Chapter 5: In Which Percy Makes A Name For Himself

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Note (1/29/17): Just adding a picture so you guys can see what Percy's outfit looks like. It's in the paragraphs below.

August 2012

Percy's P.O.V.

The eighteen year old yawned as he rolled out of bed. Looking around Bunker 3, he smiled in satisfaction. It had taken him months of scouring the woods of Camp Half Blood and looking through Bunker 9 for clues, but he had finally found all of the Olympian Bunkers. He kept them a secret from the other demigods because he wanted to get the most out of them for himself first. They were chock full of monster proof technology, hi-tech weapons, and other helpful things. In the Poseidon bunker, Bunker 3, he had found a tactical suit that would fit him well, as well as the blueprints for it.

There was a long-sleeved, dark blue shirt with a silver trident on both shoulders. Over that was a vest which was made of thick, black cloth that appeared to have Stygian Iron woven into it, causing it to be very tough, and cold. That had a wave pattern going across the bottom embossed on it. The fireproof combat pants were also black, as were the boots, which would apparently cushion falls from 50 feet. There was also a pair of tactical gloves, which were able to absorb the impact of incoming blows, and recoiling guns. They also had Stygian Iron woven into them, which would make Percy's punches extremely effective. A pair of Stygian Iron vambrances with wave patterns held sea shells hidden on the inside, allowing Percy to summon water easily. They also concealed a pair of collapsible guns that formed when Percy thought about it. Two knives were hidden on his back, as well as on the outer sides of his thighs. Two extra guns were concealed on his back as well, below the knives. The utility belt that came with it was kind of like Leo's tool belt, able to produce unlimited ammo, a garrote, a pair of binoculars, smoke pellets, and a grappling hook. A mask covered the bottom half of Percy's face, and a pair of dark blue tinted goggles covered his eyes. He was a walking arsenal, able to kill mortals and monsters alike with his weapons. All of this collapsed into a small bead shaped like a horse, which he strung on his camp necklace.

In Bunker 6, he had found a hub of computers, as well as an extremely vast intelligence network, which was great. Percy did wonder how they had all this stuff in World War II. The intelligence network had been updating and expanding since then. He had also found a lot of prototype technology. One of them being a photostatic veil. It would disguise the wearer's face as someone else's, which he figured Natasha could use. He also found blueprints for monsterproof phones, comm sets, and computers. The last thing he found was one of Hephaestus's little spider robots, which was strange because he was in Athena's bunker. According to the database on the computers, it was capable of linking to people, transmitting what it saw directly into their brains. It was able to transmit audio as well. It could take down people when commanded. It could also turn into a tattoo of a small spider, so he decided to give it to Natasha. He also picked up a complicated looking blueprint for a pair of batons that could charge when connected to a tac suit. He decided to sneak these into Stark Tower. He'd probably find someone to build it for Natasha there.

While in Bunker 5, he had noticed a weapon rack apparently designed for children of Poseidon. He had been drawn to a weapon labeled katar, which was a short knife with a handle shaped like an H with two lines going across. When the lines were pulled together, the blade would split into three, shooting forward. When used with a punch, the effect would be devastating. The katar was inlaid with sea shells, allowing Percy to summon water around the blades and his fist to generate more power. It could easily punch through metal. He had picked up the weapon, wondering where to keep it. Eventually, he had summoned his tac suit to try it out, and decided on using it with his left hand. The weapon melded into his left seashell vambrance, and all Percy had to do to pull out the katar was flick his wrist.

Once he had all these things, he started using the database to give himself his own missions, taking out terrorists, terrible men, murderous mercenaries, and the like. Eventually, he made a name for himself: the Sea Scorpion. They named him this because he was a warrior who struck quickly and efficiently, hardened and enduring, able to sneak around with stealth, and who could kill with one strike. The sea part came from the salty smell he tended to leave whenever he vapor traveled away just as police or SHIELD agents swarmed the scene. But he didn't make others suffer because of the person's death. If the terrible person had a family, he would always make sure that the family was still safe and stable even after the person's death.

He always kept his older sister's words in mind, that if the person had truly chosen a life that would endanger the lives of others, then he should take them out. He knew that he was on SHIELD's threat list because his kill list rivaled those of the Winter Soldier and the Black Widow, but that was because he was working alone. "If those two had worked alone, they would have a much higher body count. And it would probably consist of more bad guys." he thought. Natasha had told him how the Winter Soldier had shot an engineer through her. Percy wondered whether he had a choice.

Now, as he donned his Sea Scorpion outfit, and hopped on a motorcycle Tyson had built for him, he felt a wave of fear, and then determination, come from his link with Natasha. He got off the motorcycle, and made use of its ability to collapse into a small cube which always returned to his pocket. No matter what happened to the motorcycle, it would always come back good as new. Then, he vapor traveled to Natasha's location, which happened to be the Helicarrier. Natasha was heading into a room, and he moved to follow. Then, Nicholas Fury rounded the corner. His eyes widened.

"I need immediate backup! Code: Trident." he said into a comm. Natasha heard him, and poked her head out of the room she had disappeared into. She saw him, and raised an eyebrow. Then, a squad of agents stormed into the hallway.

"Put your hands in the air! Now!" Fury commanded. Percy stood there calmly, ignoring him. The agents tried to shoot him. He vapor traveled away, reappearing behind Natasha, who was simply standing in the doorway, not doing anything.

"Agent Romanoff-" one of the agents started. Natasha cut her off.

"It's been a while, Scorpion." she said, not even turning around.

"That it has, Widow." he said with a slight Russian accent. Fury's eyes narrowed.

