Chapter 12: In Which Steve Encounters The Winter Soldier For The First Time

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Holy Styx! 1.3 k reads??? That's awesome! Anyways, sorry for the delay. Life's getting kinda hectic, so I've got less chunks of time to write. So, again, this is mostly CA:TWS filler with some side action from Percy, and some behind the scenes motives and thoughts with Natasha. Also, there may be mention of things that don't exist in 2013 yet, so just ignore those! ;) On with the story! - Spathi

Steve's P.O.V.

He walked through the halls of his apartment building, seeing one of his neighbors, Kate, on the phone. As he got closer, Kate ended the call, turned, and smiled at him.

"My aunt, she's kind of an insomniac." she explained. Steve nodded, smiling slightly. He stayed silent for a second, wondering whether he should ask her out. Just as she turned to leave, Steve threw all caution to the winds, and offered to buy her a coffee. Kate declined, although Steve felt hopeful because she did seem to be genuinely sad to turn down the offer.

Kate mentioned that his stereo was on, which gave him pause. He was definitely sure that he had not been listening to music before he left his apartment. He slipped out of the apartment complex, and climbed up the side of the building, picking the lock on his window, and slipping inside. He scooped up his shield as he crept through the apartment, stopping short at the sight of Nick Fury sitting on a couch in the dark.

"I don't remember giving you a key." Steve said.

"You really think I'd need one? My wife kicked me out." came the strangely weak reply. Steve stared.

"Didn't know you were married." he responded awkwardly.

"There are a lot of things you don't about me." Nick pointed out.

"I know, Nick. That's the problem." Steve sighed. He flicked on a light, and looked at Nick, who immediately indicated that he should stay quiet. Steve kept staring. Nick looked like he had been in a car crash, which explained what Steve had seen on the news that day. The reporters had been talking about a gun fight, and then a high speed chase down a street, culminating in a car being flipped over, the only evidence of the driver being a gigantic hole in the ground. Fury typed something on his phone, and then showed the screen to him.

Ears everywhere.

Steve's eyes widened slightly, and he glanced around the room, trying to find the bugs.

"I'm sorry to have do this, but I had no place else to crash." Nick said in an apologetic tone.

The phone screen read: SHIELD compromised.

"Who else knows about your wife?" Steve questioned, going with the metaphorical "wife" to refer to SHIELD.

You and me.

" friends." was the verbal response.

"Is that what we are?" Steve looked at him disbelievingly.

"That's up to you." Nick replied.

Suddenly, a bullet ripped through the wall and tore straight through Fury's chest. Two more bullets quickly followed, and the director collapsed. Steve glanced out the window, catching sight of a shining silver arm with a red star on the shoulder. He dragged Fury's limp body to cover. Fury grabbed his arm.

"Don' anyone." he wheezed, before passing out. At that moment, Kate broke into his apartment, brandishing a gun. She assessed the situation while Steve fought to stay calm, and called in Emergency Medical Transport for Fury. When the person on the receiving end asked whether the shooter had been sighted, Steve noticed the man with the metal arm turn and run.

"Tell them I'm in pursuit." he said, as he jumped through his window. He chased the assassin through the building, smashing through walls and windows with his shield. Eventually, he caught up with him on the roof of the next building over. As the assassin neared the far edge of the roof, Steve hurled his shield at the assassin's back. The man turned, and caught his shield with the metal arm. He stared at Steve for a second, before launching the shield back at him, causing Steve to slide backwards slightly from the sheer force of the throw. By the time Steve looked up again, the metal-armed man was gone.

Natasha's P.O.V.

She tore through the streets of DC, expertly weaving through traffic and cutting through lanes. She screeched to a stop in front of the hospital, and hopped out, walking briskly to the entrance. Once she had reached the viewing room for Fury's surgery, she stopped short. The director looked so different. Gone was his imposing trench coat, gone was the aura of command he usually radiated. Left in it's place was a man, a normal man; a man who could die, just like any other mortal.

"Is he gonna make it?" she breathed out silently.

"I don't know." Steve's tone was somber, and Natasha steeled herself.

"Tell me about the shooter." she said in an authoritative voice.

"He's fast and strong. Had a metal arm." Steve replied. Natasha's blood ran cold.

"The Winter Soldier." she thought.

"Ballistics?" she questioned Maria Hill.

"Three slugs. No rifling and completely untraceable." came the reply.

"Soviet made?" She phrased it like a question, but said it in a flat tone. Maria frowned and turned to her.

