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The next morning, (YN) has risen up from his sleep as the sun light hits his eyes, he yawns and stretches, he gets off from his bed as he heads to his restroom and to wash himself up and brushing his teeth, afterwards to go to the kitchen and grab a box of cereal, a gallon of milk and began eating the cereal with his hands and chugging the milk, afterwards he puts them away, he then checks on his phone, and to remember that today was the day he was gonna go on his "date" with a girl Chizuru and Kazuya told him to go he gives Kazuya a Kazuya's, we can see his apartment all messy and yet not organized at all, and yet was up already, then he gets a call from (YN) and answers it quickly...

Kazuya: H-Hey man!

(YN): Yo, Kazuya, seems like your wide awake already, let me guess, your wacking your meat.

Kazuya (On Phone): N-No!! ...probably.

(YN): Heh, off course, anyways listen...that favor you and Chizuru asked me to do to date this girl, Sumi Sakurasawa....I'll do it.

Kazuya: R-Really?!

(YN): Yeah, besides, it's a one time date, No?

Kazuya: Definitely! Just go out with her and just have a good time and just rate on her profile date.

(YN): Right, Gotcha, I'll ready up then, tell Chizuru I'll accept her offer.

Kazuya: Yeah! I'll text you when your date is ready to meet up and where to meet.

(YN): Alright then, later.

Kazuya: Later.

(YN) hangs up the phone...and then to think about how this date will go with one thought, it'll not go good, end up bad like his previous dates, but the other thought, might go different according to Chizuru and Kazuya and she might be different than other girls...

(YN): *sighs* What the hell, let's just get this over with it and get back to my normal life.

And so, (YN) began to teddy himself up for his "date", he showers, changes his clothes, brush his teeth and to then head to his "date"...he wasn't having no regrets at all, he knew that his "date" won't go good nor end well at we'll see...

Meanwhile, at a café restaurant, we then see Chizuru sitting on the table, as she was on the phone with Kazuya...

Chizuru: He'll do it!? Perfect! I knew he'll do it, and can't believe you're right that he'll come around.

Kazuya: Hehe, told ya, anyways just text me the direction so I can sent it to him to meet her up.

Chizuru: Okay, talk to you later then.

Chizuru hangs up...and then, we then see she was talking with someone who is sitting with Chizuru...

Chizuru: Good news Sumi! You got a match! Your date will meet you up at your destination!

That's right, the person Chizuru is with is none other than (YN)'s rental girlfriend date, Sumi Sakurasawa...who she began to blush hard to hear that she's got a date...

Chizuru: Hey now, no need to be nervous, it's gonna go good with this date, trust me, your date will be....different.

Sumi: ...D-Different...???

Chizuru: *nods*

Sumi: ...Wh-What if...he...won't like me...for being...quiet, and shy the whole time??

Chizuru: ...It won't happen, I'm telling you, he's a different one than the others you've dated.

Sumi: H-How so...???

Chizuru began to remember what (YN) said yesterday about his problems dating girls he's been, cheating, lying, no self respect and especially no loyalty at all...Chizuru knew all he wanted was a nice, calm, sweet, normal and honest relationship, and at the same time, with his help, he can help Sumi out by rating her and helping her job out...

Chizuru: He...He really just wants an honest date, that's all, and with you dating him, it'll go smooth.

Sumi: ...O-Okay...if you say so.

Chizuru: Heh, you're gonna like it. Now, go now, hes on his way and you're gonna make him wait longer.

Sumi: W-Wah?! O-Okay!

Sumi started to rush as she began to grab her bag and finishing her drink...

Sumi: Thank You Chizuru!

Chizuru: No problems, have fun with your date. *Hopefully it really does go smooth, I hope.*

Sumi began making her way to meet her date at the mall, as she does, she began to worry, and feel shy of how her date will be or how will appearance be, so she had to pump herself up...

Sumi: Y-You got this! Just...ho with the flow, and just make him get to enjoy it! I-I got this!


Minutes later, we then take a look at a mall, and we see (YN) leaning against the wall, waiting for his rental girlfriend to show up, he checks his phone, and to see the messages Kazuya and him were having about his date with his rental girlfriend...then, he checks the time, which is half an hour before 12 hits...

(YN): 30 minutes until 12 hits, and yet my "date" hasn't showed up, she's suppose to be here already, according to Kazuya, unless he pulled this as a prank and-

Suddenly, as he was looking around, he then spotted someone...

Sumi: EEK!

It was Sumi, who she then hides back again, and is nervously shy to meet (YN)...and also...she has been hiding for 5 minutes...

(YN): What the??? Is that her??

He then walks up close and stops and hears whimpering, he then slowly turns and to see Sumi nervously shaking and blushing hard...

(YN): Uhh, hey-

Sumi: EEEK!!

(YN): W-Woah chill!! ...hey, are you...Sumi Sakurasawa??

Sumi stood quiet, blushing and being shy still, but manage to respond with a nod...

(YN): I see, well I'm (YN)...your date.

Sumi began to observe (YN) she does, she began to shy more and harder, she never knew she met someone like him who can look, totally different than the other clients she's dated during her job as a rental girlfriend...more like his age of course...

(YN): *Shes not talking at all, and the fact she's really shy and nervous, guess that's true*. Anyways, it's nice meeting you, I guess...Hey, by any chance Chizuru has told you much about me, have she?

She blush more harder...and nods...

(YN): Right *Shes not even talking at all, being shy like this is an understatement, but how am I suppose to make her interact with the other dates during her job?? ...Don't tell me I have to take the lead...*sighs* whatever, guess I got no choice.* Well, let's go, yeah?

So the began to walk...not really...(YN) notices Sumi being super shy, and blushing more as she was walking behind him...

(YN): *sighs* Look, you don't have to be shy around me okay? It's not like I don't bite, just pretend I'm like your friend, like Chizuru....just a male version of her.

Sumi: ..E-Eh???

(YN): *Oh for the love of...* Here...

(YN) suddenly reaches his hand, and to then grab Sumi's hand...Sumi suddenly blushes more hard and began to panic a little, but as she sees (YN), she picture him with sparkles around him with that calm cute look he's got...

(YN): Come, don't be shy.

Sumi was even more surprised that (YN) made the very first move before she even does...

Sumi Mind: H-He grabbed my hand!! Usually...I be the one that's suppose to...b-but he did it first..! ...His hand feels...really gentle and smooth...I guess Chizuru is right...he is different...b-but I just hope...I don't ruin it during our date still...I-I gotta stay focus!*


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