×Chapter Five×

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Nya's POV
I watched as they took my brother in the Emergency room. I couldn't believe this was happening...

Jay wrapped his arms around me, he kissed my cheek.

"Kai's going to be ok." Jay whispered, I took deep breaths. I shut my eyes, burning my face on Jay's chest.

Please be OK Kai...

{One Hour Later}....

The nurse finally came to us, I immediately got up as she looked at us.

"Is he ok?" I asked, the nurse nodded. My heart calmed, my body calmed.

"Barely though, it appears there was a piece of broken vase stabbing his arm and leg. You're lucky you came, he lost a lot of blood. So he needs to eat and drink. So the doctor wants him on bed rest, he can come home tomorrow." The nurse explained, happy tears rolled down my cheeks.

"May we go see him?" I asked, she nodded. We all got up from our seat.

"But please keep your voices down, we just got him to sleep." The nurse said, we all nodded.

When we walked in the elevator, the nurse looked at me.

"It also appears you brother has a fever 150°, he also has the stomach flu... Unless you already knew that?" The nurse asked, my eyes widened. I shook my head, she looked at me in confusion.

"I didn't even know he was sick." I admitted, the nurse nodded.

"We're here." The nurse said, I stared at the door number 321.

I opened the door, when the door was fully opened we all looked inside. It was medium, with a TV against the wall.

I found Kai sleeping, his arm was wrapped around in bandages. His face was full of sweat, I grabbed Kai's hand.

"The doctor will be here soon." The nurse said, I nodded as the nurse left.

Kai groaned, he turned his head towards me. He clutched his stomach, he was opening his eyes.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" I asked, Kai frowned.

"My stomach hurts." Kai said, he tried to sit up but failed miserably.

"Gah!" Kai screamed, he gasped in pain. I squeezed his hand.

"Kai?" I asked, Kai screamed again.

"Get the nurse!" I yelled, Cole ran to get the nurse.

Kai rolled on his bed, he screamed in pain, tears were rolling down his cheeks.

"It hurts!" Kai yelled, I rubbed his chest.

"Shhh, it's ok." I whispered, the nurse came.

"What happened?" The nurse asked, I sat up.

"He was fine until he said his stomach hurt and then this started." I explained, the nurse laughed. She continued to laugh and laugh. Her eyes were a blood red, fangs appeared, she just stood there.

"You silly ninjas! Kai is no more! No more! No more! No more! No m-ahhhh!"

The nurse stopped talking, there was a hole in her chest, her heart was gone.

Blood escaped her mouth, she then fell to the ground.

Behind her was a boy, green emerald eyes, and black shaggy hair.

It was Cole, with her heart in his hand...
Oof! Cliffhanger! Man I hate those...

Published as promised AsalAllahverdi

More will be published later on today or tomorrow! Please vote and comment! Thanks! Bye!
~Nae Nae

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