" Yeah." she said, surprised. Natasha stared as Fury suddenly flatlined. She looked on as the doctors hurried around, frantically trying to revive him.

"Don't do this to me, Nick." she thought, and she had a feeling she had also said it out loud.

The doctors continued trying to bring Fury back while Natasha watched in horror.

"Don't do this to me, Nick. Don't do this to me." she chanted to herself, repeating her earlier thought. The doctors called it, and Natasha felt one of the jagged pieces of her heart twist and crack.

Fury's body was moved into another room, and they followed. Natasha felt numb. She barely heard Maria say that they needed to take the body, barely heard Steve insistently trying to get her attention. She stalked out into the hallway with Steve trailing behind her. She took a few steps, and then whirled on the super-soldier, a look of steely determination in her eyes. She would find out what really happened, why SHIELD was falling, and she would make whoever was responsible for it all pay.

"Why was Fury in your apartment?" she snarled. Steve looked slightly shocked by her outburst.

"I don't know." he replied defensively, but Natasha could practically smell his guilt. She was the Black Widow, for Olympus's sake, and she could pick out lies from a mile away. Steve was lying to her face, and he felt guilty about it, because he was Captain freaking America.

"Captain, they want you back at SHIELD." Rumlow interjected. Steve scowled.

"Yeah, give me a second." he said, not taking his eyes off of her.

"They want you now." Rumlow said insistently. Steve looked at him with a oh-my-gods-just-shut-the-Hades-up expression on his face.

"Okay." he said in a voice dripping with derision. Steve turned back to her. She shot him a glare.

"You're a terrible liar." she bit out as she stormed away. Just before she rounded the corner, she brushed her hand against the wall, depositing Zvezda on the smooth plaster. She slipped around the corner, and pressed her back to the wall, sliding down until she sat on the floor. She closed her eyes and mentally looked through Zvezda's camera lens as Steve slipped a small silver object into an open vending machine, behind several packs of gum.

"The flash drive." she realized. She waited for Steve to leave, and then stepped back into the hallway, plucking Zvezda off of the wall. She stood in front of the now closed vending machine, dug several dollar bills out of her pocket, and started buying bubble gum.

A couple minutes later, she walked out of the hospital, bubble gum tucked in a pocket, and flash drive in hand. She strode across the street and slipped into her Corvette. As she drove, she sent Percy a mental message.

"It has begun. Fury is dead. Start pulling as much as you can from the servers." she thought to him.

"Alright. I'm going to drop a demi-phone off at your house. Any particular people you want the locations of on the tracking app? I can tag them." he asked.

"Steven Grant Rogers, Robert Bruce Banner, Anthony Edward Stark, Clinton Francis Barton, and Thor Odinson. Oh, and keep an eye on Maria Hill, Samuel Wilson, James Buchanan Barnes, Brock Rumlow, Jasper Sitwell, Alexander Pierce, Phillip Coulson, Melinda Qiaolian May, and Nicholas Joseph Fury. All of the World Security Council, too. But I don't need their locations on the phone." she replied.

"Really? Let's just recap everybody you want me to keep an eye on. The Avengers, and that will include you, by the way. One of whom isn't even on this planet, Natasha. Four high-level S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, one of which is supposed to be dead, another of which is the commander of the entire agency, a third of which is the daughter of Aquilon. And I suspect that the last one is part of whatever is going to bring down S.H.I.E.L.D., judging from inconsistencies in his behavior. The leader of the S.T.R.I.K.E. team, who also doesn't look like he can be trusted. A guy Steve met once or twice, who was apparently part of a pararescue unit, and shares his name with Uncle Sam. The best friend of Captain America, who is a) supposed to be dead, and b) the freaking Winter Soldier who shot you through the stomach. A man who is the Secretary of Defense, holds several high ranking positions in several organizations, and definitely cannot be trusted. The director of S.H.I.E.L.D., who you literally just told me was dead, and therefore is the ex-director of S.H.I.E.L.D. And, last but not least, the World Security Council. You want me to go and tag all of them, right now." Percy complained, stressing several parts of his rant.

"Essentially, yes. Sorry." Natasha responded.

"Well, that's going to be easy." Percy sighed sarcastically.

"You're the Sea Scorpion. You've only been seen so far because you wanted to be seen. You can do this." Natasha encouraged.

"Fine, sis. But you so owe me. I'll start on it right now." Percy relented. Natasha smiled to herself.

"Thanks, Lex."

Percy's P.O.V.

