Kissing booth

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Kazuichi as of now was hiding in the crowd of people with Fuyuhiko. Today was his school fair & many of his schoolmates had set up booths for guests. He had just escaped from Teruteru who had tried to force him into a maid dress for the maid cafe.

Fuyuhiko mumbled curse words as he was pushed around by passing people. He pulled on Kazuichi's sleeve to gain his attention. "Hey, can we get the fuck out of here already? The bastard probably gave up by now" he pointed out, almost falling into the mechanic as someone pushed past him once again. "Watch where you're going, ass face!" He called out to the person, unable to keep his mouth shut.

Kazuichi pulled his hat down a little. "Are ya sure?" He quizzed, his voice cracking slightly as he spoke.

The yakuza rolled his eyes before grabbing the other by his wrist, pulling him out of the crowd. "See? He's probably fucking with Hiyoko or some shit" he commented as he pulled his arm away from Kazuichi's, crossing his arms.

Kazuichi let out a sigh of relief. His eyes widened as he noticed a booth nearby which Sonia was tending to. "What's that booth?" He asked, glancing to the shorter male.

Fuyuhiko shrugged in response. "How the fuck am I supposed to know?" He replied. He was about to start walking to a booth he wanted to look at before he felt a hand grab his own, leading him toward the booth Kazuichi had pointed out.

"Let's check it out!" Kazuichi continued to drag his friend who had given up at this point.

Once they got to the booth, they noticed there was a small line formed. The yakuza read the sign aloud. "Kissing booth" he looked up to Kazuichi who had a dazed expression. "If you wanna get all smoochy with Sonia, be my guest" he replied, attempting to pull his hand away.

The mechanic kept ahold of the other's hand, stepping out in front of him to give him a pleading look. "I kinda spent all my money on the tools" he began, trailing off. Fuyuhiko could already see what was coming. Kazuichi put both of his hands on either side of the other's. "Can ya lend me some?"

Fuyuhiko hesitated for a moment, giving the other an annoyed expression. He had never paid him back before so he was skeptic about this. However, he knew if he didn't give in, he would never hear the end of this.

The yakuza pulled his hand away before shoving it into his pocket, taking out enough money for the booth & shoving it into his friend's chest. Kazuichi managed to catch it all. "I'll meet you here after I check on somethin" Fuyuhiko instructed, pointing over to the booth he had wanted to check.

Kazuichi nodded eagerly. "Thank ya!" He replied happily before taking his place at the end of the line. Luckily, the line was short. He was confused by this since Sonia was one of the most popular girls at their school & he would expect more people to be there.

Before Fuyuhiko left, he glanced toward the front of the booth before shooting a smirk toward the other. "Have fun" he commented, waving before beginning to walk away.

Kazuichi tilted his head in confusion but soon shrugged it off, putting his hands behind his head & clasping his fingers.

As he was one person away, he began to feel his heart speed up. He never expected anything even remotely close to this happening. He froze up a little as the girl in front of him left with a small frown.

Kazuichi took a step forward, attempting to grin confidently but instead it ended up looking lopsided & awkward. "Hey, Miss Sonia!" He greeted, clasping his hands together as he leaned forward. He shot a confused look to Gundham who was standing next to her. He assumed he was there as some sort of body guard.

A small smile formed on Sonia's lips. "Good afternoon, Souda. I didn't expect you to be here" she replied before pushing the small tin of money toward him.

Kazuichi put the money his friend had given him into the tin before letting out a small laugh. "Yeah, anyway let's get on with this" he fiddled with his zipper.

The princess nodded. "Alright, close your eyes" she replied, clasping her hands together.

The boy nodded, putting his shaky hands on the table in front of him & leaning forward slightly as he shut his eyes.

After a moment, he could feel a warm sensation on his lips. They felt soft against his own. His eyes fluttered open mid kiss. He froze up. In front of him was not Sonia. It was his rival, Gundham. His face heated up due to this fact. He jumped back, letting out a small scream. He looked down to the sign, noticing it read "Gundham Tanaka's kissing booth " however the name seemed to be small.

Gundham pulled his scarf over his face, hiding his own red face.

Kazuichi blinked a few times before speaking up. "Wh-why does Gundham have a kissing booth?" Kazuichi quizzed as his voice broke, pointing to the sign.

Sonia had a confused look on her face. "It was originally my own but I was far too shy so Gundham decided to take over for me so we can still make money for the charity we chose. Isnt he sweet?" She explained, putting on a smile again. "Do not worry about his poison, I let him wear special chapstick which will not affect you!"

The mechanic stared at the girl in disbelief. She did this on purpose, right? & what was she talking about? Did she really believe what Gundham always said about his body being poisonous? He was broke out of his daze as Gundham spoke up.

