Chapter 7: In Which Natasha Learns Something Surprising About Someone Science-y

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Percy's P.O.V.

He walked through the doors of Avengers Tower wearing a dress shirt and jeans, as well as sporting brown hair, and blue eyes. He went to the front desk and spoke with the secretary.

"Hi. I'm here to apply for security. I'm supposed to meet with Mr. Stark, Ms. Rushman, and Mr. Hogan." Percy said, pitching his voice a tad bit higher than normal, and adding a thick New York accent to his voice. Rachel had done him a favor and recommended his services to Tony. The billionaire was skeptical that he actually needed security, but Rachel's father was a frequent business partner of his, so he was giving Percy a chance.

"You must be Mr. Johnson! Take the elevator up. Mr. Stark's AI will bring you to the right floor." the secretary replied. Percy did as she said, stepping into the elevator and waiting. He didn't flinch at all when Jarvis spoke, telling him that he would be taken up shortly. He stepped out to find a gym. Natasha, Stark, and Happy stood in the center of the room.

"You're Peter Johnson? Alright kid... Show Happy what you've got." Tony yawned.

"Do I show my true skill minus the demigod strength? Or do I take it down a notch or 20?" he thought towards Natasha.

"The first one." came the reply. Happy started towards him. The bodyguard threw a hook at his face, and Percy caught it. He flipped the guard over his shoulder and sent him flying behind the demigod, sliding across the floor upon landing. He didn't get back up, as he was unconscious. Stark looked at him, mouth agape.

"Are you a SHIELD agent?" the billionaire asked suspiciously?

"What's SHIELD?" Percy asked. Natasha glared at Tony lightly and answered for him.

"It's a government agency." she said.

"I'm 18. I don't think government agencies allow eighteen year olds to work for them. And what does being a government official have to do with my fighting skill?" Percy responded, confusion lacing his tone. Tony ignored him and muttered something about a second test to Natasha. He clapped his hands, and one of his suits flew out of nowhere, locking into place around the billionaire. Tony aimed at him and fired. Natasha was sending waves of outrage through their connection. He dodged to the side and ran for Happy's limp form. He pretended to slip as he darted past, discreetly grabbing Happy's gun and taser. He took cover behind a punching bag, quickly catching his breath. Then, he ran at Tony, shooting out the lights and obscuring the billionaire's vision with sparks for a second. During that time, he slid between Tony's iron clad legs and popped up behind him. He swept Tony's feet out from under him, causing him to land on his back. Percy leapt on top of the billionaire only for Tony to fire his repulsors directly into his stomach. He crumpled, wounded heavily. He would have bled more, but the repulsor beams had cauterized his wound instantly. Tony got to his feet, but was soon knocked down again by Natasha, who looked absolutely murderous. Her face was blank, but her eyes burned with rage. She rushed over to Percy and knelt at his side. Bruce Banner stepped out of the elevator, and took in the entire scene. Without asking any questions, he ran over to Percy and scooped him up, carrying him into the elevator. Natasha and Tony followed, Tony having taken off his suit. Natasha slammed him into the wall.

"Why did you shoot the best friend of Rachel Dare? You know, Dare Enterprises's owner's daughter? Those repulsors usually kill normal people instantly. And you just used them on an 18 year old boy!" she growled.

"He's Rachel's best friend? I thought he was just a random guy who applied! And the way he fought made me think he was some type of mercenary or assassin." Tony responded. Natasha's eyes flashed, and she slammed Tony into the wall a second time, harder. The elevator doors opened.

"Yes, he's her best friend, but that's not the point, idiot! If this kid doesn't pull through, then you'll have murdered an 18 year old innocent civilian. You want to have that on your conscience? That you killed a kid just because he knew how to fight well and that scared you?" Natasha snarled as they exited the elevator. Tony looked down, ashamed. Percy listened to the conversation, feeling rather happy that he had such a caring older sister. Sure, he was bleeding pretty badly, and it hurt like Hades, but he still felt a warm, fuzzy feeling inside. Bruce had put Percy down in what seemed to be a medical bay. The doctor awkwardly patted Natasha on the shoulder.

"Yes, Tony has done something very stupid. And he'll answer for it later. But right now, I need your help with this kid." he said soothingly. Natasha relaxed a fraction, and turned her attention back to Percy.

"I'll need your help in keeping this kid calm and still. We need to take off the top half of his suit. It's a good thing the wound is mostly cauterized, but that's gotta be cleaned out and closed properly." Bruce continued.

