Episode 2

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Moving in a new neighborhood isn't hard especially if the Condominium he bought is ready for occupancy, add up that he live infront of Sooho is a plus

Now that reminded of him on what happened last night because of the striking headache and just his whole body in general, he decided to buy some Ibuprofen before, chugging it along with his daily morning beverage

It's almost time for his alarm to go off for his supposed to be wake up time, grabbing a bathrobe and an extra Towel he proceed to his morning routine From Bathing, to face cleanse and moisturizing, and last is to eat a proper breakfast which is garlic rice with egg and the salad he saved up from the restaurant nearby

After all the hassle just to maintain his perfect none scratch appearance, losing it on the small bruise on his cheek and the almost busted lip he had he move out on his so called home, shoulder feeling heavy and the agonizing silence on the halls to the elevator and the parking lot he decided to play a song on his car's speaker(which is ain't it fun by Paramore)

Unconciously bobbing his head to the beat of the drum and the bass guitar he almost forgot that he we're supposed to go to school if it isn't for his dearest innocent brother


Arriving at school he expect the gossip and all of the nagging voices of his admirers

[Wait what did I miss?]

[What happened to his face?]

[Even with bruised up face he still looked so perfect, I'm gonna die]

That made Dime to side smile a little and wave to the group of girls aside of him while almost limping thanks to what his idiot if a brother did to him

Ignoring the rest of almost of the school's population, he went straight to class, and when he arrived he expect Sooho is already in there but not Jugyeong Who approaching the male who's reading silently

She gave the previous pink paper bag rushly bumping on Seojun at the process

Realizing he's been standing at the front entrance for quite a while he awkwardly compose himself and walk at his seat

While waiting for their proffesor to arrive, his mind won't stop the memory of the past, from his Mother's death, to the marriage, to his brother's hatred towards him, to Sooho's happiness

Now that reminds him, Sooho's happiness is so Precious to him, he deserve more after what happened to their friend, he see the change of emotion and the spark in his eyes when he saw or interact to the girl

Almost tearing up and staring the board beside Sooho's head, he shook the thoughts away that hunt him till this very day

"Hyung, It's P.E. time You got your Uniform ready?!?" Ruby radiantly said, shaking his hyung who's in deep thought and seem to never got out of it

"U‐uhm yeah I got it, it's on my locker if I'm being specific" now focus on his oh so energetic brother he smile slightly

While smiling Ruby observe his brother's face, he notice the bruises, the almost busted lip and when walking he's limping as if he had a bruise or a tense muscle on his hips


When he's on his locker he doesn't open it. immediately he lean on it first, thinking all the responsibiilty has been with him since SHE died, all of the sidden decision that he made rushing on him like a stamped on a empty canyon

Wiping a stray tear he continue on what he was supposed to do, grabbing the neatly flat ironed P.E. uniform

After locking the of course Locker he proceed to the changing room, waiting for the others to leave since he doesn't want them to see the huge purple bruise forming in his hips and Once alone, he then continue to change

The Soccer field is full of life today since their whole class is in there, He spot his siblings by the bleacher talking like he doesn't exist at all

When he arrive beside them they look at him, other is either glaring, smiling or worried

Glaring because of the past that they can't let go and held a grudge, smiling for the facade that they grew up on, and worried because of the look he held

Tired of everything they proceed to comunicate with their classmates like nothing happened last night but it did got notice but chose to not voice it out by them, who silently stood for a second but continue on what they're supposed to do

"Since everyone is playing dodgeball, let's play it on our own Sap is the referee or are we gonna join??" Ruby joyfully said bouncing on his feet since the last time he play with other student is almost two weeks

"We can join, be careful though and don't EVER throw the ball roughly, we don't want anyone to be hurt or go home bruised again, ok?" Sap suggested his voice of advise, the motherly nature of him is kicking in quickly

"Uhh- can we join before you all start" Jade tried to be friendly but from the outsider/to those who unfamilliar to him, he looks like, he will kill you because of his eye shape and the deadpan look he always wore

There's a pregnant silence after that since the five new student doesn't even talk to them yesterday but got answered by Seojun who is smirking and standing with Hands on his pockets "of course you can little J" he smile for a millisecond but at that shortest time the green haired guy notice it

"Alright then I'll go to Seojun's team so is Ruby, The three can decide whatever team they want to go to" Amie Careslessly said, walking to Seojun's side, and not caring to the glare he recieve from a certain blue haired sibling

"I'll go for the other team, you two will decide on your own" tired of his brother's nonesense Dime just walk while slouching like he doesn't get any sleep from last night

The two decide to side on Sooho's, and just call it a day but to their Surprise no fight broke off to the two rival

But the storm that was brewing to the two alternate colored hair siblings is being unnotice by the others

Seojun walked away when he's out, the ball from the girls who is playing the same game is rolling towards him

Jugyeong tried to catch it on time but the latter step onto it, snaring the ball and making the catcher unable to get it

"We've met before, Right?" Pissed off because of losing he decided to get it out on the girl instead