Sitting on the floor of Bunker 6, Percy glanced down at the list of people Natasha had given him, and started marking their last known locations on a map. He already had a location on Bruce and Tony was still in New York. Clint was probably on a mission somewhere. He wasn't even going to worry about Thor. Of the World Security Council, Hawley was most likely in Britain, Singh in India, Yen in China, and Rockwell somewhere in the US. There was that guy who had left the Council, Gideon Malick, to think about as well, but Percy decided not to go after him. Pierce and Steve were most definitely in the Triskelion, and both Rumlow and Sitwell were likely to be there as well. May and Coulson were on the Bus, which he was already tracking, so he wasn't going to tag them personally. Wilson, Hill, and Fury (assuming the latter was even alive) were in all likelihood located in D.C.

Percy decided to start with Tony. He grabbed a box of trackers off a nearby shelf, activated his Sea Scorpion suit, and vapor-traveled off to Avengers Tower. He reappeared in the lab, behind a desk covered in parts of some mechanical object that Tony was probably tinkering with. Said inventor was slumped in a chair to his left, fast asleep. Percy pulled out a tracking dot, and gently dropped it on the back of the billionaire's neck. The demigod watched with a slight feeling of disgust as it automatically began sinking beneath Tony's skin. Then, Percy carefully stepped backwards, and vapor-travelled away.

He found himself in the Thames, near the London Eye, and after quickly pulling off a glove to touch the water and regain some energy, he swam over to the opposite shore and climbed out. He slipped quickly through the streets until he reached Downing Street. Then, he looked for the address number 10, where the English Prime Minister could be found. He was banking on the fact that Hawley might be meeting with the Prime Minister. He slipped into the building, and looked around. After about 10 minutes of searching, he found Hawley. Unfortunately, she was standing in front of a mirror. Percy cursed silently, but decided to go for it. He moved quickly behind Hawley, who yelped at his sudden appearance, and attached the tracker. He disappeared from the spot just before she whirled around to find no one there.

He reappeared in New Delhi. This time, he found himself outside of the US Embassy. He stumbled around, exhausted, until he found a fountain. After re-energizing himself, he started searching for 7 Race Course Road. Like with Hawley, he was looking for the Indian Prime Minister, in the hopes that Singh would also be there. He found the building, and rejoiced internally at spotting Singh getting out of a car. The only problem was the fact that there were guards accompanying him. Percy wondered what to do for a while. Glancing at his surroundings, he spotted Clint on the roof of a nearby building. Percy couldn't believe his luck. He scaled the building and snuck up behind Clint. Then, he stuck the tracker on the back of the archer's neck, immediately diving off of the side of the building to avoid detection as Clint whipped around with an arrow nocked, ready to be fired. He sighed in relief as Clint turned back to whatever he was doing. Seeing the archer had given him an idea, though. He encased the tracker in a tiny ball of water, and caused it to float in front of his slightly curled hand. He took a deep breath, focusing the back of Singh's neck as the councilman walked to the entrance of the Prime Minister's residence. Just as Singh passed through the door, Percy flicked his wrist, launching the miniscule projectile towards the politician. It connected right where Percy had aimed, and the demigod fist pumped discreetly. Singh didn't even turn around. Percy vapor-traveled away again.

He did the same thing with Yen and Rockwell, hunting them down and tagging them with the same technique. Sam Wilson wasn't too hard to find either, and Percy attached the tracker while "accidentally" bumping into him from behind (minus the Sea Scorpion outfit of course). Hill and Fury were a bit of a challenge. After unsuccessfully searching the hospital for clues as to where they might have gone, he started combing the city, jogging up and down while keeping an eye out. After a while, he found a junkyard, where the remains of Fury's car were. He managed to turn the car on after tinkering with it a bit, and hacked his way into the GPS database. Well, more accurately, he had an awesome program contained on a flashdrive from Bunker 6 hack into it for him. He was able to figure out where Fury's house from the information he got. It didn't take long for Percy to make his way there, and upon arriving, he was mildly surprised. It was actually a pretty nice house, although it was also surrounded by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, who were emptying it of everything. Percy snuck around the side of the house to take a look around. He figured that a guy as paranoid as Fury would have an underground bunker of some sort.

Sure enough, Percy found a hidden panel, behind which was a really thick door. It was protected by a ridiculous amount of security measures. Instead of trying to deal with those, Percy turned himself to mist and phased through the door, collapsing to his knees on the other side. That stunt had taken a lot out of him. He opened up a side pouch in his Sea Scorpion tac suit, and pulled out a bottle of nectar. He took a small swig, and put the bottle back, feeling slightly better. He looked around at the bunker. It seemed like someone had been there recentlly. As he moved further into the bunker and poked around, he found a couple of things. There was a cool gadget that reminded Percy of a lightsaber in that it could cut through metal like a hot knife through butter. He had a strange image of Nick Fury as a Jedi, and snorted.