"I'm calm, but I can't be still. I have ADHD." Percy rasped. Bruce looked shocked that he could even speak. Regardless of Percy's words, Natasha sent feelings of calmness, peace, and happiness over their link.

"I'm sorry this happened to you, brother." she thought to him. Percy smiled at her through the pain.

"It's okay, sis." he thought back. Bruce gasped at all of Percy's scars from demigodhood, but focused on the task at hand.

"I'm going to pour alcohol on this wound to clean it. This is going to sting terribly." Bruce said. Percy took a deep breath, and nodded. On went the alcohol.

"Holy Styx! That burns like the fires of Tartarus. How did you not pass out when this happened to you at Stark's birthday party???" Percy hissed in Russian. Tony raised an eyebrow.

"The kid speaks Russian? What did he say?" Natasha glared, but repeated Percy's sentences in English, omitting the Greek references, and simply naming their modern counterparts. Tony looked confused.

"Wait, what happened to you at my party? And how was he there?" he questioned.

"Peter was there because he was Rachel's bodyguard at the time. And you shot a bottle of vodka over my head. I ended up covered in cuts drenched in the stuff. It was terrible. I managed to hide it from you the next day because I was in my tac suit, but I was really pissed at you for that. He and Rachel were the only ones to notice." she said. Tony looked horrified. Percy tuned out of the conversation. Bruce had injected something into his arm, and he felt very tired.

"Tash? D'ya think I got the job?" he thought to his sister. He sounded slurred even in his own head.

"I think you'll be fine, Lex. I'll make sure you get the job." she thought back amusedly.

"Okay, Alia." was the reply he barely managed to send before he drifted into unconsciousness.

Natasha's P.O.V.

When Percy walked in for his interview as Peter Johnson, a pretty confident blue eyed, brown haired boy with a strong New Yorker accent, she knew something interesting was going to happen in. So, she sat back and watched as Percy literally walked up to Happy and flipped him over his shoulder with no trouble. But then, Tony decided to be suspicious of an 18 year old who was good at fighting. He questioned Percy, who did a good job pretending not to know what SHIELD was. The problem was that Tony decided that if there was a trained person that wasn't from SHIELD in his tower, they must be a threat. And that's where everything went wrong.

She watched as billionaire and demigod fought, unable to do anything because she would risk blowing her cover to a person who knew she was undercover, but wasn't supposed to know that she was. Once the repulsors caught Percy full in the stomach, she had to act. Ten minutes later, she stood in the medbay of Avengers Tower, glaring at Tony while Bruce stitched her brother up. Tony was stuck in the realization that Natasha had been critically injured at his birthday party and he hadn't noticed. Bruce was focused on his work, which Natasha was grateful for. And Natasha was silently fuming. They waited hours for Bruce to take care of the wound properly. Tony left halfway through, citing a vague reason involving Pepper. But while she waited for Bruce to finish working, she noticed that the frames of his glasses were made of a familiar metal. And he never seemed to stop moving completely. His hands would twist together and fiddle with things, like his glasses, his sleeves, etc. Once Bruce had done all he could with Percy's wound, he sat back in a chair. Natasha took the opportunity to speak.

"The metal that the frames of your glasses are made of. What is it?" she asked. Bruce shrugged.

"Not exactly sure. Silver, perhaps?" he replied. Her eyes narrowed.

"Olympic silver?" she pressed. She knew the metal when she saw it. After all, her dagger was partially made of it. He stiffened, and turned towards her slowly.

"Who are you, Natasha Romanoff?" he asked.

"A daughter of Mars." she replied, summoning her dagger and spinning it around.

"So, the Romans do exist." Bruce muttered to himself.

"I am a son of Hephaestus." he continued. He glanced at Percy.

"Is he a demigod?" the doctor asked her. She smiled.

"Yes. He'll need some nectar and ambrosia. Oh, and some water." Bruce looked confused by the latter part of her statement, but she just smiled mysteriously. He retrieved the godly food from wherever he hid it, and handed it to her. Then, he went to the kitchen and brought back a glass of water. Natasha slowly trickled the nectar down Percy's throat. She also poured some on his wound. Percy stirred. He groaned and opened his eyes. Natasha handed him the glass of water.

"You were out for a while." she said. Percy quickly downed the glass of water. The wound now looked a lot better than before, but would still require several days of recovery.

"Ow. That was painful." He winced, automatically reaching for his wound, but thinking better of it. Natasha laughed.

