-talk prematurely which can cause lots of miscommunication or confusion

-Alternatively his finger might be shaking so much his audio keeps cutting in and out

-Durings hunts, Shuichi is SILENT even if someone tries to talk to him during the hunt which can sometimes make people think he just died

-The Oni, Poltergeist, Jinn, and Mare scare Shuichi the most in terms of jumpscares {the Oni just for being so active, the Poltergeist for throwing lots of objects around, and the Jinn and Mare for constantly playing with the lights}

-Shuichi usually lets out a surprised, "AH!!" when he gets jumpscared

-Doesn't usually have prolonged screams, but if he does scream for longer than just a couple seconds it can sometimes sound like a really awkward moan which can concern his teammates

-Usually only has a prolonged scream if he's being chased by the ghost during a hunt and he thinks he's going to die

-Doesn't push to talk just to scream, though

-Shuichi tries to play in groups of 3 or 4

-HATES playing solo because it scares him a lot

-Doesn't mind playing with just one other person but would prefer to play with at least 2 others

-Shuichi hates using the voodoo doll since it's really creepy to him

-Rarely says the ghost's name between hunts or gives audio cues to coax the ghost unless he absolutely has to {ex. he doesn't like saying things like, "Give us a sign," "Can you show yourself?" etc.}

-He doesn't join in on the ghost roasting with the rest of the group between hunts and instead focuses on identifying the ghost and doing any optional objectives that aren't TOO out of the way

-Freaks out when one of his friends die and usually hides out in the van for a few minutes

-If Shuichi was a ghost he would be a Shade or a Spirit



That's all I got

...Guess I could say, "Leave," then.

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