2. Training exercise with Kimo-Sensei.

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Kassi and the rest of her team waited by the school building unsure of what time and place Kimo-sensei wanted them to meet at. They were waiting for hours when he finally showed up, but he looked confused.

"You guys were here? I thought you'd all be at the training grounds." He said and each of them had a different reaction but it was obvious they were all ticked.

"You never gave us a time or place Kimo-sensei," Kassi said trying not to sound annoyed so she smiled at him. Not noticing his grin but both Amika and Ikebashi did. Amika glared at him and moved a bit closer to her little sister while Ikebashi just rolled his eyes.

"Oh, well, I'm sorry. Guess I was a bit distracted." He chuckled and scratched his cheek a bit. "Anyway, let's go." He then took off towards the training grounds and they followed.
When they got there Kassi quickly noticed team 7 and Naruto who waved while smiling brightly, making her hold her hand over her mouth to hide her smile. Everyone noticed and Amika glared at him.

"Hey Kassi! Amika! We wanted to know if we could watch your session!" He asked/yelled as they approached team 14 looked at Kimo-sensei who just shrugged.

"Why not. I heard you two ladies stayed in for their introductions, so it would only be fair." Kassi and Amika nodded while Ikebashi only looked confused.

"Okay, team 14, this exercise is going to be hard, and it's going to determine if you'll actually become ninja. Take these bells from me through any means necessary." Kimo-Sensei held up only 2 bells, making all of their eyes widen. Without missing a beat Ikebashi glared at Kassi and she rolled her eyes.

"Don't hold back, do you understand?" He asked and she turned back to team 7.

"Did you guys already do this?" She asked Naruto and he nodded.

"It was tricky, but we got through it! Believe it!" He smiled really wide making her lightly chuckle and nod.

"Ready sensei!" She exclaimed and Amika nodded though Ikebashi looked hesitant.

"W-why're there only 2 bells? There's 3 of us." He asked and Kimo-sensei smirked at him.

"Well, it wouldn't be a lot of fun if there wasn't a bit of friendly competition." He chuckled and Ikebashi looked back at Kassi again. She ignored him this time though.

"Hm, if that's the only question then begin!" He yelled and each of them dashed into the trees and bushes around. Kimo nodded to himself.

"He's a jounin Amy. How're we even supposed to get those bells. He's leagues above us." Kassi shook her head and leaned against one of the trees around her. Amika shook her head in response.

"Obviously buuutttttt, he's one person, there's 3 of us. It would be so much easier to distract him and take the bells if we all try, right." She asked and Kassi narrowed her eyes before turning and looking where she knew Ikebashi was. He was hiding a distance away from them both, so she knew he couldn't hear their conversation.

"But he's annoying, I don't wanna work with him. Besides, there's only 2 bells, and we work best together. If we include him we would end up fighting for it." She pouted at her older sister and folded her arms. Amika sighed and patted her head, making Kassi swat her hand away.

"How about a compromise. If we don't get the bells, then we include Ikebashi. Deal?" She asked and the shorter girl sighed but nodded. Amika smiled widely, "Great!" She yelled out and Kassi's eyes widened. The bushes around them started to rustle and they both were expecting Kimo-sensei, only for it to be a frantic looking Ikebashi.

"He's coming." He whispered quickly and that's all it took for them all to dash out of the trees and into the open so there wasn't a surprise attack. A few seconds later Kimo came back and stood in front of them all with a smirk.

"What's the plan?" Ikebashi asked looking between the 2 girls. Kassi stepped back and narrowed her eyes at him.

"What do you mean?" She asked and he rolled his eyes at her.

"You're not an idiot. You know as well as I do that we can't beat him alone. I don't wanna work with you either, but if we want the bells we have to work together." He folded his arms and she glared at him before doing the same thing and facing away, making Amika sigh at both of their immaturity.

"If you guys won't come to me, then I'll come to you!" Kimo yelled before charging at them with speed that they couldn't keep up with. They barely dodged him.

"Amika!" Kassi and Ikebashi yelled when they realized she didn't dodge in time, and she was frozen in her place. Kassi stared at her wide-eyed making Kimo then charge at her and try to punch her. She quickly dodged and turned to see Ikebashi going towards Amika.

"Ikebashi! Don't worry about her, it's genjutsu. She's got it!" She yelled trying to get him to help as she started in a very disadvantaged fight of Taijutsu against her sensei, which was mainly a lot of lucky dodges.

Ikebashi stared at the other girl for a minute before ultimately ignoring her and running over to Amika. Before he could even reach her she got up and rubbed her head. "genjutsu." She mumbled before looking around the field and seeing Ikebashi over her while her little sister was fighting alone.

"What're you doing! I was fine, we have to help Kassi!" She yelled and Ikebashi gritted his teeth before following her as she ran at Kimo from behind.

Kimo dived down and avoided both blows, one coming from Kassi in the front and from Amika in the back. Both of their eyes widened as they thought they were gonna collide but Kimo grabbed both of their fists and then flipping them both over onto their backs.

They suppressed their groans and got back up, Kassi a bit quicker than Amika.

"Okay, Amika let's try this again. Go from behind, Ikebashi..... try to actually do something this time." She spat out and he glared at her.

"Not my fault I'd rather not end up on my back!" He yelled and both girls glared at him making him shut up.