"Yeah we met her before" faintly frowning but still visible, Amie pop up behind Seojun since he purposely out himself on the game, assisting himself by placing his hands on the other's shoulder

Nervously laughing avoiding any eye contact in any of the two individual she said that "she doesn't think so" and attempting to get the ball again

"You ran away with his helmet and my Glove until now I can't use my bike because of that" he try to control his anger but slightly failing

"Oh look, watch out!" Pointing out behind them she tried to warn them on the upcoming ball but failing since to them the girl looks like she's fooling them or dodging the question

But reality struck to them like a b!txh slap, the ball that she warned was coming to them in hot speed striking luckily it's only Seojun

"Who did it?" Surprisingly Amie was calm but his tone seems like he isn't

"Take a breather we will get out of here, and I know they didn't did it on purpose anyway" Seiojun tried to calm down the long haired guy by patting his shoulder

Jugyeong grab the opportunity to get the ball, apologizing and saying that "she will give it to them tomorrow" Trying to run away from them but tripping at the process

Amie not pissed off anymore and barking out an insult along the line of little miss clumsy, and the tripping queen between each laugh

Smirking and walking along side Soo-ho he almost step onto the girl and whispering 'little miss clumsy' but hiding the smile with the back of his hand

While there's the other 3 who is worried and cheking up on her if she's okay and inspecting his visible skin if there's any scratch


"Why can't Taehoon Join us?" Sapphire ask to the shortest girl, Soojin nodding while they're descending to the staircase after the event that happened on P.E.

"He said that he need to do his homework, so he told me to get something from the snack bar" the toher two nodding in understanding

"Can we Join, we're bored anyways, right Jade?" Popped up behind them, An uplifted spirit with a certain red hair color suddenly said behind them

"Alright" Sapphire smiled but the his sibling stopped mid step, expecting something since they knew what it is "but in one condition, you need to treat us" Sighing in defeat they agree and walking with the other three

Jungyeong being considerate she suggest that "they should get him something" but Soo-ah seems like she don't even care and confirming it when she said that

"What going on, did you two fight again?" Soojin this time ask first as if there's an on going competition who ask first between her and Sap

Sooah Seems like tired on what happened yesterday, she recall everything that was happened starting from They don't have time to fight to the main problem which she claims that Taehoon might have forgotten their 100th day anniversary


Meanwhile Dime is overthinking everything because of the surprise anniversary that Taehoon's imromptu requested before they reach their classroom after P.E.

"Yah, Do I really need to put some flower petal for his Girlfriend, As if my life is sad enough your, making it sadder" Ahn Hyun-gyu the nerdy looking guy that almost made Amie explode last subject

"First off all don't complain, second I promise I'll treat you after class or I might just give you money to treat yourself" Dime Baited the guy who stopped complaining after using or hearing the word treat as if he's an ibodient dog

The watch that Dime Assigned shout ta warning that Taehoon's other half is coming

During the celebration the Silver haired male was standing there at the far edge corner observing everything unfold with a satisfied smile, Sapphire cringing at the cheezy pick up line caressing his one sidee fringe, Ruby laughing along with everyone, and Jade Eyeing a certain someone being happy with a gentel smile

It's all fun and happy until a certain nerd looking student decided to throw the cake to the couple but luckily dodging it but in the process Jugyeong who's standing the opposite side got caught instead

Series of gasp are immediately being express not expecting the turn of events in the celebration

"What the actual-" cutting himself off sapphire brought his own White handkerchief wiping the icings/frostings on Jugyeong's face

"STOP!, I don't want anyone touching me" the sudden shout of the girl made the crowd to stop the commotion, then she run off after it

The five people, who know Jugyeong more than the other's who called her the angel of Saebom, ran after her

Running after the girl is more than running a marathon, as if she drank a potion that made her ran faster than everyone

Amie, Seojun and the rest of their gang is on their way to class when the short raven Haired badboy, who got his Shoe lace undone, did it

when a turbo fast lady came rushingly after them hopping into Seojun's Back who's kneeling on one side and made the rest to lean on the side of the hall causing a certain Long haired also badboy to shout at her with the insult 'yah Little miss clumsy!!' With a tick mark on the side of his forehead but smiling as if he's in a good mood

Finally the famale stop running out of the bathroom, Dime regaining his normal breathing cycle not used on hard physical activities, he eyed the girl but she looks like she's in deep thoughts and not noticing the icing/frosting melting on her face

Sooho pop up behind the girl using his blazer as a barrier against the other's prying eyes and walking off in the other direction

Dime follow the two stopping at the curve of the halls observing them with a hurt yet grateful eyes with a soft smile 'I can finally free you'


FINALLY after one week of responsibility, I can update, This supposed to be an update last tuesday also Remember to Vote and follow for more update, and oh I almost forgot this is their face claim but you can change them

Kim Taehyung
Diamond & Amethyst Seabstian Young

Park Bogum
Sapphire & Ruby Seabstian Young

Nam Joo-hyuk
Jade Sebastian Young

And yes all of them are not the same face but mix with fraternal and Identical Twins

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