[Soulmate AU] Claimer!Shuichi x Sub!Reader

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This is a soulmate AU that's based off of some yummy BDSM stuff. Basically, there's two types of people: claimers and subs. Claimers are born with a black bracelet around their wrist that they can only take off once, but a dotted black outline will be permanently left on their wrist to mark that they're a claimer who has taken off their bracelet. They can put their bracelet on a sub but only once, where the bracelet will turn gold and the two people will become soulmates. More on that later.

Subs cannot remove the bracelets once they've been put on, and they can't claim anyone. Claimers can't claim other claimers. Society has thus used this as a way to sort of create expectations for all relationships that the claimer is the top and the sub is the bottom, and usually that's the case but there are a few rare exceptions.

Soulmates share some interesting qualities, but there are two main ones: soulmates will always love each other no matter what and can't love anyone else, and if soulmates are separated they will always end up finding each other again.


You frowned as Shuichi told you what was going on.

"My uncle said I'm going to a new school next week..." Shuichi looked at the floor in sorrow. Both of you were best friends and neither of you wanted to lose the other.

"Wh-what?! But then I won't be able to play with you at recess! Who will I swing with?" You whined. You and Shuichi would often play on the swing sets at recess, and it was your favorite thing to do together.

"I-I'm sorry..." Shuichi wiped a tear from his eye, feeling awful for having to tell you such terrible news. There was silence for a while before Shuichi suddenly got an idea, "Hey... hold on... what if I claimed you? They say soulmates always find each other if they're separated."

"But you're supposed to save it for someone special," You looked a bit dumbfounded at his offer. Your parents had always told you to only allow yourself to be claimed by someone you wanted to spend the rest of your life with since it couldn't be undone.

"You're special to me!" Shuichi protested, taking the bracelet off of his wrist. You were a little hesitant but you stuck out your wrist, and he put the bracelet on your wrist. It only took a few seconds before it turned into a golden color, showing that it was done. Both of you stared in a sort of daze at the now golden bracelet that marked both of you as soulmates. Shuichi looked at his wrist to see a dotted black outline where the bracelet had once been.

"Well... I guess we're soulmates now," You commented, and the two of you shared a warm smile before hugging each other.

"We're gonna be together forever, (Y/N)!" Shuichi giggled.


You smiled as you remembered that from your childhood. The both of you had only been first graders back then, but even as a high schooler you still felt the same giddiness that moment brought you back then. You were also waiting for the day you'd find Shuichi again, but you hoped it was sooner rather than later. You missed him after all these years, though most people were just jealous that you were claimed already and had a soulmate. Most relationships broke off because the claimer wasn't sure they wanted to make the full commitment and claim the sub, or the sub got cold feet and didn't let themselves get claimed. Some couples that were soulmates were unhappy despite loving each other, some were really happy.

Sighing, you forced yourself to forget all that as you looked down at your book. You were at the public library studying for an upcoming test, though you really didn't wanna be here. You'd mostly come because your friend who was a complete teacher's pet wanted to study and couldn't read his notes like a normal person would; he had to make an impression and study at the public library.

"Why do you even study like this? I swear you're a masochist..." You groaned, still on your first book while your friend had all sorts of open books around him. It looked like a disaster.

"I am, actually! That's why this torture is super fun!" Shaun laughed, striking a 'cute' pose that was typical of anime girls. Internally, you cringed at his behavior. Suddenly, he looked up as you felt a presence approach you. Before you could turn around, you heard a familiar voice.


You gasped and turned around, seeing a now more mature Shuichi cradling a few books in his arms. Immediately you jumped up from your seat and hugged him, which almost made him drop the books.

"Shuichi!!" You cheered {but not too loud since it was a library}, feeling an intense amount of excitement at finally meeting your soulmate again. Shuichi adjusted the books so he was holding them with one hand and used his free arm to hug you, blushing.

"It's so good to finally see you again," Shuichi smiled down at you fondly, and although you eventually released the hug you kept a very close proximity to him.

"Ohh, is this your long lost love? Damnn, my gay ass is jealous," Shaun snickered a bit, which flustered Shuichi a little but you essentially ignored Shaun. He could go study alone, you had a special moment to tend to.