"Fury would look exactly like Mace Windu with an eyepatch." he thought with glee.

Percy also rather conveniently found a list of Fury's secret bases and hideouts, as well as coordinates. There were a ton of them. Percy pocketed the list, and kept looking. The last interesting object Percy picked up was in a cabinet behind a wall. It was a set of keys. Percy glanced at the keys, and then looked around the base, trying to figure out what they were for. Naturally, he found another hidden door, which led to something that looked like a subway. Percy stepped inside of the object, and pressed a large red button. He regretted it.

The entire thing shot forward, and Percy flew into the air, and smashed into the back wall of the "subway car". He was pinned there by the sheer speed the thing was going at. About 20 minutes later, the car slowed, and Percy fell to the floor, groaning. He staggered out of the capsule and made his way through the passageway until he found himself standing in a hangar with several types of transporation in it. Each had a large sign declaring what exactly they were. There was a SR-71 Blackbird, which he knew was a really fast jet. It could fly at around Mach 3, while Quinjets only flew at around Mach 2. There was a motorcycle called the Harley-Davidson LiveWire, which Percy decided that he would give to Natasha after having Leo or Tyson make some adjustments. There was a tank called the T-14 Armata, which had a subtitle that read Stealth Tank. Percy raised an eyebrow at that. The thing was huge. What really caught Percy's eye was a boat called the Juliet Marine Systems Ghost. It was sleek and built for stealth. Percy wondered how Fury had planned to get the boat out of there, though. There was an empty space where a helicopter called the AW-109 used to be, meaning that Hill might have taken it. Judging by the faint signs of a gurney, as well as several pairs of footprints, a couple of people, as well as Fury, whether he was dead or alive, had gone with her. There were also several black SUVs which were all apparently armored just like Fury's car was. All of the transportation vehicles were painted black. Near the back of the hanger was several pairs of wings marked EXO-7 Falcon. The second that Percy took a step forward to take a closer look at everything, something started beeping. His attention was drawn to the back of the hangar, which had a clock counting down five minutes.

"Naturally, Fury would have expected S.H.I.E.L.D. to eventually find this, but he wouldn't want them to have anything in it. So he'd give them enough time to escape before the hangar is destroyed, but not enough time to take anything." Percy realized. He cursed, and stretched out his senses, looking for water. He sensed a large quantity of it in the walls. He pulled it towards him, causing the walls to collapse, and focused. He wrapped all of the vehicles in a thin layer of water, and created strings of water attaching to everything. Then, he visualized Bunker 1, which Percy knew had an extremely large empty hangar. It had been filled with plans for air transportation, but no actual vehicles. He felt a tug in his gut as he concentrated, and vapor-traveled everything to the hangar of Bunker 1.

They reformed, and Percy immediately felt like throwing up. He couldn't even move, he was so tired. At that moment, the water that Percy had wrapped around everything crashed down, and splashed on him. That made him feel a little better, but it didn't stop Percy from collapsing to the ground and rolling onto his back.

"Note to self: Never try that again. That felt terrible." he thought, closing his eyes. Everything seemed too bright, and the room was spinning. He weakly pulled out a bottle of nectar, and took a gulp. The room stopped spinning, but Percy still felt like he had run a marathon while dehydrated.

He crawled over to the nearest puddle of water, and put his hand in it. After about 30 minutes, Percy felt well enough to sit up, and survey his loot.

"Natasha's going to be pissed at me for pulling this stunt, but also impressed with the assets I've gained." he mused. Now, he had to find Fury. He dug out the list of bunkers he had picked up, and started walking over to Bunker 6. He didn't have enough energy to vapor-travel.

Once he had gotten there, he started putting the locations on his tracking map. He noticed one that was near the Triskelion, deep in Rock Creek Park's forest. He decided to head there. He strapped on one of the EXO-7 wings, wearing his Sea Scorpion outfit, and took off. It was just like flying with Daedalus's wings. He soared through the sky, locating the bunker, and dived, landing on the roof, and rolling smoothly. He folded the wings up, and climbed down the side of the bunker, slipping inside. He snuck into a room where Maria Hill, a doctor, and Nick Fury all sat. He decided to confront them directly. There was no way he could sneak up on Hill without his vapor-traveling skill, and Fury was lying on a bed. It was going to be a while before he could use his water bullet technique too, and that would have to be at pretty close range, so he needed to stall for time.