"I apologise, tamer of auto machines, I do not have much experience on this act" the breeder commented, still hiding his reddened face behind his scarf. "However, I wasn't aware you were interested in doing such an act with me".

"I'm setting up my own booth to paint nails so we can gain more money, you are the only one who has given up money since Gundham stepped in" Sonia explained.

Kazuichi nodded before walking away, almost stumbling over himself. He began to have a gay crisis. He knew he was pansexual as of last year but he always thought he had a crush on Sonia. As much as he wanted to deny it, the only one on his mind was Gundham. His love rival.

Sonia gave Gundham a pat on the back. "I am happy for you! Maybe this could mean something!" She commented, her eyes sparkling as she spoke happily.

Gundham nodded, scratching his cheek. He couldn't help but let a smile make it's way onto his lips. "Thank you, however I can't help but to think that was not his original intention" he replied, disappointment laced in his words. 

Gundham had been hopelessly pining over the pinkette for months now & only Sonia knew. She tried not to make a big deal over it but she couldn't help but get excited when the two did something together. 

The princess titled her head to the side slightly. "You shouldn't think negative thought like that, I think he likes you" she let out a small giggle. "I must return to my own booth now, will you be alright?"

The boy ended up watching Kazuichi struggle his way through the crowd, looking back to his friend after he couldn't see him anymore. He smirked. "I, the great Gundham Tanaka, will take care of this for you & attract many mortals! Do not worry!" He declared, posing as he spoke which had become somewhat of a habit for him. 

Sonia nodded, waving a little before making her way to the table she had left a teacher to set up. "Good luck!"

Kazuichi saw Fuyuhiko over the crowd & picked up his pace, grabbing his friend by the sleeve as he reached him. At this point, he had his free hand over his face.

The yakuza looked up, pulling his arm away from the other. "What are you doing?" He asked bluntly before beginning to smirk. "Oh, you didn't get that kiss, huh?"

Kazuichi shook his head. "I- I got it, but from Gundham" he explained.

Fuyuhiko let out a small laugh in reply to this. "You can't win them all, wanna leave?"

The taller boy finally removed his hand from his blushing face & looked as the shorter boy. "That's the thing... I kinda wanna kiss him again" he mumbled, looking away as he spoke the last sentence. He fiddled with his shirt to distract himself.

"Geez, so now you have a crush on the weird guy too? You're something else" Fuyuhiko rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms.

Kazuichi shook his head quickly in response, feeling his face flare up once again. "Hey, I didn't say that!" He protested. "At least I don't think I do". He began to clench his fists.

Fuyuhiko began to walk away. "Yeah, well I'm not giving you more money, got it?" At least, he hoped he had enough will power to not give in to his friend once again. But after Kazuichi almost breaking into tears & falling on his knees, he quickly handed him money. "Fine, fucking take it! Just stop making a scene".

The mechanic grinned happily, wiping his somewhat teary eyes before taking the money. "Thank ya! I promise I'll pay ya back!" He insisted before rushing off back to the kissing booth.

Fuyuhiko puffed out his cheeks as his friend marched off. Not only did he take most of his money, but he couldn't even spoil it for him in someway. He shrugged it off, deciding to wander off to find the food court.

The mechanic only now began to realise how sweaty his hands were. He was going to regret this in the future.

There happened to be no line at the booth. Kazuichi took a deep breath before approaching the table where Gundham stood alone. "Hey, Gundham!" He greeted, putting on a grin to hide how nervous he felt.

"Greetings pink haired one" the breeder replied, not making eye contact.

"Is Sonia at her own booth now?"

"She cat has created her own, I am considering discontinuing for today".

Kazuichi shot him a confused look as he processed the words before nodding. "Oh, gotcha! So can I still... ya know" he began to trail off, holding out the money.

Gundham stared at the money before replying. "Are you seeking for she cat?"

Kazuichi could only face palm in response before shaking his head, letting out a small sigh. "I'm saying I wanna kiss ya again!" He replied, dropping the money onto the table.

Before the mechanic could take time to become flustered or realise he had practically shouted what he wanted, he grabbed Gundham's scarf. He pulled the other closer to him, surprising himself with his own strength. He stood on his tip toes in order to be tall enough, bringing his lips against the other's. He shut his eyes tight, waiting for Gundham to push him away.

Instead of being pushed, hands were put around his waist, almost causing him to fall over the table. He could feel the breeder kissing him back. His heart felt as if it would explode at any moment.

The mechanic slowly let go of the scarf & his arms around Gundham's shoulders. He could hear a voice but he couldn't care less what it was saying. At least he didn't until the taller male stopped kissing him & pulled himself away.

At this, Kazuichi almost fell backward. He looked over to where the voice had come from to notice a very confused Sonia. "I did not expect you two to be so open about something like this" she commented, a small smile forming.