"Anyways, what are you even doing here?" You asked, genuinely curious for his reason for being at this specific place. It wasn't like it was the same city you'd met, you eventually moved to a different town as well. Under normal circumstances it would've just been a one in a million reunion, but you both knew it was fate because you were soulmates.

"I'm studying abroad for a year and I came here to study for a test," Shuichi explained. You looked at the books in his arms to see that it was for the exact same subject you were studying.

"Wait, are you going to Ishikarai-" You didn't need to finish that question, the look on Shuichi's face said it all. How had you two, literal soulmates, missed each other for a full month of school? Were your schedules that different? Was it either of your guys's faults? "Well... I guess it's better late than never to see each other again."

"Hehe, yeah," Shuichi awkwardly agreed, and you suddenly got an idea.

"Hey, we should exchange phone numbers so we can't lose each other so easily again!" You suggested, taking your phone from your pocket.

"Okay," Shuichi agreed, taking his phone out as well. You both gave each other your contact info and texted each other to be sure it was working, which it was. You grinned, yet another wave of excitement washing over you.

"I'm so happy right now... I can't believe we finally met again!" You hugged Shuichi again, not caring if it was sudden or weird to hug him twice.

"Y-yeah," Shuichi agreed a little shyly, clearly flustered from your sudden affection.


You were on a class field trip to some sort of science facility. All classes were going together so you were able to go with Shuichi, but otherwise you only really cared because it was a free day away from school. There weren't enough parent volunteers for all the groups, so the teachers decided that students they trusted more wouldn't have to have a constant supervisor but because they were still responsible for watching them they'd have to allow GPS tracking on their phones to a parent or teacher of choice. You and Shuichi were alone without anyone to supervise, which made you sort of glad since that meant there wouldn't be someone awkwardly watching you two hug or something.

Holding hands, the two of you checked out anything that interested you. Shuichi seemed mildly interested in an area that talked about the moon landing so you two decided to check it out. The only other person there was a boy who looked like a young teenager, though he had a bandage on his cheek as well as his wrists. There was another boy who looked like his brother nearby in a different area.

"Those two boys look like brothers," You kind of mumbled to Shuichi, pointing them out to him. He looked over for a few seconds before turning his attention back to you.

"I think they might be identical twins," Shuichi responded. It was kind of hard to tell from the way they were standing compared to both of you, but they did look pretty similar. You opened your mouth to comment before the one in the other area suddenly turned around, grinning.

"Amane!! Come on, I did something super cool! Come see!" he called, and the boy in the bandages looked over. Yeah, they were definitely twins now that you could see better.

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself~" Shaun giggled, appearing from seemingly thin air. You and Shuichi turned around, giving him a confused look. He only laughed, "Ignore that, I was ending a call with my friend."

He seemed to be lying, but you ignored that because you had a more pressing question, "Wait, aren't you not allowed to go off on your own?"

"Perks of being the favorite of the science department: I get to break the rules with full permission~!" Shaun giggled, running off to... somewhere all of a sudden.

"That was random," You blankly stared, wondering what the fuck had just happened.

"Yeah.. but I'm done looking at what I wanted to over here, do you want to go somewhere else?" Shuichi asked. Suddenly, you got an idea and you smirked.

"What if... we went a little somewhere private~?" You whispered in Shuichi's ear, making him blush darkly at your suggestion. You giggled, practically dragging him off to an area behind a dinosaur display where nobody was supposed to be able to get to, but that was the point. You smirked, about to do something before Shuichi suddenly pinned you to the wall and kissed you!

You were shocked by the sudden action but you kissed back happily. It was surprisingly a sweet kiss instead of a lustful one, but eventully the blissful moment had to end. You both pulled away, a tiny bit of spit connecting your lips.

"I love you, (Y/N)..." Shuichi mumbled, his face beet red. You started to play with his hair, kissing his cheek.

"I love you too, Shuichi~" You giggled.


{A little bonus scene of me being me}

Shuichi kissed your forehead lovingly and pat your head, making you smile as you snuggled closer to him. The two of you were just cuddling on a bench right outside the school, but you were just happy to be spending time with Shuichi. But then... the sound of fake eating interrupted your peaceful moment. You and Shuichi looked towards the source of the sound to see Shaun standing there, pretending to eat.. something.

"Want some popcorn?" Shaun asked, pretending to have a mouthful of food while holding out his imaginary bag of popcorn.

Word count: 1877

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