"Hey." he said, and ducked as a bullet pierced the wall where his head had been. Not that it would have pierced his goggles or anything, but instinct had caused him to react.

"Take it easy. I don't mean any harm." he attempted to placate Maria Hill, who kept a gun trained on him. Percy realized that he wasn't going to be able to get anywhere with the S.H.I.E.L.D. commander and the ex-director unless he revealed his true identity.

"I'm going to tell Hill that the Sea Scorpion is your brother, but nothing else, kay?" he thought to Natasha as he slowly raised his hands in the air. Now that he thought about it, he's been using that persona more than he used his actual identity in recent times.

" Okay? Just as long as she keeps it a secret. You know, for security reasons." she responded unsurely. Percy smiled, and Hill looked alarmed. She disengaged the safety of her gun as Percy took a step forward.

"I'm here on behalf of my sister. She's not very happy that you're dead, Nick." Percy started with Alexei's miniscule Russian accent, looking sternly at Fury and Hill. The doctor edged out of the room.

"Your sister." Fury questioned flatly. Percy regarded him coldly.

"Yes." he said. Hill cocked the gun again.

"Who do you work for?" she interrogated. Percy laughed mirthlessly.

"I don't work for anybody. I eliminate targets that I choose myself, targets who abuse the privilege of life. All of the people I've killed? Their ledgers were dripping with red. And they never made any effort to try and wipe it out." he replied in a flat, icy tone, echoing a phrase that Natasha used a lot. Fury stiffened at his words.

"There's only one person that I know who uses that metaphor. And she happens to be one of few people present at the hospital when I faked my death." the director pointed out. Hill frowned.

"Sir, you're not implying that-" she cut herself off abruptly.

"That's exactly what I'm implying." Fury leaned forwards, narrowing his eyes at him.

"There is a reason that I faked my death, Scorpion. Natasha cannot be informed of my survival." the ex-director continued.

"I'm perfectly aware of that. And I'll keep your secret, as long as you promise to keep mine. Only four people are aware that the Sea Scorpion is Natasha Romanoff's brother: Natasha, you two, and me." Technically, Bruce knew that he was Natasha's brother, but the scientist didn't know that he was the Sea Scorpion. Neither did Bruce know much about Percy's powers, but that would probably change with time.

"As long as it stays that way, I'll stay silent, and do you some favors from time to time. Are my terms clear?" Percy said in a measured tone. He took off his goggles slowly, and glared determinedly, his sea-green eyes hard and unyielding. They swirled with power, and Percy knew it. Hill's eyes widened slightly, most likely noting the similarities between his eyes and his sister's. Fury glared right back at him. They had a silent stand-off, before Nick nodded.

"Crystal." The ex-director leaned back against his pillows, and smirked.

"I'm going to take a wild guess, and say that Natasha trained you. You're definitely younger than her, and that glare? Natasha had that same glare when I asked her why she wanted to join S.H.I.E.L.D. Her eyes shone with challenge, determination, and a quiet strength. It's why I had a very particular agent act as her supervising officer." Fury continued.

"Agent Melinda Qiaolan May, current location, the Bus. Daughter of Lian May, ex-director of the CIA. Her step-father is named William May. She's never met her real father. Her commanding officer is Phillip Coulson, who was also her partner for a long time. He went through a program called T.A.H.I.T.I. when he was killed in action on the Helicarrier right before the battle of New York. Her current team members include mechanical engineer Leopold Fitz, biochemist Jemma Simmons, specialist Grant Douglas Ward, and an acting consultant who goes by the name Skye. They recently had a mission to New Mexico and met Lady Sif of Asgard. I keep tabs on a lot of people." Percy rattled off easily, a slightly smug tone in his voice. Fury smiled slightly while Hill looked surprised. Percy had gotten a lot better at reading micro-expressions.

"I'm not going to ask you how the hell you got all that information, some of which is highly classified. What I do want to ask is whether you know what Natasha said when I asked her why she wanted to join S.H.I.E.L.D." Nick stated. Percy shook his head.

"She said that she had red in her ledger. And that she wanted to wipe it out." Percy glanced up sharply at that, eyes reflecting recognition and a small amount of amusement.

"So, Scorpion. Why are you doing all of this?" Hill asked.