"Way to state the obvious, kid. I'm Natasha Romanoff, daughter of Mars. This is Bruce Banner, son of Hephaestus. You've got the tattoo, so I know you're part of the legion, but you don't really seem Roman." she explained. Percy nodded.

"Yeah, well. I'm Greek, but I know Latin pretty well. And the camps united recently." Bruce looked surprised.

"I've never been to the camps. Before my accident, I had monsters coming after me, but my stepfather never let me leave. But he hated me for attracting trouble and being too smart. After the other guy, monsters left me alone. They think I'm one of them." the doctor commented bitterly. Natasha stared at the man, her mouth slightly open in shock. That was the last thing she would have expected to hear out of the doctor's mouth. Her desire to learn more about the enigma that was Bruce Banner strengthened. Percy also looked rather surprised.

"Um, okay. You know, lots of demigods have sucky childhoods. My stepfather wasn't the nicest. If I mouthed off too much, I'd pay for it. And he drunk a lot too. He treated my mom badly as well. My friend ran away from her family at seven because she felt unwanted. One of my cousins had an neglectful mother who drank too much and literally handed her brother to Juno. And my other cousin's mother was smited because she gave birth to him and his sister. So, you know, it's not like the Fates hate you in particular or anything." Percy offered up. Bruce still looked skeptical, but turned back to the wound.

"Right, so stay within the tower for at least the next week. Remain in bed for the rest of the day, first. I'll check on you periodically. And then, you can start your job after the week is over. You're definitely hired. The two of us will make sure of that. But do not put too much strain on that wound." Bruce said firmly, standing up at the same time Natasha did. She was glad that he was looking out for her younger brother. The two adults looked at each other, and Natasha was caught in the doctor's steady gaze. She knew that her gratitude for his help was displayed in her eyes. And although he might not understand the reason for her caring so much for Percy, he understood that she was thankful anyways. That understanding flickered in his warm brown eyes. They stared at each other for a moment longer. Something shifted and clicked. Bruce looked calmer than she'd ever seen him as he looked deeply into her green eyes. Percy's voice rang out in her head.

"Why are you two staring at each other intensely?" Natasha averted her eyes slightly.

"Sun's getting real low." she remarked offhandedly and Bruce started moving again.

"I'd better get back to my lab." he said, moving to leave. Natasha reached out with her left hand, taking hold of his right arm. He turned back towards her. Her left hand trailed down his arm, and tapped his fingertips.

"It was nice to truly meet you, Bruce Banner, son of Hephaestus." she said softly.

"Yes, it was, Natasha Romanoff, daughter of Mars." he replied in no more than a whisper, their fingers still barely brushing together. He pulled away from her, leaving a strange coldness in his absence from her presence. She glanced down at her fingers, and watched Bruce go.

"You like him. You totally like him. And by that, I mean you are romantically interested in him." Percy's voice echoed mentally. She turned to look at the demigod, who had a smirk on his face. He was wrong, though. She wasn't interested in Bruce romantically. She wanted to be his friend, and she wanted to know him better. That was all. She didn't believe herself capable of anything more. The Red Room's training wouldn't let her be able to feel anything more. So, she stared impassively at her younger brother.

"I am not romantically interested in Bruce Banner, Percy." she stated mentally. She deemed the matter closed, and bid goodbye to Percy, having some errands to run. She could feel Percy's eyes watching her as she stepped into the elevator. The doors closed, and she turned her thoughts to reminding herself to make sure Percy's mother and stepfather didn't freak out over his absence. They had worried enough for one lifetime.

Percy's P.O.V.

He smiled to himself as the elevator doors closed. "Natasha's so going to end up with Banner. It's going to happen eventually. I don't care what she says on the subject, because I know her better than anyone. And if she wasn't interested in Bruce Banner, then why was she so distracted by him? Gazing into his eyes, and all of that romantic stuff. She looked like Nico whenever he looks at Will." He paused in his thoughts. "Huh. That's an interesting parallel. Nico and Natasha are both reserved, rather closed off people. They only open up around people that they're really comfortable with, like me. They're also good at not showing their true emotions, and sneaking around. And Bruce and Will are both doctors. I can totally see Bruce worrying over Natasha whenever she gets hurt, and trying to get Natasha to rest, only to have her completely ignore his orders and go on another mission." He snickered to himself. "Looks like my new OTP is Brutasha. HulkWidow for codenames. Now, how can I get the Black Widow and the Hulk to open up to each other?" Percy started planning.

Natasha's P.O.V.

"What the hell is Percy so excited about?" she thought as she got in her car. Somehow, she got the feeling she wouldn't find out for a long time.

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