"Who do you work for?" he growled, pulling a gun, and aiming it over Natasha's shoulder. Percy stepped out from behind his sister. He watched as Fury looked in between the two, the Sea Scorpion and the Black Widow. An agent shot at him. Percy let the bullet bounce off of his chest, and then turned to look emotionlessly at the agent. The agent squeaked in utter terror. He tried to make himself as small as possible.

"Romanoff! Attack him!" Fury commanded, as Percy stalked forward. Nobody moved. Fury fired his weapon at his eye. The bullet simply glanced off of Percy's goggles, not fazing him in the slightest.

"I work alone." he said, advancing on Fury. The Director of SHIELD kept the gun trained on him.

"Agent Romanoff. I said attack him." Natasha shrugged.

"Alright." Percy turned to look at her, and made a come at me gesture. She sprung from the doorway through the air, using her true strength. Against Percy, she didn't have to hold back. She body checked him, causing him to stumble a tiny bit backwards. Percy slipped under a punch, and threw one of his own at her ribs. It was caught, and used to flip him over. He landed on his feet, and dropped, trying to sweep her legs out from under her. She front flipped and tucked one of her legs in, attempting to axe kick him. He rolled to his right, and cartwheeled to his feet. Immediately after that, he launched himself off the wall and went for an aerial attack, trying to punch her in the face. She stood her ground, and then suddenly whipped her leg out, catching him in the stomach just before his fist reached her face. He landed in a crouch, and sprung forward again, tackling her around the waist before she could react. She immediately rolled backwards upon hitting the floor, and he rolled with her. Once they were both on their feet, Natasha executed one of her famous leg locks, which culminated in him being thrown into a wall. He immediately got to his feet, and engaged her in close quarters combat once more. Soon, they were standing in one place while their arms flew in blurs around them, and they kicked and blocked at lightning speed. Fury came up behind Percy and swung a piece of metal into the back of his head. He staggered forward, but recovered quickly, grabbing the piece of metal and using it to hurl Fury down the corridor. He winced, holding the back of his head, and popped a bit of ambrosia into his mouth. His head felt a lot better after that. The only reason why he hadn't been knocked out was probably because Fury had skimmed his head instead of hitting it directly. He glanced over at Natasha, who looked slightly amused at the fact that he had thrown Nick Fury down a hallway.

"Go to New York, Scorpion. I have a feeling that there will be plenty of things to fight there in a couple of hours." she said. Percy nodded.

"Alright, Widow." He vapor traveled away, and Natasha went back into the room, checking on Clint, who was waking up. The squad of SHIELD agents stood there uncertainly, having no idea what to do. Fury got to his feet, and waved them off. He wondered how Natasha knew the Sea Scorpion so well.

Percy reformed in the middle of Manhattan, right next to Stark Towers. He sat on a bench, and waited. Sure enough, a couple hours later, a huge hole opened up in the sky. And it led to space. Percy sighed. "Seriously? Alien invasions? Tash, what have you gotten me into?" he thought. A quinjet circled around Stark Tower, before landing. Three people got out of it: his sister, his sister's best friend that he'd never actually met, and a guy who was decked out in an extremely patriotic outfit. Aliens started coming out of the portal, and he vapor traveled behind Natasha. Her two companions hadn't noticed him.

"What's happening?" he asked quietly, and she turned, smiling slightly.

"A crazy, mind-controlling Norse god who has daddy issues and wants to get revenge on his brother." she stated.

"Okay. Fun stuff." Percy replied. Clint turned around.

"Nat! It's the Sea Scorpion!" he yelled, nocking an arrow and firing it. Percy batted it out of the way with his hand. An alien landed, and he threw a punch with his left hand, activating his katar. It punched through the alien's chest. Greenish liquid flew everywhere. Percy looked at his arm in disgust.

"What even is this?" he said with a slight Russian accent. Clint looked at him, confused as to why he was helping. Percy pulled out his sword, and decapitated another alien, kicking a third one into a wall at the same time. He started going from alien to alien, tearing through them easily. He stole a weapon from one, and fired at an alien flying over.

"I'm gonna go and help some civilians." he said in Latin, and vapor traveled away.

The rest of the battle was a blur. He beat up aliens, avoided people with cameras so that he wouldn't be put into the public eye, and even took down a couple of the gigantic flying alien creatures. He also learned all the Avengers' names. At the end of it all, he watched Thor take Loki back to Asgard from the bushes. He noticed Bruce Banner and his sister glance at each other. In his sister's expression, he saw a slight wariness, but also a bit of respect and gratitude. In Bruce's, he saw much the same. But there was something else there, some type of mutual bond or understanding. He decided to think on it later. Banner got into Stark's car, and Clint, Natasha, and Steve stood there in silence. He popped out of the bushes, startling the living daylights out of Clint and Steve. Clint nocked an arrow, and Steve readied his shield. Percy ignored them.

"Sea Scorpion, step away from Widow and put your hands up. We're taking you in to SHIELD." Steve said. Percy turned to him.

"Nyet." he said, shaking his head. He backed up towards Natasha, discreetly passing her a flashdrive behind his back with the Bunker 6 intelligence network on it, as well as a note directing her to download the contents onto a private computer. He also passed her the robotic spider, along with instructions on how to use it. Clint fired his arrow, and Steve threw his shield. Percy vapor traveled out of sight. Natasha dropped to the ground to avoid the arrow and shield.

"Whoa there, fellas. I didn't do anything to you." she said. Both men wore apologetic expressions. Steve caught his shield as it came back to him, and Clint helped her up. Percy watched all of this and left, confident that the Avengers would be good for his sister.

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