"Everybody's got a personality flaw that can be their downfall. For some, it is arrogance. For others, it is insecurity. Some can't let go of grudges. Others forgive too easily. Someone once told me that my fatal flaw is personal loyalty. They said that to save a friend, I would sacrifice the world. I think that that's not true for me, though. That particular case of personal loyalty belongs to Steven Rogers. I am loyal to life. The lives of others matter to me, and it makes everything I do personal. I fight to protect, to defend, to serve. And I will probably continue fighting for the rest of my life." Percy explained, a slightly sad tone in his voice.

It was true. The name Perseus had two meanings: Destroyer, and Avenger. Percy was capable of causing mass destruction if he wanted to, but he also vindicated. He had avenged all of his fallen friends, all of the people his targets had killed. He fought in the name of people who had been wronged, and that was the definition of avenging, wasn't it? It was a game of give and take; evening the scales of justice. But that wasn't what Percy really was.

His middle name, Alexios, meant defender, which was one of the main reasons why he liked the name Alexei so much. Because that's what he'd been doing his entire life. He'd argued with Gabe to defend his mother, gotten into fights to defend his friends, fought two wars to defend the world. And now, he defended people. That's what Percy was at heart. A defender, not an avenger. A shield, not a sword.

Percy had watched some of the video feeds of the battle of New York from cameras around the city. He had seen a conversation between Loki and Tony, during which the inventor had said something that struck him.

"Because if we can't protect the Earth, you can be damned well sure we'll avenge it!" Tony had snarled.

The team called themselves the Avengers. Perhaps, they meant to say that no matter what happened to the world, they would rise from the ashes like a phoenix, and they would continue fighting until their last breaths. But Percy felt like that wasn't exactly his place. His role was to keep the world from getting to that point, no matter what he had to do. If he failed in that job, then he would join them in avenging the Earth. Until then, he would struggle, and he would protect.

Hill and Fury stared at him after his declaration, slight awe and confusion detectable on their faces. Percy flicked his wrists slightly, sending two miniscule drops of water hurtling through the air, circling around Hill and Fury until they impacted with the back of both of their necks. He slipped his goggles back over his eyes.

"Well, I need to take my leave. Until we meet again, Fury. You as well, Hill." Percy shook both of their hands, and nodded at them. He placed the EXO-7 backpack he had used on a nearby table, causing Fury and Hill's eyes to light up in recognition. Then, he took a deep breath, gauging his energy; and stepped backwards, dissolving into mist. The last thing he saw was Hill's eyebrows shooting up in surprise, and Fury shaking his head in amusement.

He reappeared in the Triskelion, reforming in a room that just so happened to contain Steve and Pierce. As they began walking side by side out of the room, Percy pulled out two trackers, and tossed it onto their necks, and then ducked into the nearest hiding place when Steve flinched, and spun around. Percy sighed in relief, and snuck through the building. He tagged Rumlow, who seemed to be heading towards the director's office, and Sitwell, who was in a control room, watching a feed of Steve getting into an elevator. Percy realized that several agents were getting in as well.

"Hey, sis? Steve's about to be attacked at the Triskelion. If you've got a plan to meet up with him, I'd head out now. I've tagged everyone. I'll leave the demiphone with the people you want on it wherever it is you're headed." he thought to his sister.

"Copy that. Dead drop should be at the main hospital. ETA 20 minutes." she replied. Percy smiled.

"10-4." he responded as he disappeared from the spot.

Steve's P.O.V.

"Operations control." he said as he moved into the elevator.

"Confirmed." came the cool voice of the elevator.

Just as the elevator doors are about to close, Rumlow steps in with two STRIKE agents.

"All STRIKE personal on site." Rumlow commands.


"Yes, sir."

Steve wondered what they were doing.

"Forensics." Rumlow told the elevator.

"Confirmed." it said.

"Cap." Rumlow said, nodding at him.

"Rumlow." Steve acknowledged.

"Evidence response found some fibers on the roof they want us to see. You want me to get the tac-team ready?" Rumlow questioned.

"No, let's wait and see what it is first." Steve replied.

"Right." One of the agents puts a hand on his weapons. Steve frowned internally. The elevator doors opened, and several more agents came in.

It continued on this way for several more stops, until Steve was literally surrounded by agents. He noticed a bead of sweat making its way down the back of one agent's neck. The others kept glancing at him strangely. Steve suddenly realized what was happening, and sighed. He took another deep breath and addressed everyone in the elevator.

"Before we get started, does anyone want to get out?"

Hope you guys enjoyed it! R & R!

- Spathi

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