One Sided Love

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Okay Y/ can do this. Yang is an understanding girl right so maybe...she won't hurt me when she rejects me. No, I can't think like that! Who knows, maybe she'll say a 1 to 100000000 chance. I raised my quivering hand to the door and knocked "D-Did I knock h-hard enough?" The door opened up and I saw Weiss standing there with her eyebrow raised and her hand on her hip. "Yes?"

"I-Is Yang in? I k-kinda wanted to speak with her."
"Well luckily for you, she's still here. Though she's getting ready for a date."
"...O-Oh. Are you sure it's a date?"

I just gained the courage the come over here Weiss. Please tell me that's your assumption. A wrong one. "Weiss, who's at the door? Is it Sage?" A hole formed in my chest and my body began to shake. That voice was Yang's alright. "No. It's... actually I don't know your name."

"It's Y/N. He wanted to have a talk with you."

Weiss left the doorframe, but Yang soon entered it. Her body had been radiating a sense of fun and passion that only she could have. "Hey Y/N. What's up?" As much as I wanted words to form, they couldn't. They seemed to be stuck in my throat while my eyes gazed upon her "Uh...Y/N?" I blinked a few times before coming to.

"Y-Yeah I... nevermind."
"Nope. You came here for something didn't you?" Yang leaned against the doorway. "Well yes, b-but you seem to be busy right now..." She grinned and crossed her arms "Come on, you can tell me. I won't say anything."

"...Could we talk in the hall?"

"Sure thing." She walked out and shut the door. "I...I originally came here to tell you something important." I twiddled my thumbs as she chuckled "Oh yeah?" I nodded and took a deep breath "Y-Yang I wanted to tell you that I've-"

"Ready Yang?" I slouched as I heard Sage's voice. Yang's bright smile started to make my very foundation crumble. "Sure thing. Sorry, but I gotta go. See ya Shy Guy!" She ran up to Sage and they started to walk off. "...She forgot my name." I looked down at the ground and started to walk back towards my dorm. I should've known this would go south.

10 Minutes Later

I opened up the door to my room and sighed "So I'm guessing it went bad?" My teammate, Jay, was currently doing a few sit ups before standing up and stretching. However, I ignored Jay's question and went straight to my bed "Oh it went worse than I thought. Look Y/N, there a plenty of girls who would want you."

"S-Stop lying please. I-It won't help me with Yang."
"Look, not to be harsh or anything, by why Yang? She doesn't even know you man. In fact, she's your complete opposite."
"Not only that, but she isn't into guys like you. She wants the confident guys who know how to fight and you...kinda suck."
"And I'm not saying this to bash you. I'm saying it because I care man."

The Next Day- Blake POV

I sighed in annoyance as I started crumbling more love letters from Sun. I rolled my eyes at a few of the words he used. "He really should take a hint." I stood up and threw the last letter away, but something or rather, someone, caught my eye.

My cheeks began to heat up a bit as he seemed to be looking for something. "Y/N..." His name escapes my lips as he sighed and looked down. I wonder why he seems so upset. Slowly, I made my way towards him, but my pace quickened the more I closed our distance. "Didn't think I'd see you around here." I tried to contain my blush, but I could tell that it wasn't working "W-Well I'm trying to find a book to... boost my c-confidence."

"I don't think there'd be a book about that here."
"Why don't I help you? I wouldn't mind doing it."
"R-Really? I d-don't wanna bother you..."
"You wouldn't. We'd just...sit and talk. Easy as that."

He looked away and smiled a bit and it was at this point that my body almost shut down. "W-Well if you insist. S-Should we do it now?" I nodded and took his hand. I intertwined my fingers with his and walked back to the table I had been sitting at earlier.

A/N: Short.

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