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I don't own the picture belongs to it's creator.

After Lincoln managed to find the perfect gift, he hoped that Cristina would hopefully accept it. As he started to head home...he had no idea that Cristina and Girl Jordon were on their way to his house to hear what he has to say for himself.

"Ready for this Cristina." Girl Jordon Said.

"I guess." Cristina Said as the girls managed to walk to the door just as Vanzilla came back. Lincoln became nervous seeing that the girl that he managed to embarrass was just a couple of inches away. Sighing...he carefully walked out of Vanzilla and was handed the keys to get inside. As he approached...the girls turned to look at him with varying expressions on their faces.

"You have a lot of explaining to do!" Girl Jordon Said.

"Sigh...I know. But can we continue this conversation indoors." Lincoln Said. The girls looked at each other and nodded before he opened the door and lead them to the living room. It was silent for a couple of minutes before Lincoln spoke.

"I'm sorry about embarrassing you in that video Cristina. But before you say anything...I'm not entirely to blame for it." Lincoln Said.

"What do you mean?" Cristina asked.

"A couple of days before the incident...I entered a contest to win a trophy. Since let's face it..I'm the only one in my family who doesn't have one or any achievement. The first couple of videos weren't the greatest so I decided to ask my sister, Luan for help." Lincoln Said.

"Okay. But what does this have to do with the video?" Girl Jordon asked.

"I'm getting there. After receiving her help...I recorded and posted embarrassing videos of my sisters. And by the time that they found out...they were made into laughing stocks. Which caused them to become very angry with me so to show that I'm sorry..I did all sorts of things for them. But it wasn't enough so that's why I decided to do the video." Lincoln Said.

"That's sweet and all, but..." Cristina said before Lincoln continued talking.

"Cristina...the story isn't finished yet. After a hard day of school after posting it..I came home and heard my sisters talking to each other about what I did. And as I listened in..I heard something sisters were all faking being mad at me." Lincoln Said.

"What kind of sisters do that?" Girl Jordon Said.

"Mine apparently." Lincoln Said.

"That still doesn't excuse you from what you did to me Lincoln." Cristina Said.

"I know. Cristina...I just want to express how sorry I am for what I've done to you. And knowing that apologies aren't enough..I got you this." Lincoln Said as he pulled out a necklace that had a beautiful pink stone and was covered by three rings.

"It's beautiful." Cristina Said.

"Just like you. Cristina...I know that this sounds kinda corny, but you're the most beautiful girl that I ever had my eyes on. And I wanted to get you something that captured how beautiful you are." Lincoln Said.

"I don't know what to say Lincoln." Cristina Said.

"You don't need to say anything. After seeing what I put you through..I wanted to start on the right foot. So Cristina...Will you be my friend?" Lincoln Said.

"Of course Lincoln. But..consider our new friendship over if you ever post another embarrassing video of me again." Cristina Said.

"That's fair. Do you guys need a ride home?" Lincoln Said.

"No we're good. See you Lincoln." Girl Jordon Said.

The small group never knew that this would be the start of a new relationship with each other. And that soon Romance would bloom between Cristina and Lincoln.

Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋

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