Kazuichi furrowed his eye brows before looking around his surroundings, noticing a few students were looking in his & Gundham's direction. "I-it's not what it looks like! Uh" he managed to stutter out, pulling his beanie down as if it could cover his red face.

"I'm glad you two finally got over your sexual tension, it brings me so much hope" Komaeda decided to say, pulling on Kazuichi's hands to take them away from the beanie.

"S-sexual what?"

After some chatter from the crowd which felt like hours, they finally began to leave the fair or go to the few stalls still open.

The mechanic put one hand against the table to help himself balance.

Sonia clasped her hands together as she smiled sweetly at the boys. "Did you finally tell him?" She asked, a bright smile on her face. "You have been talking about him for months now, I am happy!" She giggled before waving & returning to her own stall.

Gundham looked back to the other, pulling up his scarf over his face as he normally did. "If you would like, we can continue this after the assembling of mortals has finished" he suggested. 

The other gave him a confused look before widening his eyes at what he said. "Y-you actually wanna?" He managed to stutter out, his voice breaking in the process. He then nodded eagerly, grinning. "I'd like that!" 

The next day, Kazuichi sat at his desk. The class were chatting among themselves about yesterday while they waited for their teacher to arrive. Fuyuhiko was lecturing his friend about how much money he owed as Hajime attempted to defend Kazuichi.

"Hey, what did you use all his money for, anyway?" Hajime decided to ask as he had spent most of the fair helping Chiaki with her stall. 

Kazuichi's cheeks turned red at the question as he began to scratch his cheek. "Ah, nothing special!" He retorted along with a small laugh. He shot Fuyuhiko a small look, noticing he probably cared less about telling Hajime that Kazuichi practically almost made out with his supposed love rival in the middle of the fair. 

"Oh, Ibuki knows! Mahiru got a picture!" Kazuichi froze up at this, tilting his head back to notice Ibuki had rushed over to the boys, dragging Mahiru along. The red head nodded, clicking a few buttons on her camera.

"I don't know if Souda wants anyone to see this though, Mioda" she replied, looking over to the male in question. 

At this point, he had his head in his hands, leaning his elbows against the table. Fuyuhiko let out a smug chuckle. "Nah, should be fine" the yakuza replied.

Mahiru clicked a button before turning it to Hajime. "Oh, okay!" She replied. The mechanic's head shot up at this. 

"W-wait!" He whined, trying to grab at the camera. However, as Mahiru pulled it away from his reach, Hiyoko managed to snatch it out of her hands. 

She snickered before saying anything. "I didn't think you of all people would be grinding against someone like Tanaka" she teased. As if on cue, Gundham came into the room.

"Did one of you mortals mention my name?" He asked, approaching the small group that had formed. Hiyoko shoved the camera into his face, or as much as she could at her height. Gundham's face turned red, he froze up & decided not to say anything in reply. 

Mahiru took the camera back from her girlfriend. "Hiyoko, be careful!" She scolded, clipping the camera back onto it's strap that hung around her neck. 

"Ibuki is happy for the two of you!" Ibuki chimed it, jumping up & down as she spoke before giving peace signs with her fingers. 

Kazuichi took a deep breath as he glanced up to Gundham who seemed to be frozen. "Tamer of auto machines, may I speak with you outside?" He quizzed. Kazuichi nodded, standing up with shaky legs. He practically sprinted out of the classroom, not looking back to see his friend's reactions.

Shortly after, the breeder made it outside. They stood near the wall away from the entrance so they wouldn't be seen. "What's up, dude?" Kazuichi quizzed, fiddling with his braid as he spoke. He felt fingers under his chin before he was kissed by Gundham. It was a short, sweet kiss. The shorter boy became extremely flustered & in order to break the nervousness, he made a joke. "Oh, a free one this time? Ya must've really like the other two".

Gundham nodded, looking at the wall which suddenly became more interesting than eye contact. "I think that I have strong feelings for you although you are a simple mortal. However, since you do not succumb to my poison..." He began to trail off, his voice becoming muffled as he raised up his scarf as he always did. "I would like to be more than simply allies with you, but I was sure that you hated me".

Kazuichi stared at him. Sure, he saw him as a rival at first but he couldn't deny that he always crossed his mind. Heck, once he stayed up until early hours in the morning questioning if he had feelings toward Gundham. More than once. He stayed quiet before simply nodding. "I- Well, I'm not sure but I think I like you too" he replied somewhat quietly, praying his voice wouldnt crack. "I wouldn't mind dating ya & seeing what happens, I guess" he let out a small nervous laugh at the end. He looked up to Gundham & decided to pull him into a hug.

The taller male became stiff at this but soon returned the embrace. They stayed like that until Chisa interrupted them & told them to return to class, earning a surprised shriek from Kazuichi.

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