Amika and Ikebashi stood behind Kimo and the shorter girl nodded at them while Kimo just narrowed his eyes in suspicion. She smirked before quickly making the hand signs, and Kimo's eyes widened.

"Wind Release; Dance of cutting winds!" Kassi yelled and gusts of wind went directly at Kimo who in return jumped up, but right behind him was Amika who jumped up and started combat with Taijutsu. She held her own much better than Kassi did, but that wasn't it. Kimo would glance down at Kassi and Ikebashi from time to time, but he had to focus on Amika. Though he was holding back, she was still doing incredibly well, he was impressed.

On the ground, Kassi quickly made more hand signs, "Nature Style; Vine hold!" She yelled and vines popped up from the ground reaching up for Kimo who quickly pulled away and flipped away from his current battle. Amika landed but then quickly charged back at Kimo who was ready to continue. They engaged back in Taijutsu and Kassi motioned for Ikebashi to get closer which he did, he stood a few feet away, and she prepared for her final attack.

"Amika!" She yelled quickly, making her older sister jump away from Kimo instantly and giving her the opportunity to rush up to him while making the hand signs, "Nature Style; Pollen block!" She yelled and blew the pollen directly in his eyes making him basically blind. He gasped in shock and jumped away from both girls, but he was unaware that Ikebashi was behind him. He quickly snatched the bells from their sensei making Kassi and Amika smirk as Kimo landed behind him.

It took him a minute but he wiped the pollen out of his face and then gave them all an impressed look. He then walked up to Ikebashi and held out his hand. The boy nodded and gave him the bells before motioning for him to stand next to the girls.

"Great, you got the bells, now who do they go to?" He asked and all of their eyes widened. Each of them stared at the ground, different thoughts spiraling in each of their heads. A minute later though Ikebashi's hands turned to fists.

"I know that I don't deserve it. I didn't do anything! I just stood there and just grabbed the bells after they did all the work. It should go to them." He sighed and released his fist only for his hand to be held by Amika.

"No! Ikebashi, you have so much skill and potential and I don't. I've seen what you can do and you worked so hard to get here, I can't let you-" He cut her off.

"And you do too! Besides you and Kassi work so well together. I could never be the cause for you two to break up. It has to be me." He shook his head and took his hand away from hers. Kimo turned to the only one who hadn't said anything.

"Kassi, what do you think?" He asked and he stared at her with such an intensity that she knew whatever she said wouldn't be taken lightly.

"I can't choose." She mumbled and he smirked before leaning closer to her making Amika's eyes narrows at him.

"What did you say?"

"I said I can't choose okay! We all did it. I want to say that we can do it without Ikebashi, because he barely did anything, and we're already such a great team with just me and Amika, but the truth is, she was right. We need to work together, all of us if we really want to be something in the future. So I can't choose, because without Ikebashi, we wouldn't have gotten those bells." She sighed and look at them both. Amika was smiling at her and Ikebashi was kinda staring at her in shock. Kimo grinned at her before ruffling her head making her quickly swat his hand away and he chuckled. She stepped back away from him and Amika came closer and took her hand this time.

"That's what I was looking for. I was worried about you for a minute Kassi, but it seems I was wrong. You're the reason that you all pass." He smiled and she looked at him confused.

"Kimo-sensei, you already said that we passed. What're you talking about?" She asked.

"Well, my cute little student, if you guys couldn't come to the realization of what this training exercise was about, you would've failed even after getting the bells."

Kassi was too annoyed to even roll her eyes while Amika just pulled her sister closer to her and eyed him. "Then what was this session about then."

"Amika, you were the first one to figure it out. Teamwork. Being able to come together and depend on each other for the point of completing your mission." Kimo nodded as he spoke and Kassi couldn't help but smile at Amika.

"How'd they do Kakashi?" Kimo asked and team 14 turned to see Naruto smiling wide with Kakashi, Sakura, and Sasuke next to him.

"You did exceptionally well." He said and they all bowed in thanks.

"Much better than your squad huh Kakashi." Kimo laughed and Kakashi sweatdropped.

"My team could take some notes I suppose, but they passed and that's what matters."

"Kassi! You were so awesome with all those jutsu! And Amika, you were fighting with him really well. And you got out of that trance you were in all by yourself. It was so cool. Kassi, do you think you could teach me those jutsu?" He asked and she looked away.

"Naruto those jutsu took years to learn, and training that sometimes made me feel close to death. I don't think I would even have the abilities to teach you and besides. The majority of jutsu I know is for my clan alone remember?"

"Your training paid off and it really shows. No wonder you were proclaimed the Himehori prodigy." Kakashi said while giving a side-eyed glance to Sasuke. Sasuke looked ticked off and stepped forward in front of her. Amika immediately looked worried seeing his glare but Kassi just blankly stared back at him for a minute.

"Do you really think of yourself as a prodigy? You don't even have a purpose for yourself. You aren't going anywhere, and that's where we're different. I'll do what I need to, while you'll just accept your place."

"I think, that was your way of challenging me?" She asked skeptically. He stared at her but didn't say a word before his head moved in a nod. She chuckled.

"Too bad, I just finished my training and I'm hungry and tired. Maybe next time Sasuke."

A/N: I'm gonna clarify this here, Kimo does NOT have a crush on Kassi. He thinks she's adorable (mainly because of how small she is, which she doesn't appreciate) and he kind of sees her like his own little sister, the same way Amika does, which leads to her being jealous.

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